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Iwo Jima file photo [337]

Battle of Iwo Jima

19 Feb 1945 - 26 Mar 1945


ww2dbaseIwo Jima is a small speck in the Pacific; it is 4.5 miles long and at its broadest point 2.5 miles wide. Iwo is the Japanese word for sulfur, and the island is indeed full of sulfur. Yellow sulfuric mist routinely rises from cracks of earth, and the island distinctly smells like rotten eggs.

ww2dbaseSince winning Saipan in the previous year, American bomber commander Curtis LeMay had been planning raids on the Japanese home islands from there, and the first of such bombings took place in Nov 1944. The bombers, however, were threatened by Iwo Jima in two ways. First, the Zero fighters based on Iwo Jima physically threatened the bombers; secondly, Iwo Jima also acted as an early warning station for Japan, giving Tokyo two hours of warning before the American bombers reached their targets. Moreover, the Japanese could (and did) launch aerial operations against Saipan from Iwo Jima. Finally, the United States could gain an additional airfield for future operations against Japan if Iwo Jima could be captured. In the Philippines, the operation on the island of Leyte was pushed up by eight weeks due to lack of significant resistance, which opened up a window for an additional operation. Thus, Operation Detachment against Iwo Jima was decided.

ww2dbaseThe defenders under the command of Tadamichi Kuribayashi were ready. The aim of the defense of Iwo Jima was to inflict severe casualties on the Allied forces and discourage invasion of the mainland. Each defender was expected to die in defense of the homeland, taking 10 enemy soldiers in the process. Within Mount Suribachi and underneath the rocks, 750 major defense installations were built to shelter guns, blockhouses, and hospitals. Some of them had steel doors to protect the artillery pieces within, and nearly all them were connected by a total of 13,000 yards of tunnels. On Mount Suribachi alone there were 1,000 cave entrances and pill boxes. Within them, 21,000 men awaited. Rear Admiral Toshinosuke Ichimaru, commander of the Special Naval Landing Forces on Iwo Jima wrote the following poem as he arrived at his underground bunker:

Let me fall like a flower petal
May enemy bombs be directed at me, and enemy shells
Mark me their target.

ww2dbaseMany years later, author James Bradley, son of one of the famous flag raisers (more on the flag raising later), visited the island. He noted that the tunnels were extremely sophisticated. Some of the walls were plastered, many of the rooms were well-ventilated, and in the hospital ward beds were meticulously carved out of the rock walls to efficiently make use of the space.

ww2dbaseThe Americans knew the Japanese were expecting them, but when the field officers saw the intelligence reports, they were astonished by how many guns were present on the island. Black dots representing coastal defense guns, fox holes, artillery emplacements, anti-tank guns, blockhouses, pillboxes, and all sorts of defenses covered the whole island. The American intelligence only detected the presence of 12,000 Japanese, and even at that grossly underestimated quantity, it was already going to be a most difficult landing. Captain Dave Severance of the United States Marine Corps commented that looking at the intelligence map "scared the hell out of [him]." To soften up the defenses, beginning on 8 Dec 1944, B-29 Superfortress and B-24 Liberator bombers began pounding the island. For 70 days, the US 7th Air Force dropped 5,800 tons of bombs on the little island in 2,700 sorties. Holland Smith, the Marines general in charge of the landing operation, knew that even the most impressive aerial bombings would not be enough, and requested 10 days of naval bombardment before his Marines struck the beaches. To his surprise and anger, the Navy rejected the request. "[D]ue to limitations on the availability of ships, difficulties of ammunition replacement, and the loss of surprise", the Navy said, made a prolonged bombardment impossible. Instead, the Navy would only provide a three-day bombardment. When the bombardment began on 16 Feb, Smith realized it was not even a full three-day bombardment. Visibility limitations due to weather led to only half-day bombardments on the first and third days. Vice Admiral Raymond Spruance told Smith that he regretted the Navy's inability to suit the Marines to the fullest, but the Marines should be able to "get away with it."

ww2dbaseAt 0200 on the morning of 19 Feb, battleship guns signaled the commencement of D-Day, followed by a bombing of 100 bombers, which was followed by another volley from the naval guns. Marine private Jim Buchanan of Portland, Oregon leaned against the railing of his ship as he watched the impressive explosions. "Do you think there will be any Japanese left for us?" He asked his buddy next to him. Little did he know, while the 70 days of aerial bombardment, 3 days of naval bombardment, and the hours of pre-invasion bombardment turned every inch of dirt upside down on this little island, the defenders were not on this island. They were in it. The massive display of fireworks merely made a small dent in the defenders' numbers.

ww2dbaseThe naval bombardment stopped at 0857, and at 0902, the first of an eventual 30,000 marines of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Marine Divisions, under V Amphibious Corps, departed in their landing craft. They arrived at the beach 3 minutes later. It was uneventful. They were sure that optimists like Jim Buchanan must be right, there were no Japanese left to fight; the only casualties that occurred were to drownings caused by a powerful undertow. Several more waves of landing crafts hit the beach and dropped off their men, tanks, and supplies continuously in the next hour, and it was about then when the thunders of the Japanese guns hit. Under Kuribayashi's specific instructions, they waited an hour for the beach to crowd up before the guns sounded so that every shot fired would inflict maximum damage on the Americans. "Smoke and earsplitting noise suddenly filled the universe," and the Marines had nowhere to hide as the volcanic sand was too soft to dig a proper foxhole. All they could do was move forward; some of those who could not move forward were crushed by tanks that were trying to get off of the beach like the men. Navy Corpsman Roy Steinfort recalled that as he arrived on the beach, he was initially happy to see that countless Marines lay prone defending the beachhead. It did not take long to realize that the men were not in prone positions; they were all dead. Frantic radio calls reported back to the operations HQ: "All units pinned down by artillery and mortars", "casualties heavy", "taking heavy fire and forward movement stopped", and "artillery fire the heaviest ever seen". By sun down, the Americans had already incurred 2,420 casualties.

ww2dbaseOn the first night, the weather was as tough an enemy as the Japanese. Four-foot waves pounded the beach while the American Marines withstood the continuing Japanese artillery shelling.

ww2dbaseThe 30,000 who survived the initial landing faced heavy fire from Mount Suribachi at the southern tip of the island, and fought over inhospitable terrain as they moved forward; the rough volcanic ash which allowed neither secure footing or the digging of a foxhole. The Marines advanced yards at a time, fighting the most violent battles they have yet experienced. "There seemed to be no clean wounds; just fragments of corpses", said William Manchester. Often the only way to tell between an American and Japanese body was to look at the bodies' legs: the Japanese leggings were made of khaki and the Americans canvas. Yard by yard, the American Marines advanced toward the base of Mount Suribachi. Gunfire was ineffective against the Japanese who were well dug-in, but flame throwers and grenades cleared the bunkers. Some of the Americans charged too fast without their knowing. Thinking that enemy strong points had been overtaken, they moved forward, only to find that the Japanese would reoccupy the same pillboxes and machine gun nests from underground exits and fire from them from behind. Reporter Robert Sherrod noted that the advance had been nothing less than "a nightmare in hell.... [The Marines] died with the greatest possible violence. Nowhere in the Pacific have I seen such badly mangled bodies. Many were cut squarely in half. Legs and arms lay fifty feet away from any body."

ww2dbaseChaplain Gage Hotaling, charged with burials, recalled "[w]e buried fifty at a time in bulldozed plots. We didn't know if they were Jewish, Catholic or whatever, so we said a general committal: 'We commit you into the earth and the mercy of Almighty God.' I buried eighteen hundred boys."

ww2dbaseAmidst the battle, Pharmacist's Mate Second Class John Bradley, James' father, a Navy Corpsman attached to the Marines, ran back and forth to do what he could to save the wounded. On the second day of the battle, he ran across a field of machine gun and artillery fire to a Marine losing blood at a dangerous rate. Putting himself between the Marine and the Japanese, Bradley administered first aid, then pulled the Marine back to safety by himself. For this, he was later awarded a Navy Cross, but he never told his family about the honor. The death he had seen was too much for him to bear.

ww2dbaseTo the Marines' relief, tanks finally arrived on the second day of the invasion. Shielded by the thick armor, the American troops could finally advance under cover as they moved to the base of the mountain.

ww2dbaseDay three of the invasion was as tough at Mount Suribachi as the previous day, but for some of the Marines, the day began worse than they could have imagined. Navy carrier-based attack aircraft were launched to strike at Japanese positions, but the bombs fell near American positions. Captain Severance attempted to use a frequency reserved for the top brass to warn the Navy of the friendly fire, and to his surprise he was told to get off the frequency. Fortunately, a field colonel overheard the distress call and ordered the bombing to cease before any Americans were hurt by their own bombs.

ww2dbaseFinally, on 23 Feb, the summit was within reach, but the Americans did not know it yet. A 41-man patrol was sent up, Colonel Chandler Johnson gave the lieutenant leading the patrol a flag. "If you get to the top," he said, "put it up." "If" was the word he used. Step by step, the patrol slowly and carefully climbed the mountain, each of them later recalled that they were convinced it was going to be their last, but they made it. Little did they know, they were watched by every pair of eyes on the southern half of the island, and a few of the ships, too. When they reached the top, Lieutenant Schrier, Platoon Sergeant Ernest Thomas, Sergeant Hansen, Corporal Lindberg, and Louis Charlo put up the flag. Much to their surprises, the island roared in cheers. Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal, observing from a naval vessel, excitedly claimed that the "raising of that flag on Suribachi means a Marine Corps for the next five hundred years." Equally ecstatic, General Holland Smith agreed with Forrestal that the flag was to be the Navy secretary's souvenir. Colonel Chandler Johnson could not believe Forrestal's unreasonable demand from the hard-fighting Marines who rightfully deserved that flag instead, and decided to secure that flag as quickly as possible. He ordered another patrol to go up to the mountain to retrieve that flag before Forrestal could get his hands on it. "And make it a bigger one", Johnson said.

ww2dbaseAnd so, the second flag went up, and as it turned out, the flag was recovered from a sinking ship at Pearl Harbor. The men tasked to bring the flag to the top of Suribachi did not think much of the mission; it was, after all, just a replacement flag. But they did not know that some distance after them was photographer Joe Rosenthal, who was at the place at the right time to take the famous "Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima" photograph. The photograph was the driving force for a record-breaking bond drive in the United States some time later, and it would also bring Rosenthal a Pulitzer Prize.

ww2dbaseFirst Lieutenant Barber Conable of the United States Marines, who would later become the president of the World Bank, woke up in disbelief when he saw the second flag flying above Mount Suribachi. He recalled:

"It was my first time in battle and we were all terrified. Someone jumped into my foxhole and swore: 'it wasn't like this on Bougainville.' The officer I admire the most, the man in the next foxhole, a sergeant I knew -- they were all killed. My hearing is impaired to this day.... A major came over looking for a site for a cemetery and was shot by a sniper.... I was lucky.... When she heard about (the flag raising), Tokyo Rose said the flag on the mountain would be thrown into the sea. I hadn't had any sleep for more than sixty hours, so I didn't see them raise it, and it was wonderful to wake up to. I must say I got a little weepy when I saw it."

ww2dbaseWith the landing area secure, more Marines and heavy equipment came ashore and the invasion proceeded north to capture the airfields and the remainder of the island. With their customary bravery, most Japanese soldiers fought to the death. Of the 21,000 defenders, only 1,000 were taken prisoner.

ww2dbaseThe Allied forces suffered 25,000 casualties, with nearly 7,000 dead. Over 1/4 of the Medals of Honor awarded to marines in World War II were given for conduct in the invasion of Iwo Jima.

ww2dbaseThe island of Iwo Jima was declared conquered by Chester Nimitz on 14 Mar 1945, noting that "all powers of government of the Japanese Empire in these islands are hereby suspended." However, he made the declaration too early, for that fighting had by no means ceased on the island. "Who does the admiral think he's kidding?" yelled Marine Private Bob Campbell. "We're still getting killed!" On 16 Mar, General Schmidt declared the island secure; fighting still did not end by then, but Kuribayashi knew it was approaching the end. On the same day as Schmidt's declaration, Kuribayashi radioed Tokyo that "[t]he battle is approaching its end. Since the enemy's landing, even the gods would weep at the bravery of the officers and omen under my command." On 21 Mar, Kuribayashi reported that "[w]e have not eaten or drunk for five days, but our fighting spirit remains high." A day later, as his last soldiers were falling around him, he radioed what would become his last words on official record: "The strength under my command is now about four hundred. Tanks are attacking us. The enemy suggested we surrender through a loudspeaker, but our officers and men just laughed and paid no attention." Kuribayashi was likely to be killed on that same day, but his body was never found. The United States officially declared the island secure on 26 Mar, twelve days after Nimitz's initial declaration.

ww2dbaseDan van der Vat commented about the operation:

"If the capture of Iwo Jima was necessary, some Americans surely had to suffer and die. But casualties need not have amounted to 30 percent among the landing forces, to no less than 75 percent in the infantry units of the Fourth and Fifth Marine divisions, to 4,900 killed on the island, and 1,900 missing or deceased later from wounds, and to 19,200 wounded American survivors."

ww2dbaseIn sum, Iwo Jima saw the only major battle in the entire Pacific Campaign where American casualties surpassed the Japanese dead. All the lives lost, on both sides of the battle, for ten square miles; for that very reason, Admiral Richmond Turner was criticized by American press for wasting the lives of his men. However, by war's end, Iwo Jima sure appeared to have saved many Americans, too. 2,400 B-29 landings took place at Iwo Jima, many were under emergency conditions that might otherwise meant a crash at sea.

ww2dbaseThe Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington, Virginia, immediately outside Washington and adjacent to the Arlington National Cemetery, memorializes all US Marines with a statue of the famous picture.

ww2dbaseSources: Flags of Our Fathers, Goodbye Darkness, the Pacific Campaign.

Last Major Update: Sep 2006

Battle of Iwo Jima Interactive Map


General Kuribayashi, commander of the Japanese forces at Iwo Jima, circa 1937-1944Kuribayashi directing defenders at Iwo Jima, circa May 1944-Jan 1945
See all 346 photographs of Battle of Iwo Jima


Map of the Philippine Sea from Japan to the CarolinesMap showing military installations and troops dispositions on Iwo Jima, Japan, 14 Sep 1944
See all 9 maps of Battle of Iwo Jima

Battle of Iwo Jima Timeline

14 Jul 1944 Iwo Jima, Chichi Jima, and Haha Jima were the targets of land-based aircraft for the first time as US Navy Bombing Squadron 109 PB4Y Liberator bombers based at Isley Field, Saipan, Mariana Islands dropped bombed on their airfields. In the United States, USAAF chief General Hap Arnold warned the Joint Planning Staff about the new Japanese Ki-84 fighters. As a precaution, he recommended seizing Iwo Jima to provide emergency airfields for bombers that might be damaged by new Japanese fighters such as the Ki-84.
1 Jan 1945 19 American B-24 bombers based in Saipan, Mariana Islands struck Japanese positions at Iwo Jima.
5 Jan 1945 American cruisers, destroyers, and carrier aircraft attacked the Bonin Islands. At Iwo Jima, a Japanese landing ship was sunk by destroyer fire. At Chichi Jima, destroyer USS Fanning sank a Japanese freighter by gunfire and a torpedo, while destroyer USS David W. Taylor was damaged by a mine.
29 Jan 1945 19 American B-24 bombers based in Guam, Mariana Islands attacked Iwo Jima, Japan.
16 Feb 1945 Aircraft from USS Sargent Bay made their first attack of Japanese positions on Iwo Jima on Day D -3.
16 Feb 1945 USS Anzio, USS Tabberer, and the rest of their task group arrived southwest of Iwo Jima where the carriers launched pre-invasion strikes against the island.
16 Feb 1945 USS Yorktown (Essex-class) and TF58 strike the Tokyo area of Honshu, Japan in the first carrier-borne air strikes against the Japanese home islands since the Doolittle Raid on 18 Apr 1942.
17 Feb 1945 Aircraft from escort carrier USS Steamer Bay provided smoke over the beaches of Iwo Jima to conceal Underwater Demolition Teams scouting the beaches.
17 Feb 1945 USS Yorktown (Essex-class) and TF58 strike the Tokyo area of Honshu, Japan before heading toward the Bonin Islands.
18 Feb 1945 USS Yorktown (Essex-class) bombed and strafed installations on Chichi Jima, Bonin Islands
19 Feb 1945 At 0905 hours, the first of 30,000 US Marines landed on Iwo Jima, Japan after heavy naval bombardment.
20 Feb 1945 USS Yorktown (Essex-class) launched 3 days of support missions over Iwo Jima, Bonin Islands.
21 Feb 1945 The Japanese Army and Navy launched a combined tokko attack, dispatching 4 and 21 suicide aircraft, respectively. The fleet carrier USS Saratoga and escort carrier USS Lunga Point were hit and damaged, while escort carrier USS Bismarck Sea was sunk.
21 Feb 1945 Air Group 80 from USS Hancock flew one strike in support of operations on Iwo Jima; 1 aircraft was lost.
23 Feb 1945 US Marines and a Navy corpsman raised an American flag atop Mount Suribachi at Iwo Jima, Japan.
25 Feb 1945 USS Yorktown (Essex-class) launched raids to bomb and strafe airfields in the vicinity of Tokyo, Japan.
6 Mar 1945 28 American P-51 Mustang and 12 P-61 Black Widow aircraft landed on Iwo Jima, Japan.
11 Mar 1945 American fighters began flying escort operations from Iwo Jima, Japan.
14 Mar 1945 The island of Iwo Jima was declared conquered by Chester Nimitz, noting that "all powers of government of the Japanese Empire in these islands are hereby suspended", but fighting would continue.
16 Mar 1945 Americans declared Iwo Jima, Japan secure, but fighting continued.
18 Mar 1945 USS Yorktown (Essex-class), USS Enterprise, USS Intrepid, USS Langley (Independence-class), USS Flint, USS San Diego, and USS St. Louis arrived in the operating area off Japan and began launching strikes on airfields on Kyushu, Honshu, and Shikoku. The task group came under air attack almost as soon as operations began. Yorktown and Enterprise were struck by single bombs that resulted in minimal casualties and minimal damage.
19 Mar 1945 USS Yorktown (Essex-class), USS Enterprise, USS Intrepid, USS Langley (Independence-class), USS Flint, USS San Diego, and USS St. Louis continued air operations against the three southernmost islands of Japan.
25 Mar 1945 Tadamichi Kuribayashi passed away on Iwo Jima, Japan. He reportedly committed ritual suicide, but his body was never found.
26 Mar 1945 The Japanese mounted the final suicide charge with 200-300 men at Iwo Jima, Japan.
29 Mar 1945 USS Yorktown (Essex-class) launched two raids and one photographic reconnaissance mission over Kyushu, Japan. A single Yokosuka D4Y ?Judy? dive bomber made a diving attack on Yorktown but missed the carrier by about 60 feet.
5 Apr 1945 Americans established an advanced air base on Iwo Jima, Japan.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Anonymous says:
29 May 2005 09:17:11 PM

any maps, diagrams of underground fortifications on Iwo & Okinawa anyplace?
Must have for any online reference source.
2. Anonymous says:
20 Jun 2005 08:19:50 AM

My appreciation for the information recorded
3. Ashley says:
17 Mar 2006 06:02:11 AM

im doing an article on this war and i need some MAJOR help with all of this!! PLAEASE HELP!
4. Tim Tanton says:
24 Oct 2006 06:07:07 PM

My uncle, Pfc Andrew Troy Tanton died while serving with C Co 1st Bn 25th Marines on Iwo. Iwould like to know if anyone has any pictures or imformation about this unit. Semper-Fi
5. Anonymous says:
7 Jan 2007 10:13:51 PM

Not a single mention of the 27th Division. Just like most accounts.
6. Anonymous says:
29 Jan 2007 01:14:02 PM

The information provided here is much appreciated
7. T Greene says:
15 Feb 2007 07:21:34 PM

I am curious to know if there are any details about the Japanese survivors and their accounts of the battle.
8. Anonymous says:
12 Mar 2007 11:41:18 AM

verry realistick.With the war
almost over in europe,japan lost the war no mether wat.M
Maby thy should have just starf japan with total insolation.But than there was
9. Student says:
10 Apr 2007 05:44:22 AM

Wonderful information, thanks!
10. John Arkspider says:
12 Apr 2007 09:49:22 PM

I hope this immense sacrifice never be forgoten for those looking this images !!!!!!!
11. Anonymous says:
19 Apr 2007 04:32:19 PM

Without a doubt, the greatest web site about Iwo Jima, and all the information that one could ask.
12. Michael Chovanes says:
2 May 2007 04:39:48 AM

For a recently published book on the letters of Gen. Kuribayashi from Iwo Jima giving a good perspective on the Japanese side try So Sad to Fall in Battle by Kumiko Kakehashi. There is a lot from the other side out there but not much translated to english yet.
13. Anonymous says:
2 May 2007 09:26:51 AM

This site is really really cool
14. Anonymous says:
10 May 2007 07:29:18 PM

this website is the primary souce I used for a paper on Iwo Jima, your information is so accurate! WOW!
15. Atonishing says:
14 May 2007 11:44:47 AM

i love this page. it makes me cry all the time. i dont know how all of the people that lost thei friends and family can deal with you doing this stuff. putting up a store, video, and even a video game. you guys are so pathinic
16. Anonymous says:
24 May 2007 11:48:12 AM

This is the greatest article I have ever read in my life.
17. Anonymous says:
24 May 2007 11:00:25 PM

This page is the most useful one I could find about Iwo Jima anywhere. I just wish there was a bit more info on the side of the Japanese.
18. R-wegs says:
31 May 2007 07:42:26 PM

I have to write a 3-4 page paper on Iwo Jima by tomorrow! Ahh!!!!
19. Anonymous says:
7 Jun 2007 12:16:26 PM

This website was very useful when writing my paper. The info was really accurate
20. Anonymous says:
15 Jun 2007 12:48:09 PM

thejapans had what was coming to them
21. stanlelydenmark,PhM3c says:
7 Jul 2007 01:28:40 PM

I was stationed at Norfolk Naval Hospital near the end of l945. Bernard Welch, Huntington Va., became a friend. He too was a Pharamacist Mate, and when asked how it was on Iwo Jima, he suddenly stopped talking, shook his head and could not answer me. I wont talk aboutit, he replied
22. Anonymous says:
8 Jul 2007 06:53:04 AM

Even though it has been sixty years, God Bless and thank you to the Marines who sacrificed so musch there.
23. Anonymous says:
11 Jul 2007 07:41:24 PM

Just returned from a two week tour of Japan. The people were so kind, thoughtful, and helpful that is is hard to believe that our two peoples fought so hard to kill each other. Lets hope it never happens again.
24. charles gilsenan says:
8 Aug 2007 11:12:49 AM

if the *** hadnt shot my *** off at Saipan then I would have been at Iwo Jima and probably never got to make The Dirty dozen. It doesnt get more serious than that!
25. dt says:
28 Aug 2007 07:38:43 PM

this is great info for my report thanks
26. FUTURE_US_Navy_SEAL says:
26 Sep 2007 11:22:38 AM

god bless all those who fought for our freedom in WWII, but remember the marines did a lot of work, and god bless eahc one, but dont forget about the Seabees!!
27. Jesus Espinoza says:
18 Oct 2007 10:34:59 AM

Thanks this will be good for my report and god bless for the ones that fought for us...
28. MRashid says:
25 Oct 2007 06:33:13 PM

Surprisingly, Iwo Jima was one of the greatest battles of all time. I was surprised to know that my grandfather was one of the men that was drafted in Iwo Jima, but he lived through the harsh fighting ang the insane artillery. *Note that Iwo Jima is not the only battle that hada surprising death toll*
29. Homeslice_Bro says:
1 Nov 2007 08:43:26 PM

Thanks for all the great info. I had to do a US history report for social. I am glad that this was available for me to read all the details. I hope I get a good mark. Oh and, Iwo Jima is a great World War II story, btw.
30. daniel d says:
2 Nov 2007 07:30:56 AM

iwo jema was never the same
31. Anonymous says:
8 Nov 2007 05:59:10 PM

This sight was great help for my project... thx
32. Joleen H says:
14 Nov 2007 12:13:01 PM

Great information, it will definately help me get an A on my speach!!
33. Anonymous says:
22 Nov 2007 06:30:28 PM

A great job. it was very well written, but i really wanted to know both side of the story. Not just the Americans, the Japanese side as well.
34. SON OF E.H. JOHNSON says:
25 Nov 2007 05:29:37 PM

Many years after my birth, I learned that the photo of the famous flag raising over Mt.Suribachi on Iwo Jima took place on the fifth day of the battle, my date of birth,
February 23, 1945. My father, E.H.Johnson was a Medic in a MASH unit in France at the time, and was unaware that his first born arrived on such a memoriable, historical day.
35. thefewtheproudthemarines says:
28 Nov 2007 01:51:40 PM

36. thefewtheproudthemarines says:
28 Nov 2007 01:56:28 PM


37. Anonymous says:
2 Dec 2007 10:12:58 AM

From what I have researched, I thought that D-Day was in Normandy.
38. Anonymous says:
3 Dec 2007 03:38:19 PM

thanks for the info
39. son of Marine says:
7 Dec 2007 10:13:01 AM

My dad fought in Iwo jima, Third Marine division under Holland Smith, never talked about iwo jima, truly understand that now.. He is still alive and well.. Bernard L. Schmidt is his name,, thanks dad for my freedom
40. Anonymous says:
12 Dec 2007 07:23:55 PM

Loads of help! Thanks a bunch!
41. Anonymous says:
21 Dec 2007 08:57:16 AM

good info it is accurate with all of my other souces
42. Dave Sadler says:
27 Dec 2007 08:55:42 PM

My Dad served in K 3/23 4MarDiv. He was a BAR man. Tough going across the airfields and at the Amphitheater and Hill 382. Captain LaVerne Wagner was his CO.
43. Richard says:
3 Jan 2008 12:10:30 PM

Looking for any one who may have served with may grand father Richard William Harper in the Marines.
44. Commenter identity confirmed Alan Chanter says:
14 Jan 2008 07:10:40 AM

The Fifth Amphibious Corps (VAC) was normally composed of the 2nd, 4th and 5th Marine Divisions, but the 2nd Division had only recently came out of the line (in December) after conducting mopping-up operations on Saipan and Tinian. Therefore the 3rd Marine Division was attached to the Corps for the Iwo Jima invasion. Eight Battalions from the 4th and 5th Divisions provided the spearhead for the landings with the 3rd Division acting as the floating reserve.
45. Commenter identity confirmed Alan Chanter says:
14 Jan 2008 07:14:58 AM

The famed flag actually came from LST-779 (Landing Ship Tank 779). Its improvised staff was created from a Japanese pipe.
46. Commenter identity confirmed Alan Chanter says:
14 Jan 2008 07:22:40 AM

The massive US Invasion fleet amounted to some 450 ships including seven Battleships and seven Cruisers (and later ten Destroyers). By 7.45 am on the first day of the battle more than 482 LVT (Amtraks) were in the water.
47. Anonymous says:
17 Jan 2008 08:07:33 AM

oui this is good
48. Anonymous says:
30 Jan 2008 08:21:43 AM

this info really helped me get a good grade on a test... thanks
49. obama osama says:
11 Feb 2008 08:54:51 PM

thanks dude my grandpa was in korean war but that sounde alot more intence
50. pvt.yoyo says:
17 Feb 2008 05:12:59 PM

those marines did a good job
51. Anonymous says:
18 Feb 2008 06:38:17 AM

Since Ken Burn's film, "The War", came out, I've been delving deeper into various battles related to the WWII conflict, for my father was a PT boater during this war. Iwo Jima leaves me shaking my head in disbelief. So does the battle for Stalingrad on the Eastern front where over 2 MILLION lives were lost. The stench of the dead could be noted 18-months after the battle. Where do you bury 2 million people?
52. Anonymous says:
21 Feb 2008 03:51:04 PM

I was stationed on Iwo in 1973-74 while in the U.S. Coast Guard. On our off time my buddies and I would explore the island. The jungle had all grown back so it was difficult to see things we still managed to find caves and fortifications everywhere. We found a hospital cave with glass bottles still full of pills a weapons cave stacked with wooden crates of hand grenades and mortar shells and one tiny cave with the skeletal remains of Japanese soldiers that we turned over to the Japanese Navy unit we shared the island with. We found unexploded ordinance on the beaches and in the jungle. There were wrecks of planes and tanks mostly covered by beach sand and vines. We sat in the artillery cave halfway up the northern flank of Mt. Suribachi with the rusting barrel of the 16 inch gun that covered the entire island but only fired 3 rounds before it was hit by U.S. fire. We made friends with the Japanese navy personnel there we watched from a distance on the beach one day when a ship came from Japan bringing relatives of the Japanese soldiers killed on Iwo. They left flowers everywhere and photographs of their loved ones. I was only 20 years old when all this happened to me. I spent some time in Japan on leave from Iwo and experienced both friendliness and hatred from the Japanese because of being an American. But back to Iwo. Even though it was almost 30 years after the battle that I was stationed on Iwo, it was impossible to escape the reality of how many lives had been so horribly lost there. You could feel the spirits of the dead everywhere especially at night. It's important to remember that it is not the people of a country that declare war on each other it is instead their governments. It is always the common man, woman and child who pays the price for their leaders greed and arrogance. One can only hope that the sacrifices on places like Iwo will eventually serve to stop the insanity of humans killing humans for the sake of ideology.
53. alnov says:
24 Feb 2008 07:51:12 PM

Last night when I saw "the flag of our feathers" movie, I felt very bad and sad,.. I try to imagined,.. what was the real situation and condition in that moment,.. It was so horrible,... because a lot of soldiers in both sides (the *** n' The American soldiers) were death, injured, missing, captured.. etc,...

To me they all a Hero,.. not just the soldiers who raise the first or second flag at Suribachi Mt,..

I really proud for everyone of them, who've got involved in,..

And I hope that we all could remember about the happening in that war,..

54. Anonymous says:
13 Mar 2008 01:41:18 PM

This site helped me alot with National History Day!!!!!!!!!!
55. Anonymous says:
14 Mar 2008 04:24:17 PM

Thanks So Much, For All The Informaation This Is Really Going To Help Me For My Project Thank You :).
56. Anonymous says:
22 Mar 2008 06:18:38 PM

hae, thanks for the info. just wonderin what kind of resources were available for the battle
57. Anonymous says:
24 Mar 2008 07:50:18 AM

I'm a baby boomer this is really touching, my dad was in iwo jima
58. jack mehoff says:
24 Mar 2008 02:42:07 PM

this battle was very touching
59. Anonymous says:
25 Mar 2008 12:20:38 PM

My grampa was on one of those ships and told me about it and thanks so much for all the information this is really going to help me for my project thank you :).
60. Anonymous says:
25 Mar 2008 12:23:31 PM

Thanks so much for all the information this is really going to help me for my project thank you!!!
61. Anonymous says:
31 Mar 2008 05:43:50 AM

this is non secnce i think we shoulda nuked them bitches and toook ovwer japan bc USA is goa
62. Harry Smith says:
2 Apr 2008 08:15:24 PM

I need a schematic of the tunnel and cave system designed by Lt.Gen Kuribayashi on Iwo Jima
63. Anonymous says:
3 Apr 2008 07:19:39 AM

where can i find a map of the caves and tunnals uner and aroound iwo jima
64. john says:
5 Apr 2008 07:22:30 AM

i need help finding why the battle of iwo jima was so important to history
65. Anonymous 2 says:
7 Apr 2008 05:46:41 PM

66. Anntionette Hixson says:
9 Apr 2008 08:51:26 AM

My grandfather Anderson, Edward. Fought in this war!

and i am so ahppy he is still alive
67. Anonymous says:
9 Apr 2008 12:45:04 PM

i saw a map once, but it was of Ohio
68. Anders says:
13 Apr 2008 05:06:24 AM

Im swedish hoho. And I'm writing an essay on this battle. a short one, I'm only sixteen. It's horrible. Thx for the facts.
69. Anonymous says:
16 Apr 2008 06:56:16 AM

i hate this article it made me fail everything
70. Observer of Rome-on-the-Potomac says:
19 Apr 2008 04:28:12 PM

For John, who stated: "i need help finding why the battle of iwo jima was so important to history", a good place to look is in the book, and reviews of the book: "The Ghosts of Iwo Jima" by Robert S Burrell.


71. student says:
20 Apr 2008 09:12:17 AM

thanks for the info, it helped me with my project
72. ypsiwitch says:
24 Apr 2008 09:51:00 PM

American or Japanese, the violence and death were astounding. i began doing research an Iwo ima in general, but there is just so many pperspectives, crossed signals, and amazing information that my 6 pg paper turned out tobe over tenty pages. i couldn't stop witing. Every bit of information seems so relevent in how the battle turned out. I would like to have had more information from the Japanese perspective. Perhaps when Gen. Kuribayshi's letters are translated and published more light can be shed on the defense position. Its a great site. thank you for your efforts in enlightening us all on the specifics of I.J.
73. Anonymous says:
7 May 2008 03:13:43 PM

wow that is soooooooo awesome my great grandfather was in this war and battle of the bulge and some other wars
74. kelli says:
9 May 2008 01:47:37 PM

Hi,I am a Big fan!
75. kelli says:
9 May 2008 01:50:45 PM

This website Rocks!
I am going to come on this website every
76. kelli says:
9 May 2008 01:56:18 PM

Thanks for Winning the Battle!
77. Anonymous says:
12 May 2008 01:31:32 AM

This websited is cool, i passed my assignment because of u..... thanks man.

p.s i learned alot especially about iwo jima,poor sickers lost the war.
78. Anonymous says:
12 May 2008 01:45:44 AM

my great great grandfather faught in iwo jima,he was in the 5th division, they were trying to get across the beach when they came under fire my uncle who was in the 2nd division was with him, he wrote in his diary how they were trying to reach across to secure the beach but they had to get pass one of the underground bunkers, the bloody *** were just shooting at anyone.
My uncle ran across with a grenade, just a few feet he was shot down but just as he was shot in the stomach, he got back up threw the grenade than fell, my grandfather ran up after the gun was taken out he fell beside my uncle and all he said was my job is done here brother and he passed away.
Soon after that my grandfather said they secured the north but they were to also secure mt suribachi he was gunned down after trying to blow up one of the *** bunker.

By the way my grandfather fought at the marshall islands, okinawa and iwo jima.

He was Colonel Thomas eden Roberts
and my uncle was Private James peter Roberts.

79. Anonymous says:
12 May 2008 01:52:07 AM

all i have to qote is " ask not wat the men who fought for this country can do for u, but wat u can do to continue the legacy og these men, for they have died, a great loss to our society, lest we forget.
80. jesse fleming says:
13 May 2008 08:17:28 AM

man this website helps out with school alot thx
81. Anonymous says:
20 May 2008 01:17:40 PM

This is sad and my grandfather was in World War 2 but he wasn't in Iwo Jima. He worked as an engineer and he told me stories but he passed away in 2006. Now I am doing a report on Iwo Jima and this.
82. Becky Stewart says:
2 Jun 2008 03:54:01 PM

Great information, it will help me get a great grade on my seven page report i got due for modern world history. Thank you very much!
83. WYATT says:
3 Jun 2008 08:35:50 PM

i need to find out what a conflict and compromise was in the battle of iwo jima. any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
84. Robert Humphrey says:
9 Jun 2008 10:12:30 AM

this article has been such a great help for my 15 page research paper. my great uncle was on one of the battleships that helped bombard the island but he passed away so this has been a great help.
85. Anonymous says:
12 Jun 2008 10:44:34 AM

amazing site
86. Anonymous says:
25 Aug 2008 08:31:52 PM

Great article, thank you. For those mentioning "suck" are complete idiots, get off the internet will you please!
87. susi says:
2 Sep 2008 05:46:18 PM

this article is very accurate, although i wished it would have talked more about the RAISIN OF THE FLAG...and how it impacted the people back home...just like the movie FLAGS OF OUR FATHERS does... but i enjoyed reading this
88. Anonymous says:
23 Sep 2008 07:24:45 PM

Go U.S.A military keep on keepin on baby!
89. Anonymous says:
13 Oct 2008 11:34:13 AM

hope everything is okay out there.
90. Anonymous says:
13 Oct 2008 11:37:16 AM

my dad served there in iwo jima and he brough sand home too.
91. Anonymous says:
27 Oct 2008 03:24:19 PM

this is informative
92. Anonymous says:
30 Nov 2008 05:18:28 PM

This really helped my research project. It was very informative.
93. Anonymous says:
1 Dec 2008 08:20:01 AM

this is amazing
94. Anonymous says:
1 Dec 2008 11:40:18 AM

freakin awesome website
95. Anonymous says:
4 Dec 2008 06:48:07 AM

yo dwags this article really helped me for my research paper!
96. Curtis Zenzano says:
9 Dec 2008 02:01:47 PM

In the movie's "Flags of our fathers" and "Letter from Iwo Jima" the Japanese defenders are shown commiting suicide with hand grenades when they realize that they couldn't hold mount Suribachi, could some one tell me if that is true.
97. Anonymous says:
15 Dec 2008 10:49:05 AM

that guy looks mean. you need to put more american pictures on this site
98. Reza says:
29 Dec 2008 07:29:26 PM

I don't it's unfair to critisize the decision to invade Iwojima (especially after the unusually staggering casualties of the US Marines). Whatever the initial objectives were to invade Iwojima, the capture of the island proved beneficial for the B-29 crews who came back from the Japan bombing mission damaged and didn't have to make emergency landing at sea because Iwojima was available. Let's look at it this way, the B-29 crews had probably conducted the by far toughest flying missions of all during WW2. Can you imagine that the B29 crews had to fly 4800 km return flight, which means 2400 km each way? And you don't give em a slightly improved chance of survival by giving them an advanced base like Iwojima in case their planes were damaged over Japan? I don't think it was fair for the B29 crews and it was I think inhuman. The decision to invade Iwojima was a correct one I think, it's just that I hope maybe the generals could have found out a better and creative way to deal with the brilliant resistance there, but really I have to give my greatest admiration and gratitude for the common marines soldiers and officers who fought on and around Iwojima ever so bravely so that they have ensured that the name US Marines will shine for the next billion years!!
99. amanda says:
15 Jan 2009 07:06:01 AM

it's very useful
100. Schwieger Hannover says:
16 Jan 2009 02:23:01 PM

If the Wehrmacht had been holding the island in place of the IJA, then teh fate of the island would have been different.
101. Anonymous says:
18 Jan 2009 03:39:41 PM

Marine vets, families of the Third Marine Division WW II. I am looking to see if anyone has any photos that might include Second Scout Stephen G. Stier. He was with the 3rd Marines at Iwo Jima, Bougainville, and (I think) Guadelcannel. If you see his name in caption possibly amoung your family photos of your loved ones that sent back such pictures, and you feel led to contact me please feel free to do so.

Sincerly, CD Fyle fy7l@aol.com
102. Joe Denney says:
21 Jan 2009 01:30:16 AM

My great uncle David Gaultney, Jr. died on Iwo Jima, he was a Pfc in the 9th Marines. That is all I know of his service, if anyone has any more information about him I would be thankful to hear more. He lost two brothers in the war as well, Ralph Martin Gaultney Em3C, USN died on the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor, and Leonard Wm. Gaultney MM 1C died on the cruiser USS Vincennes when it was sunk in the battle of Savo Island. They were survived by a sister and younger brother. Thank you to anyone taking the time to read this and once again, any information would be greatly appreciated.
103. Anonymous says:
22 Jan 2009 10:06:54 AM

who fought with america??? was it just the US and JApan?
104. kevin gladstone says:
27 Jan 2009 07:05:08 AM

The photo of the raising of the American Flag on Iwo Jima is one of the strongest images to come out of WWII. It shows the world that the US Marine is the best soldier in the world
105. Anonymous says:
28 Jan 2009 10:55:48 AM

If you read about the naval battles in the Pacific, you will find that there were Dutch, British, Canadian & Australian warships all fighting together against the Japanese. Most of the fighting on land in the pacific theatre was done by the American Marines although there were other allied forces as well. Most of the British soldiers were fighting in Europe with the American soldiers.
106. Anonymous says:
1 Feb 2009 04:28:24 PM

This article can really help someone with a project. I know because I had a project due and I looked on this website and it helped. I wish they had information on every subject.
107. Anonymous says:
1 Feb 2009 04:40:56 PM

Yo wuts up i liked this article and it has accurate info on it and i like it a lot and i am not very good at grammar but im gunna have to learn. oh well that was boring .... wut i wrote i mean definately not the article cus it was so totally awsome. i got a paper due and i needed to research and seriously dude this website helps.
108. Anonymous says:
2 Feb 2009 02:06:15 PM

im doing a report on iwo and need major help
109. Anonymous says:
2 Feb 2009 02:35:48 PM

This is a great source although I would like to know who and what awards were given out to the soldiers of Iwo Jima.
110. kevin gladstone says:
3 Feb 2009 01:21:46 AM

for a list of 27 Medal of Honours awarded at Iwo Jima go to the following:
111. Anonymous says:
7 Feb 2009 11:01:04 AM

OK, that's nice and all but i need sum more info.
112. jack Keyes says:
8 Feb 2009 02:44:55 PM

I served in the Marine Corps from 10/19/43 until 7/24/46, never served outside the U.S. My platoon number in San Diego was 910
I saw two of the men in that Platoon on public TV when the film of WWII was shown. I do not remember these names, except for Carriveau, who was listed as KIA in "The Leatherneck Magazine". Another was a man from north Alabama by the name of Whitehead. The two men I saw on TV were coming off a landing craft, and may have been a training film. I'm 83 and very interested in contacting anyone of those men in 910. I saw a guard at Pendleton, whose name was Clark, and he told me a large number of the men in 910 were killed in action. I have a partial list of the surnames of the men in 910. If anyone knows any of these men, could you let me know? Thank You Very Much Jack Keyes 97k
113. Phil Corcoran says:
18 Feb 2009 07:52:48 AM

Great article, very helpful as my primary source for paper I was writing. Great work!
114. Christopher says:
23 Feb 2009 07:16:48 AM

I jest wanted to know if you had eney information on the first engenear divisons and information on my grand fother Robert Hawks this will help for my class project
Thanks Chris
115. Anonymous says:
24 Feb 2009 08:12:50 AM

Thank you for the information. I have to write a five page research report for school complete with a bibliography and footnotes. Thank you for the helpful info.
116. Debo Hobo says:
26 Feb 2009 10:18:57 AM

This is great site....

I have always wanted to know and see the thoughts of "the other side".

Great job!!!!
117. bob says:
3 Mar 2009 12:43:42 PM

this artical rocks the socks
118. Anonymous says:
3 Mar 2009 02:02:12 PM

great info...ill definitly pass the test now...great work :)
119. HerbK says:
14 Mar 2009 06:57:59 PM

The information in this article gives the reader an accurate description of the epic WW-2 invasion of Iwo Jima. There are too many stories of events of the battle for anyone to mention. Use your imagination, then
multiply by five. Believe it. I was one of the lucky ones who lived through it. SEMPER FI.
120. Anonymous says:
23 Mar 2009 10:32:30 AM

Im doing a reasearch paper on The Battle of Iwo Jima. My teacher says that I need reasearch from an internet site. I also need to know the date your website was published. Please let me know I would apreshiate it. Thank You
121. Anonymous says:
24 Mar 2009 02:19:16 PM

I have done a project on the battle of Iwo Jima. I used this website as one of my sources it was quite useful! my only complaint would be that after the flag raising the battle seems to fastforard to the final days in this article. the flag raising was on the fifth day I believe and alot happened after this. Good article overall however thank you :)
122. Anonymous says:
26 Mar 2009 02:10:06 PM

i am doing this battle as a special topic in an exam and i would like to know if you have any other names of websites or sources on this battle,either bias to the US or japan, it would be greatly useful.thank you
123. Anonymous says:
29 Mar 2009 04:20:33 PM

God Bless the veterans and family.
124. kevin says:
17 Apr 2009 01:49:35 PM

thanx for the info it eraly helps on the report that i am doing
125. Anonymous says:
24 Apr 2009 07:43:02 PM

this was very good i listen 2 ma grandpa telling me stories and i got more intresrting now i now the whole story thank u and im wonderin if theres still vets like ma grandpa around
126. Anonymous says:
5 May 2009 03:28:26 PM

You say here that the photographer of the picture of the raising of the flag was at the right place at the right time, and the soldiers didn't know that. The picture was posed after the battle
127. future marine says:
8 May 2009 05:34:57 AM

i am proud to be a american because of these men,and all of the men and women fighting for our country,Semper fi till i die, can't wait to join up for marine bootcamp
128. Anonymous says:
8 May 2009 05:39:56 AM

im am proud of of all who fought in all branches so to all fought thanks you
129. Anonymous says:
13 May 2009 10:04:55 AM

this is a great site and is very informative
130. Anonymous says:
6 Jun 2009 11:25:01 AM

Why is there never any mention of the US Army on Iwo Jima? I lost my 19y/o uncle I loved so much on that little speck in the ocean. While I would never, never denigrate the valour of any US troops, the Marines weren't the only branch involved in the battle of Iwo Jima. It almost feels like my uncle didn't matter because he wasn't a marine.
131. Anonymous says:
3 Jul 2009 07:27:53 PM

I am a retired marine and a Vietnam veteran. but I have about 5 buddies that were Marines and involved in this battle. They are great men and really true friends. Thanks to them
132. Anonymous says:
20 Sep 2009 01:06:45 PM

Thank you very much for this great information's and above all i give respect to every one that was brave enough to stand and fight during world war2 so that we may have peace today. May you all rest in peace and we pray this will never happen again in the history of our time.
133. Anonymous says:
5 Oct 2009 10:27:23 PM

saw the movie also....my appreciation for the information above.
134. Shadow_51 says:
4 Nov 2009 11:55:57 PM

awesome godd grade on my thousand word report
135. Anonymous says:
10 Nov 2009 01:44:44 PM

Doin a report and wanna know if i can cite this site as a source
136. Charlie says:
17 Nov 2009 07:55:09 AM

wow... this help me alot. thank you.
137. George Forman says:
17 Nov 2009 11:24:34 AM

My Dad, William Bishop Forman, fought on Iwo Jima but never told his family about any of it. Could someone tell me how I could find out details of his experience (ie unit, company, platoon, squad)?
138. Anonymous says:
7 Dec 2009 03:46:11 PM

my grandfather served on iwo jima i am so proud to call myself american i have enlisted and i am shipping out soon just want to thank all marines past and present- semper fi!
139. Krakatoa says:
16 Dec 2009 08:51:26 PM

Who owns the Island of Iwo Jima today. I have been on the net for hours now, and can't find the answer. Please help...
140. Commenter identity confirmed C. Peter Chen says:
17 Dec 2009 09:41:10 AM

@Krakatoa : Iwo Jima (officially "Ioto") is still a part of Japan today. It is a part of the Ogasawara Sub-Prefecture, which is a part of the Tokyo Prefecture.
141. Anonymous says:
25 Dec 2009 03:06:21 PM

to 130 response........Yes, there were more than just marines on Iwo Jima. Search the order of battle records. Army,Navy,and Coastguard to name some. For a long time there has been tension Army and Marines. Marine pride and politics of their Brass all roll down hill. So if you Uncle's history is not there...it's a Marine publication.
142. Anonymous says:
4 Jan 2010 08:41:29 AM

Thiis was very helpful in writting my paper... I will be going to basic in a year for the USMC so ohhh-rahhh marines won that battle
143. Anonymous says:
29 Jan 2010 05:16:32 PM

who marines won my gram pa was there he was wounded he had to be in the hospital for almost a year he was also on gualdil canal and midway
144. Anonymous says:
31 Jan 2010 04:36:39 PM

145. Denduron says:
2 Feb 2010 07:48:11 AM

Amazing, my grandfather was in the war, he didn't fight this battle, but was on his way to do so if he was needed.
146. A Person With A Name says:
3 Feb 2010 09:46:25 AM

This Will Help Me A lot With My Research Paper For Social Studies (History)!!!
147. Anonymous says:
4 Feb 2010 07:28:13 PM

148. LaQuisha says:
8 Feb 2010 09:41:17 AM

my great x3 grand daddy killed many people in this
149. Shew says:
9 Feb 2010 12:56:38 AM

Trying to help a friend find anyone who served with his Father. His name was James Wilbert Franklin. He served with the 3rd Marine Div. and from a pic of him that was taken a few months before, showed him being a Cpl. That is all the info we have. Thanks
150. Anonymous says:
16 Feb 2010 09:49:20 AM

What does the book of eli say??
151. Bob says:
16 Feb 2010 10:43:21 AM

Everything here was so well written. It has given me a new light on this battle. Thanks to you all.
152. Michael Nyantakyi says:
18 Feb 2010 10:08:02 AM

thanks for the info,its been very resourceful and educative.
153. Bob McBobster says:
18 Feb 2010 02:53:35 PM

This article is soo tight. I'm doing a research paper on this and this really helped me.
154. Anonymous says:
19 Feb 2010 02:56:14 PM

im doing a research paper on this to
155. Anonymous says:
22 Feb 2010 04:54:55 PM

great for paper
156. Anonymous says:
23 Feb 2010 09:03:07 AM

Eh, this information isn't as helpful as it could be. I'm working on an identification for History, and I need more info for it. But, still, this helped me out a little bit.

My great-grandpa fought in the war. Samual Taylor.
157. Anonymous says:
24 Feb 2010 09:15:03 AM

This really helped me with my research paper. Thanks!
158. Anonymous says:
24 Feb 2010 10:34:40 AM

this is a stupid article.....but i didnt read it so i dont know....
159. A Person With A Name says:
25 Feb 2010 09:51:09 AM

my grandfather was in word war 2 and he is still alive. but has had many hear attacks. but he is full of awesome info about the battles he was in
160. Gregory Callan says:
27 Feb 2010 11:10:24 AM

I am doing a woor related presentation on the battle of Iwo Jima from a Japanese perspective all web links are to do with the US perspective can anyone out there please help need some links


Greg Callan
161. blicklegorban says:
2 Mar 2010 10:34:41 AM

this help me so much thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
162. future rockstar says:
3 Mar 2010 05:20:47 PM

this website was perfect for my report!!Its due tommorrow so thx!!
163. shane carter says:
7 Mar 2010 02:35:21 AM

When I was a child I would ask my grandfather repeatedly questions of his time on iwo,being immature I would hit him up with the childish favorites as did you ever shoot anyone or did you see the flag going up.in his many replies I learnt that the airstrips was what were their main objectives were and his fear of the rocket technologies the japanese possesed on the island had to have been horrible to him for he brung this fact up often.he would usually just tell me to look at the book which they gave the veterans of iwo.there were times he would address the fighting as a group of marines all shooting at caves so therefore you didn't know who shot who,until one day he told me he spotted an enemy at the same time as he was detected and was able to fire his weapon first along with true.at my age with the fact of being naĂŻve I thought this would be a point of elation,if you have ever heard of the thousand yard stare this is what I saw from him.it was not a source of pride but of hurt for taking anothers life.he also had told me of his stupidity for volunteering to man a 50 cal on the amtrack for the landing,he had told me one day he would share some other photos with me.at the time I had no idea of the carnage they would contain.watching john wayne's portrayal was so different from what I have learnt.for you students out there one out of 3 americans didn't aim to fire,this is why when training for vietnam they started using popup targets so to dehumanize a soldiers target.when my grandfather passed my grandmother gave me the photographs that a widow had sent him upon instuctions from her bequeth.I have no idea why other than the hope that pa had performed an heroic act,they show a scene that I hope no man should ever endure friend or foe.my great aunt also told me before her death of how my grandfather had to be put in a padded room onboard a ship in return from there with only spoons to be used eating.he was a great man but was plagued with alcoholism after his return,in which I would take them sunday trips to the vfw for breakfast with all the others who would self medicate with their choice of beverage.over the years I thought the war was a senseless surprise attack by the japanese to learn that they were a empire that was striving to compete globally without a natural resource of oil which made them seek conquest of indochina with it's vast resources.we had come into the fray by warning them not to seek such a path.so it was like telling them not to mess with johnny or we will fight and then crying you suckerpunched me when we turned our back.don't take this for sympathy for the japanese theywere ruthless to not only our soldiers in bataan,but to millions of civilians in china raping and killing countless numbers.and they were not going to stop,I actually have money that was printed for the use of americans from the japenese government,they were that sure they would win.it has beatiful artistry and has a picture of tojo hidden within it.my grandfathers name was joseph n.s.rains(buck)of rock hill, s.c.his drill instructor at parris isle to his dismay nicknamed him joseph no *** rains. if anyone out there is still surviving I would really enjoy it if we could talk.and for anybody doing reports there is the national archives online where almost everything is stored.bucks great-grandfather fought for the csa as a lieutenant,and great great grandfather fought in the battle of cowpens as a british loyalist.now my brother in-law is a major in the usmc and 4 time veteran.so I guess I am like ltdan from forrest gump huh?good luck and god has blessed america through all her endeavors.we all represent just one life and should keep that in perspective when we talk of these death toll numbers caused by war.on his deathbed buck told me not to cry that he loved each and every one of his children and that he was far more fortunate than many of his brethren that had sacrificed themselves for us,he never forgot them nor shall i
164. Anonymous says:
9 Mar 2010 12:52:14 PM

Nice article.

However... "pedal" is something you put your foot on, like a bicycle pedal or a gas pedal. For the poem, it should be spelled "petal."
165. Anonymous says:
9 Mar 2010 01:56:41 PM

why was this the most important battle in world war 2? help im in english i need the answer
166. Anonymous says:
9 Mar 2010 04:25:10 PM

The Iwo Jima Survivors Association is developing a website about the battle and men who fought it. Please go to www.sosiwojima.com .
167. Anonymous says:
9 Mar 2010 05:19:37 PM

this is helpful,cause i got a social studies project to do
168. Anonymous says:
11 Mar 2010 06:30:43 AM

i <3 this article
169. Joelle Bucklew says:
11 Mar 2010 10:29:53 AM

this helped me alot for my U.S. History report
170. phil kneppert says:
25 Mar 2010 10:04:37 AM

I raise a glass for all invoved
171. G.W. Rosson says:
25 Mar 2010 07:39:44 PM

I was on Iwo Jima 1946 - 1947 I have been in most of the caves and tunnels. If you have ????? call me 609 647 1444 or Email me Rossonotes@aol.com. There were a lot of dead *** in all the caves.
G.W. Rosson
172. Anonymous says:
30 Mar 2010 08:19:39 AM

bad website :(
173. Anonymous says:
6 Apr 2010 08:19:07 AM

thnx a lot! got to do a big battle project. what were some strategies? put some more stuff about japan in the next one
174. Greg says:
16 Apr 2010 08:58:36 AM

Does anyone have any information about the photographer Burmeister or other information on the photo of the the Mass on Mt. Suribachi? or who the Priest was?

The photo was most likely taken on or after March 17th, the official date in which the battle was declared complete?

Catholic mass atop Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima, for American Marines, circa Feb or Mar 1945
Photographer Louis R. Burmeister
Source United States Navy Naval History and Heritage Command
Identification Code NH 104583
175. Anonymous says:
20 Apr 2010 10:00:04 AM

my gr8t grandpa was in this war i could probably tell u alot of what u need to know.
176. Anonymous says:
26 Apr 2010 07:29:38 PM

this was loads of help 4 my group project thanx!
177. Anonymous says:
27 Apr 2010 10:29:11 PM

if the wehrmacht had been defending iwo, the outcome would have been the same, just as it was at omaha beach. other countries have good soldiers (english, ww2 russians, germans), but none are the equal of the US soldier
178. Anonymous says:
29 Apr 2010 10:30:30 AM

Japan changed Iwo Jima's name to Iwo To, just because Clint Eastwood came out with "Flags of our Fathers" and "Letters from Iwo JIma". Thats just BS.
179. Commenter identity confirmed C. Peter Chen says:
29 Apr 2010 11:30:35 AM

To the anonymous poster dated 29 Apr 2010:

Actually, the name did not change at all most Americans mis-understood this change as a name change when it actually is not. It is the pronunciation that changed. The Japanese Kanji character "島" can be read in three different ways: "jima", "shima", or "to". The Tokyo central government initially mis-pronunced the island's name as "Iwo Jima" when it was actually supposed to be read as "Iwo To", so the recent action taken was a corrective one to show respect to the island's history and culture.

This is somewhat analogous to the different pronunciation of word "Houston" in the United States. While written the same way, the city in Texas (HUES-ton) and the street in New York City (HOUSE-ton) are pronunced rather differently.
180. Harry Steinman says:
4 May 2010 10:16:33 AM

My father served in the VAC and participated in the batteles of Iwo Jima, Saipan, and Tinian. Like many veterans he refused to speak of his experiences. He died in 1995. As I read more about the islands he fought on I gain a better insight as to the man he was and why he thought the way he did. If anyone remembers him and can add anything to my knowledge about my Dad, please let me know.
My father's name was Elias J. Steinman and he was a radio operator assigned to the VAC.
181. S/Sgt. GW Rosson says:
6 May 2010 05:33:23 PM

I think we did wromg to give the island back to the *** *** . Our men died to take the island WE SHOULD HAVE IT NOW!!!!!!I was there in 1946-1947, been in most of the caves and tunnels, all had dead *** in them, It was hot there and the smell was bad!!!!!
S/Sgt. GW Rosson
182. Anonymous says:
9 May 2010 03:54:50 PM

this is an awesome site . thanks so much. this really helped with a research paper i had to do . with this site, i was able to finish most of it in one day . all world war 2 sites should be as clear and detailed as this one . keep up the good work . thanks again !
183. katryna says:
14 May 2010 10:14:11 AM

can anybody tell me were the postdate is on this page.
184. Anonymous says:
20 May 2010 11:50:17 AM

how can i find out about a relative that died in iwo jima in 1945 and what awards he recieved
185. Anonymous says:
20 May 2010 12:10:27 PM

I like this website. lots of cool facts
186. Anonymous says:
24 May 2010 08:44:43 AM

this is sooooo cool lol
187. Anonymous says:
24 May 2010 10:05:48 AM

why is this so important to american history?
188. LeAh94 says:
30 May 2010 04:51:05 PM

just found this website and it has sooooooo much info for me to use for my english paper! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! now i can actualy start the paper. its due tuesday and has to be 4-6 pages long. thanks a bunch. (^.^) PEACE OUT.
189. Anonymous says:
31 May 2010 11:33:57 AM

my uncle served in the war he had pieces of a bomb in his head... this battle is sooo amazin to see wat the soldiers go through day in and day out
190. Anonymous says:
31 May 2010 01:36:00 PM

Hope this will help me with my history project.
191. Anonymous says:
3 Jun 2010 03:25:25 PM

i had to do my project on this battle and this is the only site i found that actually helped me. thank you who ever made it a would have failed my class if it wernt for you
192. Anonymous says:
14 Jul 2010 05:46:36 PM

Iwo jima forgotten piece of volcanic ash was important for US victory in the Pacific Theater and in the end of WWII from Iwo jima landed the Enola Gay and threw the litle boy which destroy Hiroshima...
193. Anonymous says:
7 Aug 2010 10:22:21 PM

Some of the reasons Iwo was so important include: providing a strategic refueling place for planes and the famous photo reignited interest in supporting the war effort (back home).
194. S/Sgt. G. W, Rosson says:
9 Aug 2010 07:21:20 PM

My name is GW Rosson I was on Iwo Jima 1046-1947 as a first Sgt, I have been in most of the caves and tunnels on the island. There were alot of dead *** there at the time, still some meat on the bones but it was hard and dry. The smell was bad.
S/Sgt.GW Rosson
195. Robert beck says:
18 Aug 2010 03:16:35 PM

my ex-father n law late MR. Walter Mleczko was a Marine who fight on Iwo jima & was wounded but like the marine motto leave no man behind he was saved & he woke up in a hosp bed i can't imagine what it was like their or in any battle, i was lucky, i never was in battle, but i served in the US Navy on board the USS Ranger CVA 61 80-81 it was one of the best times i had but i wasn't n a war the men & women that r serving today, yesterday,& tomorrow i have the utmost respect for GOD BLESS them all & may they all return home safe
196. Richard Groves says:
31 Aug 2010 12:53:24 PM

My brother was killed on Iwo Jima his name was pvt. Fred T. Groves was wondering if anyone knew him
197. Anonymous says:
3 Sep 2010 08:41:06 PM

s a b29 pilot that went into iwo jima for gas three times.until the marines took iwo our loses were so heavy that in jan 45, our bombing missions were called off. records show that b29s madem 2500 landings for gas or repairs on iwo. thank you marines
198. Anonymous says:
27 Sep 2010 12:08:51 PM

I am looking for anyone who was in 3rd division,9th, companyK....KIA or survivor.Also, how can I get listing of company roster? For holding a reunion!
199. Anonymous says:
28 Oct 2010 09:26:06 AM

My Great Grandfather was a flamethrower on Iwo
200. Anonymous says:
28 Oct 2010 01:25:00 PM

America is the best *** country. Thank you to all that have served you will never be forgotten.
201. Zant Boy says:
1 Nov 2010 10:13:55 AM

Awesome Website, Great Impression
202. philpo says:
19 Nov 2010 08:57:44 PM

This site is a great collection of the facts of the taking of Iwo, but one major story is sadly omitted. The Army was there too! My Dad and my uncle both commanded divisions of tanks on Iwo, and both came home with Silver Stars and Purple Hearts. Why can't the Army get mentioned anywhere?
203. Philpo says:
19 Nov 2010 09:28:45 PM

To the anonymous questioner on May 6: Iwo was very important because it was close enough for American bombers to come and go from while making round trips to Tokyo to drop their bombs.
The nuclear bombs were on planes that took off from Tarawa, an inner island of Japan. They didn't go to Tokyo because there was nothing left to destroy there..
204. Raymond Fegley says:
10 Dec 2010 06:33:48 PM

Any one that was there do you know my dad W.R.Fegley? Please reply
205. Roger Luitjens says:
5 Jan 2011 07:45:56 AM

My father served during the Pacific compaign in WWII.. His name is Elmer Luitjens from Minnesota..If anyone remembers him please connect me.. thank you
206. Sean Patrick Carmichael says:
7 Jan 2011 10:12:13 PM

looking for info on my father William Franklin Carmichael who fought in iwo jima
207. Yvonne Taylor says:
18 Jan 2011 01:16:59 PM

My father Fred Green from Georgia was there.

When I see the way the flag is denigrated today and what my father went through to defend it I get sick! We have lost so much.....
208. Anonymous says:
24 Jan 2011 11:15:20 AM

This site was great, and it reminds u that the US is the greatest country in the world
209. john lindsey says:
26 Jan 2011 11:48:56 AM

i was under the impression that we do not bury our dead in enemy territory. when these marines were bury there did we remove the bodies & rebury them in the u.s. ?
210. Anonymous says:
27 Jan 2011 07:42:50 AM

I give all of my respect to Kuribayashi. "the man who America respected the most, because he made them suffer the most."
211. but kicker says:
30 Jan 2011 12:20:57 PM

i licked it cause it helped me with my history day topic :)
212. Anonymous says:
3 Feb 2011 06:40:03 AM

This info sucks!
213. Joseph Randazzo says:
3 Feb 2011 07:31:47 AM

This website will be useful for our project due at the end of the month.
214. Anonymous says:
4 Feb 2011 08:42:28 AM

215. Anonymous says:
5 Feb 2011 06:24:31 AM

even though the *** needed resources,why the heck would they attack america?the sizes of all the axis powers's countries probably still didnt equal america's size and definetly not russia. though this is true, the jappo's seem to take out china no problem......
216. Anonymous says:
8 Feb 2011 09:27:07 AM

This website was pretty koo, it helped me on my research!!:0
217. narineman 70 says:
8 Feb 2011 10:39:14 AM

you need to mention the 27th divison soldigers man oh and oohra
218. kool kid 98 says:
8 Feb 2011 10:56:20 AM

my granddad was in this war but no mention of his division in this article 27th division is what he was in
219. snelly says:
9 Feb 2011 07:34:41 AM

where can i find info for a graph? thank u marines
220. Anonymous says:
10 Feb 2011 08:24:24 AM

iwo jima is awsome
221. west coast says:
10 Feb 2011 02:22:28 PM

good article
222. Anonymous says:
11 Feb 2011 11:37:39 AM

My grandfather landed on Iwo Jima on Feb 19th, his 23rd birthday. What a horrible way to celebrate a birthday. Thankfully he made it out alive, but most of his friends were killed.
223. Anonymous says:
15 Feb 2011 10:13:49 AM

i fought in this war and no mention of my divison as normal this info is not accurate
224. Magee Me Seed says:
16 Feb 2011 05:33:55 AM

im just seriously highly doubtfull that Iwo was awsome, im sure you wouldn't even be man enough to serve in ww2 let alone in todays war. its no wonder our country is the way it is now, its filled with people like you that just want to sit around and let others defend whats yours. lets get real dude, pithetic!
225. Anonymous says:
23 Feb 2011 08:32:43 AM

226. Emmett says:
24 Feb 2011 05:46:19 PM

Thanks for the information it really helped with my project!
227. Anonymous says:
1 Mar 2011 08:49:21 AM

This is one big *** lie
228. yoee says:
13 Mar 2011 03:26:51 PM

helped mee out on my project
229. Anonymous says:
16 Mar 2011 04:10:19 AM

comment number 52's ending..so true
230. Anonymous says:
22 Mar 2011 12:22:46 PM

Iwo Jima was the most ugliest living creature that ever walked the face of this planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
231. Anonymous says:
31 Mar 2011 06:41:17 PM

Thanks for yoe help. but i could only imagine if the wermacht controlled this island
232. Anonymous says:
31 Mar 2011 06:47:51 PM

Thank you all that served here in this war and all others that served in other wars that helped keep this country safe.
thank god for marines!!!!!!!!!! Oooh Rah!!
233. Anonymous says:
5 Apr 2011 09:15:21 AM

thanks to all tha marines that served.and everyone else yall did great and america would definetley not be the same without you brave men and women.you are greatly appreciated
234. Anonymous says:
20 Apr 2011 04:56:15 AM

thankyou marines
235. Support Our Survivors of Iwo Jima says:
9 May 2011 10:55:38 AM

For more info, go to the new website of the Iwo Jima Survivors Association. It is www.SOSIwoJima.com. Survivor stories, events and photos. You can also post info there.
236. Meat Boy says:
10 May 2011 09:18:02 AM

Wow. Nice article. It really helped with my research report. Thanks a lot for all your hard work.
237. Rick Lute says:
10 May 2011 12:32:10 PM

My father was one Guam and Iwo Jima as a marine corp machine gunner, life expectancy after his first blast was estimated at 55 sec. After his first blast he was severly wounded and left for dead, an Army Medic or a Catholic priest relized he was not, and removed him to an Army Hosp unit. I do not know any details of his service, but I know his seargents last name was Katz. Proud of my father, you bet. Proud of the Marine Corp, you bet. Always remember to thank a Vet. I do
238. WIN says:
17 May 2011 05:56:59 AM

A few days ago I saw "Iwo Jima" film. The story was "touchfull". And we have to realise and feel so lucky, live in a "better" time. My special respect to General Kuribayashi..!! You've made all of your soldiers proud of you..
239. A BEAST says:
17 May 2011 08:56:44 AM

240. Anonymous says:
20 May 2011 11:42:48 AM

My father was with the third Marines. His final mission, although he did not know until the end of the war, it was the invasion of Japan. We all know it was very close. The third Marines were not far off shore, and ready to invade southern Japan.
The bomb was dropped. The war was over, just like that. My father recalls the entire fleet
just turning around. Most headed back for Hawaii. My sisters and I are the proud baby boomer Generation. Dad is still with us today
He is 86.

Thank god for them

241. Anonymous says:
25 May 2011 09:34:58 AM

Nice Information Here [:
242. JOE BOIVIN says:
5 Jun 2011 07:48:01 PM

My father was there he recieved 4 bronze 2 silver and refused a purple heart the *** were very brutal he raided a camp with two gi,s on puji sticks betting how many rotations he snapped off grenades and shot the the rest that was his best storie among others i will miss him forever that was a bad war never forgt this he poped a jap col to wth a traser on another island he was real horse *** and gunpowder god bless the us marines.
243. John says:
30 Jun 2011 06:37:37 AM

I was somewhat perplexed yesterday, when I saw the front page of a certain magazine, of June 29. Which will remain unamed. The Pride flag being depicted in the same fashion as was the American flag, during the battle of Iwo Jima. That is not right many individuals sacrificed their lives, so that certain individuals can dance in the streets of Toronto. This is desecrating the memory of brave individuals. I'm ashamed to be canadian. This magazine, should also be ashamed,PATHETIC!
244. Matt Mitchell says:
8 Jul 2011 06:20:12 PM

Well im writing a story on the battle of iwo jima and its like 220 pages long
245. Bob J says:
28 Jul 2011 03:10:51 AM

Man,what a horrilbe war.Hard to imagine the fanatacism of the Japanese soldiers.The European and African war theaters were tough no doubt but I personally would rather have fought there than against the Japanese.We in the west will never understand that kind of fanatical loyalty to a leader.Just think what would have happened if we had to invade the home islands.Casualties would have been in the millions.
246. Christopher says:
4 Aug 2011 02:06:39 AM

According to my grandmother, my grandfather Clifford Ziegler was on the top of Mt. Suribachi when the flag was raised, ive been looking around for awhile to find anything related to him. So far i've found nothing. Could anyone help me find anything. Whether he was up there or not, i at least know he was on Iwo Jima, it would bring me a great relief to at least see his name mentioned. if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
247. Anonymous says:
4 Aug 2011 02:45:41 PM

My dad's kid 1/2 brother, FM1C Luther J. Kemrite of the 25 Marines, 4th Marine Division died on Iwo Jima March 16, 1945 at age 21. Anyone who still surviving remember him?
248. Anonymous says:
19 Aug 2011 04:19:38 PM

to Joe Kinney re Gaultney - I think your great uncle was my Aunt Frieda's brother. you can contact me at chefkelley56@gmail.com
249. says:
4 Sep 2011 06:30:00 PM

Anyone know my father name is Edward E. Fleming ?
250. K.Kelley says:
6 Sep 2011 04:44:05 PM

Does anyone know anyone I could contact to find out more information about my grandfather who served on Iwo. He was with the 4th marines, not sure about anything else. His name was Paul Woodring, Jr. Please let me know!!!
251. Semper Fi Bill says:
20 Sep 2011 06:42:48 AM

I could use some help with finding info about iwo. im wrighting a report on it
252. anonomys says:
27 Sep 2011 02:41:17 PM

same here
253. Anonymous says:
3 Oct 2011 01:05:42 PM

I have original invasion maps of Iwo Jima if anyone is interested in buying them. They are better than the ones seen on the show Pawn Stars along with the Okinawa attack.
254. Anonymous says:
25 Oct 2011 04:48:13 PM

I'm trying to find anyone who knew my grandfather, Arthur "Art" Phillips. I'm not sure if he was with the 5th, 4th, or 3rd Marine Divisions. All I know for sure, according to his discharged certificate, is that he was in the Iwo Jima campaign. He was a machine gunner. Also, he was in the Marine Reserves from Cincinnati, Ohio. He was a survior and was discharged shoortly after the war. Thank you in advance for any assistance.
255. Doug in Indy says:
29 Nov 2011 05:00:03 AM

To the son of E.H. Johnson..
Do you know if your Dad trained at Camp Atterbury in Columbus IN.? I am restoring a jeep pulled form a field near there and the steering wheel had E.H. Johnson etched in it.
256. Leah Stine says:
27 Dec 2011 11:30:33 AM

This is the most perfect website. Great job! This really helped me with my World War II project.
257. Phil says:
9 Jan 2012 01:10:47 PM

hope this really helps me on my book project that is due on friday
258. Ace says:
26 Jan 2012 09:01:15 AM

great information
259. Anonymous says:
29 Jan 2012 01:21:33 PM

I'm glad we're done with that shenanigans. Too many marines died for one purpose. I will always remember that battle.
semper fi,
260. Anonymous says:
30 Jan 2012 07:37:28 PM

Hey, Christopher! I found a mentioning of your grandfather! He was on of the flag raisers for the first flag! It does note him as K.I.A. though... But at least I found a mentioning of him!
261. Commenter identity confirmed Alan says:
4 Feb 2012 12:53:22 AM

Re: First Paragraph . . . Amend spelling to 'Sulphur'
262. Commenter identity confirmed C. Peter Chen says:
4 Feb 2012 08:52:38 AM

Alan, I do believe both spellings of the word are correct. Generally US English speakers use "sulfur" while UK Engilsh speakers prefer "sulphur".
263. frank m turner says:
6 Feb 2012 12:21:54 PM

Looking for any info on my uncle, Cpl. John M Turner Jr. from Chicago Il, 9th Marine Division. Died on March 2, 1945. I have letters that say he is buried at sea and I have letters that say he died on the island and was buried there. Any info what so ever would be appreciated. God bless all of you for your courage.
264. Shawn W. Wilbur, MSgt (Ret), USAF says:
10 Feb 2012 03:32:37 AM

My grandfather William Wilbur, was a combat engineer assigned to the US Army 147th Infantry Regiment on Iwo Jima. The US Army was there as well. The bonzai charge was directed at an Army tent site. The 147th was credited with killing an addtional 2000+ enemy soldiers, and yet took around 1000 enemy prisoners. What is also left out of the story of the battle, is the last US Carrier of the war was sunk at Iwo Jima. The name of the carrier was the USS Bismark Sea. She was hit by two kamikazes, and sank with 318 men. Over the next 12 hours 605 sailors from the Bismark Sea were pulled from the water. I am proud of my grandfathers servie. His brother, Howard, was a Marine who fought at the battle of Saipan. My other grandfather, Joseph Corey, who was also a Marine, fought at the battle of Tinian. My father is a Cold War veteran, and my step dad fought in vietnam. For Operation Iraqi and Enduring Freedom; two cousins, my stepsister and her husband, my niece, and myself all served throughout the Persian Gulf to include Iraq and Afghanistan. My family holds a proud military tradition.
265. HarleyMaria says:
17 Feb 2012 06:16:07 AM

this article was extreemly helpful on my essay thank for for helping and thanks to everyone who has served in any kind of battle
266. Chris says:
18 Feb 2012 04:46:40 PM

Where I live (east coast - USA) the invasion of Iwo Jima would have just begun 67 years ago. The story surrounding the bravery, courage, and dedication of the men who fought and died should never be forgotten...American or Japanese. Each fought and died for what they believed in.
267. Anonymous says:
19 Feb 2012 10:10:49 AM

I think I have an island artifact but even the Smithsonian has failed to help me ID it. It is a poison dart sheath made of a piece of what looks like Bamboo with snakes carved on sides and snake skin on the bottom. It can from a Mr. & Mrs. Farcus, Field St., Detroit, Mi. in the 70's. He was a Medic in the war. If you can help...please do.
268. Anonymous says:
5 Mar 2012 09:01:42 AM

Thanks for info helped on project.
269. AMERICAN SON says:
5 Mar 2012 12:03:37 PM

Iwo Jimo was hell on earth and fought for FREEDOM by many a brave man - ALL OF THEM! World War II was in my opinion the last American War fought with the goal of winning and the main goal - FREEDOM. Wars fought since WW2 have been battles, started by the CIA to feed the "American Money Machine" with guns, ammo, planes, government contracts and mainly for the drug availability in different parts of the world. So our brave men have to perish so that cowards and crooks of our government society can thrive and prosper at the expense of these brave soldiers. May these government sponges be awarded their just reward at the end of time and that is ETERNAL DEATH, never more to be remembered or mentioned. Wake up people and see what the American Government is doing to its LOYAL SUBJECTS. My hat is off for all the BRAVE SOLDIERS who gave it all and for the ones who fought for the RED WHITE AND BLUE. May GOD bless them and reward them accordingly. AMEN
270. Anonymous says:
7 Mar 2012 08:25:14 AM

i hate ww2
271. Anonymous says:
7 Mar 2012 08:26:09 AM

i have to do a project on this and itr is terriable
272. Anonymous says:
13 Mar 2012 07:27:54 PM

come on guys show some patriotism i agree with 270 ww2 was terrible but only because we lost so many brave soilders, especially on iwo jima alone
273. Anonymous says:
14 Mar 2012 09:40:43 AM

My father was in the Army and he fought and was honored for his conduct at Iwo Jima. What I find strange, and there was another posting about this is that there is very little mentioned about the Army. All the history and records indicate that it was naval and Marine's fight. There were tons of enlisted Army vets that fought in the battle and should be recognized. My father is dead, but growing up he would never talk about the battle at Iwo Jima. He said it was the worst thing he ever had to do, to kill people, a lot of people. He was a photographer and a radio operator as well as a sharpshooter. I have many original photographs that my dad took during the war. Lots of dead japanese people. The captions that my dad wrote on the photo's were not my dad's character. All these servicemen were taught to hate which was necessary to survive this war. As for the original raising of the flag, I have an original photo of a flag raising. I'm not 100% sure of who really captured the first photo of this event. Perhaps whomever was able to turn in their photo first? At any rate...the Army had a huge part in this campaign. They need more credit.
274. Anonymous says:
24 Mar 2012 11:13:49 AM

My grandfather fought in Iwo Jima during world war two, and this article has really helped me to understand what the battle was really like.
275. Daniel Oesterling says:
17 Apr 2012 09:06:27 AM

In truth Iwo Jima ( Ewo - Ji - Ma )was the American grave yard do to many deaths. The volcanic ash island was not major but was needed for emergency landing for Super Fortress Bombers. When a landing force was launched to this island they could see little resistance from the boats. Then before the landing ships bombarded the shore with shells for days all the way until the first boat wave of landing craft. Amry forces where to be sent in later after the marines cleared resistance and started pushing forward. But the marines came to a shcok as did every other american to find the grounds completely quiet of gun fire. But this was because the japanese force was underground. and more frightening is the fact that there was almost 2.3 times the original japanese soilders underground that where unkown to the American forces. When the boats dropped down the guns opened up for the first time making a heavy loss but percision shooting took out beach resistance. Now came getting armored support on land to help push forward. The force pushed straight which was a mistake because now force where in a line to be shot from 3 sides. Japanese forces then fired artillarry off the near by volcanic maoutain. The mountain became a priority next to food, water, ammo , and burrying the dead soilders. This was stage one of a battle of true hell. If you want more information email me At commanderraynor@gmail.com
276. Robert J. Cassity says:
24 Apr 2012 08:36:42 AM

My uncle, mom's brother, PFC Milton F Cornell Mansfield, Ohio USMC 5th Div. died on Iwo Jima 4Mar1945 of 3rd degree body burns. I suspect friendly fire from a Sherman tank; don't know for sure. He had $3.07 in his pocket.
277. Daniel Oesterling says:
25 Apr 2012 09:53:10 AM

Well if there was a friendly fire kill then the government will do its best to cover it up. Do know that there was alot of ammo underground and at one point part of the island blew up killing many Japanese forces anymore questions ask me.
278. Robert J Cassity says:
26 Apr 2012 06:42:06 AM

Good point Daniel.
279. Robert J. Cassity says:
29 Apr 2012 09:56:57 AM

Re: 209 John Lindsey: What I've read US couldn't bury the dead for days and had to stack them up like a fence row until we had captured enough land on Iwo to establish a cemetary. Most all dead were eventually requested back by families to US mainland for re-burial.
280. Anonymous says:
30 Apr 2012 02:17:11 PM

281. Gale says:
8 May 2012 02:38:24 PM

My dad was on Iwo an survived. He would never talk about it. He died in 1979 at 63 yrs. old.
He was in the 4th div. 25th Marines. He was born in Wooster, Ohio. His name was Raymond W. Hamilton.
Really miss him!
282. Daniel J. Oesterling says:
14 May 2012 08:09:47 AM

The Dead where used in some case's as a way for japanese to stay hidden. They would play dead and when the time was right attacxk you by shooting or blowing you up with a grenade. I also found 3 documents on burns and it now says that a Us tank Accidently shot in the direction of fellow soilders. The names of the soilders where placed but the name of the tank operator was blacked out. You might have found a cover up by the government so Robert I suggest you look for more info. I am intrested by this so now I will do some research in the soilder database for you.
283. Anonymous says:
15 May 2012 12:54:43 PM

This is a great article.
284. Anonymous says:
21 May 2012 05:59:40 AM

My uncle died on Feb.21 1945 from a morter round... His name: Crpl Robert Hodes.. From Rochester ,ny. RIP
285. Robert J. Cassity says:
21 May 2012 07:15:01 AM

Thanks Daniel. You've given me new hope as my uncle KIA 4Mar45 had a fiance whom I've met in 1995 50th anniv. of Iwo and she asked me to find out what happened to him. Wava and her girlfriend went to a palm reader when she got no more letters and the palmist said he'd been wounded, crawled back to his foxhole and died. After telling this, she turned to me and asked "Is that what happened?" I told her I don't know, but would try to find out and sent for his service record, but no details there. Appreciate anything you can find out.
286. James Buchanan says:
13 Oct 2012 08:08:53 PM

Why wasn't I told about this? I should have chosen another island! Somehow I survived 34 days on that rock, wound up near Kitano Point. My only wounds were bullet burns so maybe I wasn't so brave after all. I landed early in a LVT on Green Beach, nearest Suribachi. Easy company 2nd Bn., 28th Marines, 5th Division. Will be 86 on the 28th.
287. Anonymous says:
18 Nov 2012 01:26:50 PM

this war never happened it was all staged. Just like the holocaust and 9/11.
288. Anonymous says:
22 Nov 2012 07:45:47 PM

I still say that all good *** are the dead ones!!!!!!!!!
289. Anonymous says:
7 Dec 2012 09:43:00 AM

i agree
290. John T. Moore Jr. says:
5 Jan 2013 01:53:37 PM

My dad was a Marine in Iwo and landed via amphibian his name is the same as mine, John Moore he went in at age 17 and fought in the heat of battle and also carried wounded or possibly dead soldier back to the ship. Only a few of the men he used to meet with yearly are still alive. Can someone give me details about my dad? He is still alive at present.
291. Anonymous says:
7 Jan 2013 08:16:49 PM

my uncle fight on iwo jima and died
292. Anonymous says:
7 Jan 2013 08:20:30 PM

my uncle got 5 purple hearts by saving 4 died trying to save the 5 marine
293. Anonymous says:
1 Feb 2013 08:32:36 AM

Very good article,
will help me a lot!
294. Anonymous says:
5 Feb 2013 08:52:38 AM

295. Anonymous says:
9 Feb 2013 10:18:52 PM

Heck yeah this is exactly what I nedeed.
296. Commenter identity confirmed Alan Chanter says:
16 Feb 2013 12:58:39 AM

The 5th Marine Division('The Spearhead') was activated on 21 January 1944 at Camp Pendleton with the 26th, 27th and 28th Marines. The deactivated parachute battalions provided the cadre for the 28th Marines. It also included the 13th (artillery) and 16th (engineer - deactivated prior to overseas deployment) Marines. The division, under the command of Major General Keller E. Rockey moved in phases to Hawaii later in the year and was completely assembled by October.

It asaulted Iwo Jima, its only combat opeation, on 19 February 1945, as part of VAC, and fought there until the end on 27 March. During the battle the Division would sustain 1,098 killed and 2,974 wounded in action - the highest casualty rate amongst the Marine divisions involved on Iwo Jima.

The Division returned to Hawaii for rest and then landed at Nagasaki, on Kyushu Island, Japan, on 22 September 1945 for occupation duty. It was withdrawn on 15 December, moving to Camp Pendleton, and deactivated in January 1946.
297. PETER J DRIVER says:
19 Feb 2013 04:38:11 AM

I was born in 1943..my father was in the RAAF{Royal Australian Airforce)and served at several Pacific Islands.The Marines at Iwo Jima are awe inspiring ..the word "BRAVE"does not adequately
cover their deeds.Great article..keep up the good work.
298. Barry says:
22 Feb 2013 04:04:51 PM

Semper Fi to the brave men who fought for our freedom
299. obiwan-kenobi says:
18 Mar 2013 04:55:40 AM

who won
300. Anonymous says:
7 Apr 2013 12:56:40 PM

I'm glad this site has info on Iwo Jima.
301. Anonymous says:
10 Apr 2013 10:34:27 AM

This is good but talk more about the underground fortress. and I need help I am doing a research paper on this.
302. Andrew Glencross says:
13 Apr 2013 04:36:30 AM

While meaning absolutely no offence to the US Army in North Africa(post Kasserine Pass) Italy and D-Day in Europe on, I sometimes wonder if the war might have been shortened by having the USMC in the ETO as well. As if the likes of Tarawa, Pelelui and Saipan weren't bad enough, Iwo Jima is like something out of World War One. WW1 had tunnels too, don't forget; soldiers with mining backgrounds trying to blow the **** out of each others trenches from below. I agree though that the American Army sacrifice at Iwo and generally throughout the Pacific campaign is under-rated and under-appreciated. The same can be said for the heroic efforts of the Australian Army, who apart from the Americans, did the vast bulk of the non US ground fighting in the Pacific, particularly in New Guinea. It was the Aussies at Milne Bay who inflicted the first defeat of the war on IJA forces, while at Kokoda, a numerically inferior Australian militia/AIF force stopped the Japanese within sight of Port Morseby. Historians tend to gloss over this because Guadalcanal was at this point turning in favour of the US Marines and Army forces fighting there. Anyway, I take nothing away from the Marines: an extraodinary fighting force, and Iwo Jima IS the stuff of LEGEND.
303. Jim says:
20 Apr 2013 03:02:14 PM

Found several pictures of the Iwa Jima war. Many of dead Japaneese and many pictures of the items used during the war. Not sure who would be interesed in looking at these but the offer is out
304. ay_ay_ay_me_+you_imma_tell _you_one_time says:
6 May 2013 09:51:54 AM

who is the author of this website? when was it last updated? need for a citation.
305. T A Sloan says:
18 May 2013 11:25:50 PM

My father in law Gerald Clay Sloan fought on Iwo Jima and never spoke of what he went through, this article and the movie The Pacific and Flags of Our Fathers kind of give info or some sense of what he went thru. I am thankful for all who served for our country for our freedom that most of us including myself have at some time or another taken for granted. My son is now a Marine and pray every day he will never see anything like this in his time in the military. God Bless those who served in the past and the ones that serve in the present and the ones to serve in the future.
306. Anonymous says:
26 May 2013 11:14:34 AM

My uncle, Alfred P. ("Val") Valentino, was a proud Marine who was wounded on Iwo Jima. He fought on the island for 18 days and saw the raised flag on the island. He never spoke of his experiences with his wife or anyone in the family, however, I know he had nightmares of fighting the Japanese all of his life according to my aunt. A few weeks before he died in 2002, he awoke telling my aunt that he was bleeding in his back. He was certain that a Japanese soldier had stabbed him. Other times, he would be rolling around in bed, "struggling to get the knife out of the Jap's hands, my aunt told me. He was a wonderful man. I now wish I had tried to get him to share some of his experiences with me. The only thing that we have is a bottle of sand from Iwo Jima that he collected in 1945 during the battle that he gave to my dad. I felt of the rocky sand today and wondered how much blood had been shed on it. Thankful to my uncles who served so that we can enjoy the freedom that we have today.
307. ken c says:
11 Jun 2013 02:40:21 PM

I met and shook the hand of a surviving iwo jima vet today 6/11/13 he is 92 and had been wounded, when our hands touched a feeling went thru me that I can,t explain, I asked him one question, what do you think of our country today and he replied its not what we fought for,
308. Jean H. Winsett Biss says:
13 Jun 2013 10:11:09 AM

I want to more about my father Clyde Roland Winsett who fought at Iwo Jima. He came home from the was with maleria to die on the job in an accident at 36 years old. I want to know anything about him (he was a mechanic for his company.
309. Anonymousj e mitchell says:
12 Jan 2014 07:04:04 AM

My father was in the 5th marine division, 28th regiment. Fox john w. Mitchell. This was the 2nd battle he participated in. Saipan was the 1st and he very nearly died there. He was shot, breaking his collarbone, and injuring a lung. He was surprised he came through Wii Jim's without being Injured again.
310. Anonymoustom nickell says:
17 Feb 2014 10:48:43 AM

311. Anonymous says:
6 Jun 2014 08:13:10 PM

My father was on a carrier, USS Randolph, in the Pacific during WWII. I have always been more interested in the European Theater, viewing it as the 'bigger' war. I recently have spent more time looking into the Pacific Theater. It seems to me now that this was really the bigger war.

Today is the anniversary of D-Day in Europe. The Pacific war had numerous D-Days. It was a sea war and as such each time dry land was taken it was through a landing...there were numerous D-Days in the Pacific; one of which had a larger initial landing force than the D-Day at Normandy. Unlike in the Atlantic, the Pacific invasion forces heavily relied on carrier based aircraft and the complex logistics that implies. The US casualties were extremely high in the Pacific, higher than in Europe. The Pacific war simply does not get now, nor did it receive during the war, the coverage it warranted.
312. Nancy Ziska Anderson says:
30 Jun 2014 09:18:27 PM

I would love to know anything about my father, William R. Ziska - from Pennsylvania a proud Marine who fought at Iwo Jima. He was in the 5th Marine Division - Engineering Battalion.
313. Randy Gipson says:
12 Jul 2014 05:20:03 AM

To Richard Groves. My father in law (still very much alive) was with your brother Fred T Groves on Iwo Jima. He has spoken of him for many years. He was fighting next to him when he was killed. My father in law's memory is still pretty vivid with a lot of the details.
314. Nancy Ziska Anderson says:
13 Jul 2014 09:52:42 AM

Added note to 6-30-14 post about William R. Ziska USMC who fought on Iwo Jima - his nickname was Zeke.
315. Paul E. George says:
15 Jul 2014 06:32:26 PM

I was just an observer of the battle for IWO JIMA as an officer aboard the LST 764. It surprised me to read that the Army faced a Banzi attack as I felt that the army was sent in to the Island after it was considered secure. The way the Island was tunneled it is certainly possible that there were Japanese underground. All I could do was watch and pray for our men on the ground. We only lost one man out of our compliment of 110 men aboard the LST 764.
316. Joe Wallace says:
21 Jul 2014 09:44:06 AM

To John T. Moore: Was your father a black Marine stretcher bearer? A close Marine friend of mine injured at Iwo on March 6, 1945, was rescued by 2 black Marines. He told me that many black Marines carried the injured and dead from the battlefield, buried Marines, and we know that these Marines performed invaluable logistical duties on Iwo. He was with the 4th Marine Division and was medivaced to Guam on 3/7/1945.
317. Phil Powers says:
15 Sep 2014 07:27:26 PM

Why isn't the Army ever mentioned? My father's service records, decorations, and other records say his division of heavy tanks was outfitted with flame throwers and landed on Iwo Jima on 20 Feb 1945.
318. clem says:
2 Oct 2014 08:08:42 PM

informative but sad;
we should never forget the men and women who paid the highest price for freedom, our freedom.....and it does come at a high price.
never forget them.
319. Ohama says:
14 Nov 2014 05:32:04 AM

Iwo Jima is a nice name
320. Ed says:
10 Dec 2014 10:45:46 AM

The army was in world war 2
321. Michigan says:
23 Dec 2014 10:44:10 AM

My uncle was with the 5th Division 3rd battalion
28th Regiment company H and survived the battle
but not before being wounded twice. Pfc Jason Kraai of Borculo Mich. Sadly he died several years ago and took many a story with him as it was not easy for him to talk about it.
322. Anonymous says:
4 Jan 2015 04:02:09 PM

USMC 3rd Division:
A few years back, I asked Dad if was ever going to tell us of Iwo Jima. He replied "I've seen HELL why would I want to return?"
I understand that every Marine who served on Iwo Jima was a casualty and I must agree.
323. Jeff Evans says:
13 Feb 2015 05:14:28 PM

I have a question which is a little off subject but involves Iwo after the war. My wife came into possession of a sterling identification/charm bracelet. Most of the "charms" are Roman Catholic oriented: St. Christophers Medal, etc. One is for a Catholic chapel at Logan Airport in Boston. The front of the ID plate is simply inscribed "Del Maria". The back says "To our Brave Flight Nurse on #478152 from the boys on Iwo Jima 7-3-47" (She knows of no one in her family who was anywhere in the Pacific during or after WW II nor anyone who was a nurse.) We would appreciate any information that could help fill in this story, or especially help to identify who the "Brave Flight Nurse" is. You can contact us at jrevans3@gmail.com. Thanks!
324. Arthur O'Keefe's son says:
21 Feb 2015 12:23:36 AM

I was unaware of my father's involvement in Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima until recently where he earned Distinguished Flying Crosses for each battle. He volunteered ON HIS TIME OFF as 4th Marine staff Assistant Air Operations Officer to fly a small Stinson OY-1 observation plane (no offensive or defensive capability) behind enemy lines at tree top level to gather intel and drop grenades in caves containing machine gun nests. His citation says he flew 10 such flights returning with damage from Japanese weapons to a pock marked runway containing IEDs. My eternal gratitude to all who served in this under-reported operation recorded by historians as the costliest battle of WWII with 5,000 KIA by day 2.

325. Anonymous says:
25 Feb 2015 10:49:04 AM

This information is so helpful. Thanks for info, it really helps me for my U.S. History presentation due next week.
326. Anonymous says:
25 Feb 2015 01:08:33 PM

just thank you
327. Anonymous says:
25 Feb 2015 06:32:18 PM

What are the Strategic advances gained or lost of the American side and The *** side
328. Anonymous says:
9 Mar 2015 10:34:01 AM

329. Anonymous says:
9 Mar 2015 10:37:06 AM

all the men and woman our country o's yall a big o thank you god bless our troops
330. redneck says:
10 Mar 2015 10:09:27 AM

all my info is on iwojima
331. redneck says:
10 Mar 2015 10:14:45 AM

I love my country
332. redneck says:
10 Mar 2015 10:24:15 AM

war is a terribol thing
333. redneck says:
12 Mar 2015 10:23:50 AM

thank all of yall for your info
334. Pam Davis-Jones. says:
12 Mar 2015 03:38:49 PM

I am searching for my biological father, Ken or Kenneth Reeve or Reeves. He was in Melbourne Australia Dec44/Jan 45. He was engaged to Mary Blain from King Island. She never told him she was pregnant and she ceased writing to him. Mary regretted this. I was adopted and had a happy life.
335. Craig says:
14 Mar 2015 12:48:57 AM

Looking for anyone from Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, 28th Regiment, 5th Marine Division. I'm trying to find anyone who knew my Grandfather, George Addison Dunn, who was killed in action on Iwo Jima February 19, 1945.
336. gubu95 says:
16 Apr 2015 08:20:31 AM

this site helped so so much with my project thx whoever made this site :)
337. Gail Bruce says:
25 May 2015 06:19:19 PM

My father was at Iwo Jima and was wounded on the first day of battle. I believe he was in USMC 4th division. His name was John G Schultz Jr, known as Jack. His papers don't show any type of unit it battalion. He would never tell us anything about the battles he fought in Ww2, and died in 1980. If anyone knew him, please let me know.
Many thanks to the brave men who fought in WW2!
338. Anonymous says:
14 Jun 2015 12:40:39 PM

As a USMC Marine, I fought on Iwo Jima as a Radioman, in the 4th USMC Division. That battle is still seared into my memory.
I am proud to have done my job there, but I still worry if God will forgive me for all the killing I had to do.
339. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
14 Jun 2015 02:00:29 PM

To Marine in Comment #338:
On this Flag Day, a grateful nation salutes you. Sleep easy, Marine.
340. Ron says:
1 Aug 2015 02:26:07 PM

in a documentary I saw towards the end a squadron of b52s w/fighter escort was coming in over Iwo Jima & you were looking straight up at them.ive looked hard for that scene w/ no luck can anybody point me in the right direction
341. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
1 Aug 2015 06:38:54 PM

Ron (Comment #340):

Assuming you meant “B-52” in your question, the film clip you speak of was either severely post-war or there was some film trickery involved because the B-52 Stratofortress did not enter service until 10 years after the Battle of Iwo Jima. In any event, I am not familiar with that film clip.
342. Ron says:
2 Aug 2015 09:34:14 PM

Please pardon the brain fade.i believe they were b-29.it was a color documentary & they were coming n to take advantage of recently finished runway on Iwo jima. I believe I saw it on either military or history channel approx 1/19/15
343. Anonymous says:
19 Sep 2015 03:29:57 PM

Did anyone know my Papa,Thaddeus Kresge and his best buddy John Penberth.
344. Anonymous says:
2 Nov 2015 05:58:01 PM

this info was great. reading all of the posts before mine really gave me more information on this battle.
345. Anonymous says:
5 Nov 2015 06:29:34 AM

I'm not sure if this has already been posted, sorry if it has. I came across this account for the battle a few years ago. This marine was a Sherman tank gunner in the 5th Marines Division. His account is below. It's a good read.

As I'm not allowed to post html links, Search "iwo jima one man remembers", click the first link, and then follow the link midway down the page and you can see his report.

It's a gripping read.
346. mcpojd says:
19 Dec 2015 12:40:07 PM

I know my Dad, Ralph H. Ippert, was in the 4th Marine Division, and was wounded on Iwo Jima. I am trying to find out more info on him, such as company regiment, etc. Is there any help out there?
347. mick-duck e4usmc says:
26 Dec 2015 09:31:47 AM

my uncle Tish, old navy man, wwll pacific, saw me the day before i left for P.I. had a few beers and he told me a few things that stuck with me. He told me they dropped off boys and picked up men, and all on board wore Marine Green, made enemy say Ware The Hell are all those Marines coming from!!! a few GOOD MEN
348. Mercedes Gonzalez Ramos says:
1 Feb 2016 01:32:30 PM

My father, Ignacio Lozano Gonzalez, served in the Marines and was on Iwo Jima. He was with the 9th Regiment of the 3rd Marine Division, 2nd Battalion, E Company.
I am trying to find family members of Corporal Stephen Jeneka. He saved my father's life by moving him into a foxhole after a mortar shell rendered my Dad unconscious. Corporal Stephen Jeneka is a hero whose last act was to move his wounded man to safety.
My father was on Iwo Jima for 10 days and then transferred to a hospital in CA. From there, he was sent home to Laredo, Texas.
My siblings and I would very much like to speak with Corporal Jeneka's family.
Thank you,
Mercedes G. Ramos

349. Anonymous says:
26 Mar 2016 11:42:16 AM

How did nimitz direct this battle? i need to know
350. D Wardle says:
4 Apr 2016 08:32:06 PM

Was the B-29 "Dinah Might" named for Dinah Shore????
351. an anonymous student says:
21 Apr 2016 11:15:13 AM

Love this battle, one of the best in WWII and I.
352. History Buff says:
21 Apr 2016 11:19:27 AM

Some info for you:
#1 Iwo Jima was used to stage air strikes on U.S. occupied Mariana Islands

Between June and August 1944, U.S. forces captured the Mariana Islands. These islands provided bases for Boeing B-29 bombers to attack Japanese Home Islands (mainland Japan). Iwo Jima served as an early warning station to radio reports of the bombers to Japan. It was also used by Japan to stage air attacks on the Mariana Islands to disrupt the U.S. bombings of Japan. Between November 1944 and January 1945, the Japanese destroyed 11 B-29s and damaged a further 43. Furthermore, Iwo Jima was used by Japanese naval units when they were in dire need of a place of safety.

Boeing B-29A Boeing B-29 Superfortress

#2 The operation to capture Iwo Jima was code named Operation Detachment

To eliminate the above mentioned problems and to provide a staging area for Operation Downfall, the eventual invasion of Japanese Home Islands, U.S. decided to start an operation for the capture of Iwo Jima. It was given the code name Operation Detachment. U.S. intelligence sources were confident that it would not take more than a week for Iwo Jima to fall not knowing that Japan was preparing a deep and complex defense of the island. Battle of Iwo Jima lasted for 36 days and saw some of the fiercest fighting of the Pacific War.

Iwo Jima - Landing Plan of U.S.Iwo Jima – Landing Plan of U.S.

#3 Japan knew they would lose the Battle of Iwo Jima

Japan knew that the importance of defending Iwo Jima as its loss would facilitate American air raids against Japanese Home Islands. However Imperial Japanese Navy had already lost almost all of its power and could not prevent U.S. from landing. Also depleting air strength meant the remaining warplanes had to be hoarded to defend Japanese Home Islands. With no available means to defend Iwo Jima, Japan decided to rely on the established defensive equipment in the area and check U.S. by delaying tactics to gain time for defense of the mainland.

Iwo Jima on the mapLocation of Iwo Jima

#4 Kuribayashi commanded the defense of Iwo Jima

Lieutenant General Tadamichi Kuribayashi was assigned the task of defending Iwo Jima. Knowing he couldn’t win the battle, he aimed at inflicting heavy casualties on American forces to force them to reconsider invasion of Mainland Japan. His strategy was radically different from Japan’s usual strategy of beach defense to face the landings directly. He used Defense in Depth military strategy which seeks to delay rather than prevent the advance of the attacker, buying time and causing additional casualties. A complex and elaborate defense was prepared. Among other things, an extensive system of tunnels was built to connect the prepared positions so that positions which had been cleared could be re-occupied. Numerous snipers and camouflaged machine gun positions were also set up.

Tadamichi KuribayashiTadamichi Kuribayashi

#5 The U.S. pre-landing bombardment was mostly ineffective

On 15 June 1944 the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Army Air Forces began naval bombardments and air raids against Iwo Jima which continued till 19 February 1945, the day U.S. Marines landed on the beach marking the start of the Battle of Iwo Jima. The pre-landing bombardment carried on for around eight months. Though bunkers and caves were destroyed, the bombing had limited success as the Japanese were heavily dug-in and fortified. Kuribayashi’s superiors had ordered him to erect some beach defenses and these were the only Japanese defenses that were destroyed.

Battleship USS New York firing its 14 in main guns on Iwo JimaThe battleship USS New York firing its 14 in (360 mm) main guns on Iwo Jima as part of pre-landing bombardment, 16 February 1945

#6 The U.S. Marine Corps were surprised by Japanese preparations

The initial landings were not greeted with Japanese fire as Kuribayashi wanted the beach full of Marine Corps and their equipment. Many who landed believed that the pre-bombardment had destroyed the Japanese defenses. Hence when the Japanese opened fire from concealed positions heavy losses were inflicted on the Marines. Mount Suribachi is the highest point on the island. The heavy artillery there opened fire and then closed the steel doors to prevent counter fire. Also the tunnel system which allowed Japanese to re-occupy cleared bunkers proved effective as Marines, who walked past them were surprised by fresh fire resulting in numerous casualties.

A U.S. 37 mm gun firing during the Battle of Iwo JimaA U.S. 37 mm gun fires against Japanese cave positions in the north face of Mount Suribachi

#7 “Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima” photograph was taken by Joe Rosenthal

The Marines were able to cut off Mount Suribachi from the rest of the island by the morning of 23 February. A group of Marines were sent to capture the summit. They were given an American flag to fly to signal its capture. They met with little Japanese resistance and hoisted the U.S. flag over Mount Suribachi: the first foreign flag to fly on Japanese soil. Photograph of this was taken by American photographer Joe Rosenthal. Upon its release it became extremely popular and an iconic image of the war. It is the only photograph to win the Pulitzer Prize for Photography in the same year as its publication and one of the most reproduced photographs of all time.

Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima photographRaising the Flag on Iwo Jima by Joe Rosenthal

#8 Iwo Jima was captured on March 26, 1945

Despite losing Suribachi, Japan held strong positions. To counter Japanese tactics, Americans planned attacks during the night. This proved very successful and numerous Japanese soldiers were killed while they slept. Also Sherman M4A3R3 flamethrower tanks proved to be effective in clearing Japanese positions. On March 8, the Marines were able to split Kuribayashi’s defenses into two. On 21 March, the Marines destroyed the Japanese stronghold. On the night of March 25, a 300-man Japanese force launched a final counterattack inflicting more than a 100 casualties on U.S. It is said that Kuribayashi led the attack himself. Iwo Jima was declared to be captured on the morning of March 26, 1945.

A M4A3 Sherman with flame-throwerA Marine flame throwing tank scorches a Japanese strongpoint. The eight M4A3 Shermans with flame-thrower proved to be the most valuable weapons systems on Iwo Jima.

#9 It is the only battle by U.S. Marine Corps in which U.S. casualties exceeded Japanese

The Battle of Iwo Jima resulted in the death of 18,844 out of 22,060 Japanese soldiers on the island. 216 were captured and the remaining survived secretly on the island, many of whom surrendered later. America suffered more than 26,000 casualties, including 6,800 dead. Due to heavy casualties the necessity of the battle has been questioned. Its critics say that U.S. gained little by capturing Iwo Jima. Among the points they cite are: the loss of U.S. B-29s due to Iwo Jima was not very significant, Japan continued to receive warning signals of warplanes from another island (Rota) and Iwo Jima proved “useless to the Army as a staging base and useless to the Navy as a fleet base”.

U.S. Marines with captured Japanese flagU.S. Marines pose on top of enemy pillbox with a captured Japanese flag

#10 27 men were awarded the Medal of Honor for their heroics at Iwo Jima

27 U.S. Marine Corps and Navy personnel were awarded Medal of Honor, the highest military decoration in America, for their heroics in the Battle of Iwo Jima. On 19 February 1985, an event was held to mark the 40th anniversary of the landing on Iwo Jima. Called “Reunion of Honor”, it was attended by veterans from both sides that fought the battle. A memorial to the Flag Raising was built on top of Mt. Suribachi. The famous Marine Corps War Memorial in Virginia is also based on the flag raising photograph.

The U.S. Marine Corps War MemorialThe U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington, Virginia
353. Anonymous says:
19 May 2016 05:11:51 AM

I love this site
354. Anonymous says:
22 Nov 2016 02:40:33 PM

The USS Dickens, an attack transport was also present
355. AliceMW says:
17 Dec 2016 09:56:23 AM

this helps me a lot with my world history project that I have to do for my Christmas break. hopefully I will get a good grade on my project, I don't know yet.
356. William G (Vance) says:
29 Dec 2016 05:52:22 AM

My grandfather, William Curtis Vance, was the operator of the boat that took the men to the beachs of Iwo Jima. He never talked about that day. He died December 2, 1992 with 2 of the bullets that nearly killed him. One bullet was so close to his spine, they were afraid removing it would cripple or kill him. The day he was shot, he was barely alive. The story is he was only saved when he moved his hand a little.
357. Steve says:
6 Feb 2017 08:44:57 AM

The Japanese flag that was taken down from Mount Suribachi on Feb 23 resides near Columbus, Ohio. Taken home by one of the Marines that helped put up the American flag.
358. Anonymous says:
21 Feb 2017 02:25:11 PM

To the anonymous person who said, "Not a single mention of the [US Army] 27th Division... ." That's because the [US Army] 27th Division wasn't there!

The USMC 3rd, 4th, and 5th Divisions took Iwo Jima, with bombardment support from USN/USNR and logistical support from US Army Transport/Garrison troops.

359. Anonymous says:
27 Feb 2017 10:43:02 AM

is there an actual list,please let me know @johnnymccleese1234@outlook.com
5 Mar 2017 09:07:35 PM

361. Anonymous says:
17 Mar 2017 10:24:15 AM

Donald, I am a fellow Corpsman who was inspired by a Marine (My stepdad). I contacted him because he works for the Semper-Fi Task Force in Northern Alabama. The ball is already rolling beyond me.
362. AnimusLiber says:
17 Mar 2017 02:05:49 PM

Me. Robinson:

Sir, I did some digging on Robert Kaliss and found out that he was in 21st Marine Regiment, 3rd MARDIV. I gave that information and the information you have already gathered to people who will know what to do with it. I'll post here if that is most convenient or you can email my throwaway junk email address and I'll make sure to allow it through and flag your address as important.

363. Anonymous says:
7 Apr 2017 09:10:48 AM

364. Christine says:
13 May 2017 04:31:01 PM

Thanks for this page XD I have a history paper and I chose the topic of Iwo Jima to write on and this is extremely helpful
365. brian r gerson says:
29 May 2017 06:47:09 PM

My Great Uncle Norman G Gerson was killed on Iwo March 4 1945. He was with the 26th Marines, 5 Mar Div. Are there any one left who may have known him.
Thanks Brian Gerson USMC 1986-90
366. Anonymous says:
11 Jun 2017 09:40:53 AM

Read Flags Of Our Fathers by James Bradley, 364 Christine.... his father was John Bradley, flag raiser.
Just be ready for what you will read. .....best book i ve ever read on any military campaign..
367. Mauren says:
24 Jun 2017 12:26:44 PM

My father, Edward F. Stanford was a Marine, with the 5th Div., on Mt. Suribachi, Iwo Jima, at the time of the "flag raising"; at which time, he was wounded. I am trying to find a listing of ALL the Marines who were there at that time.
368. James Gaddis says:
29 Jul 2017 06:47:16 PM

My dad James E. Gaddis was a MM3, SEABEE was part of the landing with Marines, operated a dozer to made a path off of the beach. I have pictures of the battle. Looking for other SEABEE.
369. Mark says:
7 Sep 2017 06:22:10 PM

My father was also a SEABEE on iwo jima, 133rd Construction Battalion Carpenter Mate.
370. Danny Berger says:
18 Sep 2017 11:13:47 AM

My Grandfather was Frank or under Franklin Herman Mardis. He was a staff sgt and is in the image Gung Ho and is mis-identified and I'f like information about my Grandpa. All I can get. I'm getting the records corrected in honor of my Grandpa. I would appreciate any assistance. Feel free to e-mail me because I check my e-mail daily. His date of entry was July 25th 1941. Serial # was 314221 (I BELIEVE) 5th Marine div. THANK YOU
371. Peter Roome says:
17 Oct 2017 12:46:30 PM

The USS Flint was also involved in this battle. I'm beginning to look through the war diaries and action reports from this time. My father was a pointer and controlled some of the 5"38 caliber anti-aircraft guns aboard the FLINT.
372. Dennis V Lovello says:
20 Nov 2017 09:17:57 AM

Dad carried a BAR & was 60% disabled from shrapnel by 3 grenades which were heaved by a NIP hiding in a 55 Gal. oil can. This happened on 4 Mar.
He landed w/ the 2nd Wave & was in the 24thReg. 4th Div.
He passed on 17 Aug. '99; 1 day b4 his 80th B'day

I SHALL NEVER BUY A JAP AUTO.........People do NOT realize that the ZERO was made by Mitsabuch.i
373. Reid Kneller says:
2 Dec 2017 03:14:19 PM

First Off,God Bless the brave men in the USMC. My cousin was PFC Howard Spencer Brandon Jr KIA Iwo Jima March 9,1945 19 yrs old.If anyone can help me with his military service history it would be great.He was from McMinville,Or. His brother was Gunnery Sargent P.E. Brandon USMC 1953 retired 1973 Semper fi . Thank-You so much for your service Marines you are very special people. God Bless Reid
374. Luke Benedict says:
17 Dec 2017 11:44:21 PM

My great grandfather James Peters served in the Marines during iwo jima. Caught jungle fever and what we believe to be molaria, he also was hit in the ankle. Unfortunately we do not know much more information so if anyone has any on James Peters, contact me at ljbenedictt@gmail.com thank you and have a nice dy.
375. Anonymous says:
16 Jan 2018 04:49:09 PM

my great grandfather fought on the island i just want to say thank you to all who also fought on iwo jima
376. Anonymous says:
6 Feb 2018 08:36:35 AM

could not find many pictures
377. Rhonda says:
25 Feb 2018 05:49:19 AM

Marion Nicholas Botu, my surviving 94 year old grandfather enlisted into the Marine Corp, at age 17, in 1942. He served in Guadal Canal and Iwo Jima. I know in one of these battles, he was only one of very few survivors in his unit. Although, when asked, he once was able to answer my families many wuestions, but did so in a very somber stare. He now has dementia and Alzheimer’s, and Id love to know more about his service, and those whom served right beside him. If ANYONE knows anything about his service, it would be incredibly appreciated! Thank you.
378. Anonymous says:
8 Mar 2018 08:58:53 AM

i feel like this is a really good article besides the fact that i think that there is to much unwanted information.
379. Dawn Bailey says:
16 Mar 2018 02:41:06 PM

I have six pictures for sale of the La Grande victory 1945 in pristine condition. Email me if interested.
380. Anonymous says:
13 Apr 2018 12:55:08 PM

Can you tell me about more of what happened this was NO help
381. Gerald Anderson says:
22 Aug 2018 07:46:36 AM

My dad was there in a LST,
382. Anonymous says:
3 Sep 2018 08:42:40 PM

In your list of "Ship Participants", you did not mention "LSV-2, USS Ozark". This ship played a key roll in treating and evacuating the battle casualties. My father served aboard this vessel.
383. Anonymous says:
16 Sep 2018 05:57:51 PM

A man who lived in my town fought at Iwo Jima. He died in the 90s but his name was Walter Richardson. Any information?
384. Larry Young says:
18 Sep 2018 09:15:21 AM

My dad's cousin was KIA on March 6,1945. He was with the 5th Marine Div. His name Pfc. John Nelson Budway, and was from Bangor, Maine.
Wondering if anyone who served with the 5th or related to them have any recollections of him.
Thanks and God Bless all our warriors.
385. wade wingfield says:
2 Oct 2018 07:44:52 AM

My father, Charles Wingfield, was on the deck of the USS Landers, a landing boat support ship, and watched the flag being raised on Mt.Surbachi.
386. Anonymous says:
22 Mar 2019 01:58:24 PM

did any of our planes land in any part of japan during ww11. esp. Iwo Jima. would appreciate it if anyone can share..
387. Anonymous says:
4 May 2019 02:25:09 PM

My grandfather, Robert Banks, was sent to the battle of Iwo Jima and an author approached him about writing a book on him but he refused. I’d like to know more about his story but I understand he prefers not talk about it. All I know is he has a lot of medals from the battle and he is still alive today
388. Charles J. Eschman says:
11 May 2019 07:34:00 PM

My first cousin was the bombardier on Dyna Mite. His name was 2nd Lt Leo Eschman. I believe he was 23 years old when they perished in April, 45.
389. Anonymous says:
26 May 2019 03:05:37 AM

To the grandson of Robert Banks. I was at the retirement of the 4th Marine Division Association at Camp Lejeune in 2015. There were 77 Marines there who were honored for their service on Iwo Jima. My uncle and a lifelong friend of mine, Sgt Major Mike “Iron Mike” Mervosh fought there. I had the honor of accompanying Mike there. I spoke with dozens of those Marines and was surprised how much they wanted to talk over the five day event. Be gentle, but ask your grandfather what he would be willing to talk about. He will certainly get emotional and it will take time for him if he wants to talk. Learn as much as you can about which division, battalion and company he was in if you have that much. If not, start by asking him which he was in. Here is a link for some more info for 4th Marines. You should let him look, it may encourage him to talk.

390. Todd Griffiths says:
14 Jul 2019 08:03:56 PM

My Grandfather, Ralph “Pee Wee” Griffiths was on the island with these men. He knew the impact they made, but, as many of them, was quiet a lost the story for most of his life. Once Flags of our fathers was made he got all the notoriety and perks that he never wanted, but finally grew to appreciate. He lived his bits, went to many many reunions and was honored to be a part of such a team. He finally passed a few weeks ago; leading me to seek out the part of his life that everyone else recognized him by, but passed by me as I just live my gramps. Take care veterans!
391. Jeff Ruston says:
12 Sep 2019 01:10:04 PM

My dad
was on Iwo in the 5th Marines. Gone now but not forgotten.
392. Marianne (Gallagher) Policastro says:
12 Nov 2019 07:11:57 PM

My Father is 94 and served in the Marines V Amphibious Corps. I have tried to find out for him which division he served in. He has many memories, and a scrapbook with many pictures from Hawaii, Iwo Jima, and Japan. He would appreciate being able to connect to the memories that have faded. I would like to find a place that would be able to record scans of the pictures in order to provide pictures of the other men included in them.
My Father is John C. Gallagher originally from The Bronx NY
393. Tami Gooding says:
7 Mar 2020 08:08:01 PM

My friend Laurence St Clair is 97 years old and served in Iwo Jima. I’m curious how many mite veterans are still alive from this battlev
394. Tonya Bates says:
10 Mar 2020 11:41:19 AM

My grandfather, Joe Gibson Brown, fought at Iwo Jima, but could never talk about it. He has since passed and I have letters he sent from there to his wife, but I don't know a division or anything and would love additional information.
395. David w Burns says:
18 Mar 2020 12:20:40 AM

My grandfather Mark W Burns.Who has since passed, was also was part of the 5th division amphibious Marines.He would never speak much about it accept he once said to me "It should be forgotten in history"
I'd also like to know more about my grandfather as far as his service number and record.
Praise to these courageous men who gave themselves to they re country through this horrific conflict.
396. Rick Oates says:
25 Mar 2020 06:29:59 PM

Do you know the average age of the Marines?
397. Jeff says:
28 Apr 2020 02:14:43 PM

Looking for information or pictures of Rex Foreman
398. Carl says:
18 Jun 2020 02:17:34 PM

Look for a Marine, last name Ferguson, who was on Iwo Jima, Later was a Sgt. At Camp Pendleton in the 1960’s.
399. william wright says:
7 Jul 2020 04:22:14 AM

i would like very much to find out about mnny dad his name was ralph eugene wright
400. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
7 Jul 2020 02:41:55 PM

William Wright (above):
The very best source of information is his service record. See https://ww2db.com/faq/#3.
401. James Barkley says:
14 Dec 2020 12:15:13 PM

Can you find a marine ether its Dexter Lockwood Barkley or Dexter Robert Barkley
402. Anonymous says:
18 Jan 2021 11:31:43 PM

Looking for information about Seaman 1st Class Joe Edward Pritchard, UDT team on the USS Blessman
14 Mar 2021 03:19:21 AM

looking for information on S/SGT Edger Adams
404. L. Button says:
31 May 2021 09:27:02 AM

Looking to see if Edward J. (Jack E.) Davis was on Iwo Jima in 1945.
He was a SeaBee.
405. Mike Bland says:
5 Jun 2021 09:49:38 AM

Any info on my father-in-law
Lt. James R. Einum, USMC
20th Engineer unit, Company B
406. Rebecca June Brown says:
12 Aug 2021 11:22:51 PM

My dad, Claude Ray Hamblett was part of the second wave which landed on Iwo Jima. He said that the beach was so littered with the dead and wounded that he had to crawl over them. They were fighting inland when he was wounded by sniper fire. He had numerous surgeries rebuilding his jaw and creating a way to fit a denture for half his mouth which had be shot out. I can't remember the name of the ship which transported him to Iwo Jima. They stopped at Enewetak Atoll while in route to Iwo Jima.
407. Douglas H Wilson says:
15 Oct 2021 12:08:05 PM

My great uncle Paul E Claffey of Norwood NY was injured on iwo jima
408. Connie Montgomery says:
11 Nov 2021 10:03:09 PM

My mother's 1st husband was killed around March 3, 1945 on Iwo Jima. His name was a Marine PFC Dale Marion Sizemore. He left mama with 3 babies ages newborn to 3 years old. I don't think she ever got over him and his children never knew their father. So sad. But he must have been a real hero as all our servicemen and women are.
409. robert J sposa says:
5 Mar 2022 05:57:11 AM

looking for louis a. provost 5th marine div 1st bn batry c kia march 24 1945
410. Anonymous says:
22 Aug 2022 08:16:17 AM

It wasn't all Marines. My father was in 147th Infantry Regiment. Arrived on Iwo Jima Mar 21. They killed 1602 Japanese and took 867 prisoners. They spent weeks clearing caves.
411. Robert Johnston says:
11 Sep 2022 09:29:26 AM

My father was James FRED Johnston, he was in the 147th IR. I am trying to find a mister list of soldiers in the 147th. Any help would be appreciated.
412. Anonymous says:
26 Sep 2022 08:34:51 AM

I've been trying to hunt down list of all casualties at Iwo Jima, my great grandfather was wounded during the battle and I'm trying to put together a history of my family's military history. Does anyone know a list?
413. chanse says:
22 Feb 2023 09:27:38 AM

sorta my great grandpa was a marine he was a solider at Iowa jima.

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Notable Aircraft:
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Related Books:
» A Shanghai American
» Flags of Our Fathers
» The Lions of Iwo Jima

Affiliated Link:
» The Lions of Iwo Jima

Battle of Iwo Jima Photo Gallery
General Kuribayashi, commander of the Japanese forces at Iwo Jima, circa 1937-1944Kuribayashi directing defenders at Iwo Jima, circa May 1944-Jan 1945
See all 346 photographs of Battle of Iwo Jima

Famous WW2 Quote
"The raising of that flag on Suribachi means a Marine Corps for the next 500 years."

James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy, 23 Feb 1945

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