C. Peter Chen
ww2dbaseI am the founder and managing editor of the World War II Database, which is a website brought to you by my consulting firm Lava Development, LLC. This website came from a relational database originally designed to organize text clippings, photographs, and my own notes. On 28 Dec 2004, the WW2DB website became publicly available to achieve two goals: To share my notes on WW2 history with others with similar interest, and to showcase the technical capabilities of Lava Development, LLC. From this initiative born the website you see today. Aside from WW2DB, I am also on the staff of the website Imperial Japanese Navy Page on the topic of the WW2-era Japanese Navy.
ww2dbaseWhat is it exactly about history that intrigues me so much? Perhaps this following quote from Eric Hobsbawn's book The Age of Extremes best illustrates it.
ww2dbaseTo our generations, that is exactly how we see World War II. In 2006 while on vacation abroad I met a gentleman who spent part of his childhood years in Shandong Province of China under Japanese occupation. He did not remember the war as a world-changing event, but to him the war was when he and his friends hid in the rice paddies as Japanese fighters flew over them, naively thinking they were targets of a Japanese offensive. To my grandmother, too; she did not care that the conflict was a World War, rather it was the air raid that separated her from several of her children.
ww2dbaseFor more information:
cpeterchen.org | C. Peter Chen's personal website | |
lavadev.com | Lava Development, LLC.'s website | |
dev-notes.com | Lava's contribution to the technical community | |
CougarDB.com | 1999-2002 Mercury Cougar registry, an early Lava project |
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Visitor Submitted Comments
11 Aug 2006 06:22:17 AM
Rallis birthdate is unknown.
Filovs birthdate was Apr 10 1883 (ref Current Biography 1941)
Your take on the astute Boris III is a little biased.
18 Nov 2006 10:39:01 AM
The conundrum of war is alive and well. I am against war. Having said that if I truly believed a pre-emptive military action would permanently eliminate war and all enemies of sanity, I would close my eyes, grit my teeth, hold my breath and push the button. Unfortunately the historic evidence is that our current wars are inextricably connected to our previous wars the ones we have won and the ones we have lost.
In reality there has never been a permanent “military solution”. Rather there appears to be a series of temporary military cessations while the defeated rearm both with weaponry and elevated levels of hatred and vengeful intent.
The conundrum of war is alive and well. I am against war. Having said that if I truly believed a pre-emptive military action would permanently eliminate war and all enemies of sanity, I would close my eyes, grit my teeth, hold my breath and push the button. Unfortunately the historic evidence is that our current wars are inextricably connected to our previous wars the ones we claim we have won and the ones we have lost.
In reality there has never been a permanent “military solution”. Rather there appears to be a series of temporary military cessations while the defeated rearm both with weaponry and elevated levels of hatred and vengeful intent.
Your excellent site reminds us of the realness of war. I am touched by the number of people still looking for old friends, family members, commrads in arms and some possible answer to the unanswerable question of the efficacy of armed conflict from a vantage point 60 years removed. Keep up the good work. Jack C.
13 Oct 2008 09:48:23 AM
There is a caption error on this Web page: http://ww2db.com/photo.php?sourceall&colorall&listsearch&foreigntypeO&foreigntype_id25
The caption states "WASP pilot Helen W. Snapp flying her SBD Dauntless aircraft over Washington, DC, United States, Jun 1944"
The aircraft is a Curtiss SB2C Helldiver.
You can verifty this at Web site http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SB2C_Helldiver, among others.
24 Jun 2009 08:48:25 AM
Hiya Pete-
Your site looks great I am contacting you to make you aware of a new Yank Magazine article that I've posted - no WW II database is complete without it:
3 Jul 2009 09:52:45 PM
Hallo Peter Chen,
can you for me in the US-Blogs or archivs informationen about Erhard Milch (German Luftwaffe)? I'm searching long time a woman from this family. She had living in the Russian occupation zone until 1954/1955. Than a German brought this girl at relatives in the USA. Today she is 70 year. I know here in Germany not privat live from E. MIlch.
Kindly Regards
Monika Ehrentraut
26 Feb 2010 09:47:12 PM
Hi there. i am a proud New Zealander and am quite upset at the fact you have left out any mention about New Zealand's contribution to the second world war! we suffered a huge amount of casualties but also massive sucesses, particulary in the north african campaign! please add my country to your website after all we are a member of the commonwealth and fought in the war!
29 Mar 2010 08:58:39 AM
Hello, my name is Miguel Krebs. Several years ago back I was working on a documentary one on the armored Graf Spee, for which I resorted to the military file in Germany and made a news article to Diggins commander, assistant of Langsdorf, that was in the German embassy of Montevideo.
Between the investigation materials I have newspapers the original Press and the Nation of the time (13 and 14 of December of 1939), filmic material in 8m (nonsuper 8) dumb in black and white of 15 minutes of duration on a made meeting days and 20 of December of 1964 between the survivors of the tipulación of the Graf Spee and those of the Ajax, Exeter and the Achilles, in Buenos Aires and Montevideo, to commemorate the 25 years of the battle of the River of the Silver.
Also one copies in 16mm of the reporter Argentine Events of the time and the news article to Diggins, also in 16mm and magnetic perforated the corresponding one.
All this material I have it on sale and wanted to know if it could interest to him or if it knows somebody that to offer it.
To the delay of an answer, it greeting atte.
Miguel Krebs
27 Apr 2010 11:49:36 AM
I have a picture of Cpl Charles Russell at Camp Bowel Texas Oct 1942 and would like to get it to his relatives. Any idea how I can do this?
5 Jan 2011 10:59:11 AM
Great site I found it while searching for Reinhard Heydrich photos. I did notice an error in two of the photographs of him though. At the bottom of the page of photos of him it shows Heydrich and his wife Lina attending a concert. The correct date for this is 26 May, 1942, the day before the assassination attempt.He lived for a week in the Bulovka Hospital in Prague until he died on 04 June, 1942. Also, the photo of the green Mercedes 320 on display in the Military Technical Museum in Prague probably is not the actual car Heydrich was in when he was attacked. Most historians and researchers agree that it is just a similar car that was made to resemble the damaged vehicle for the display.
20 Apr 2011 02:15:40 PM
Contributors to this site might be interested in a new WWII book that my husband has written, released by Penguin on April 5. It is called Brothers Rivals Victors: Eisenhower, Patton, Bradley and the Partnership that Drove the Allied Conquest in Europe. It chronicles the relationship between the 3 generals from their West Point days through the end of WWII. The book made it to #42 on Amazon (#2 among all history books) over the weekend, and was recently reviewed in both the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.
24 May 2011 02:29:32 PM
Hi Peter.
Thanks for the artical on Rodney keller. Would you know if has any relatives in England?
John Keller, ( grandson )
17 Nov 2011 05:54:48 AM
Just wanted to congratulate you on an outstanding website Peter!
Keep up the good work!
Best wishes,
Ex B-Coy 3-Para 1980-87. UK.
8 Dec 2011 09:16:38 AM
Can you tell me how to get a crew roster for the USS Colorado under Capt. Woodside (1941)
24 Dec 2011 05:59:26 AM
Hi Peter,
My dad was the 43d Division Artillery's dentist in '41-45 and brought back over 70 photos from the Solomon Islands. He also has photos from his Army traing at Camp Blanding and Camp Shelby. Would you like to add them to the collection?
You have a terrific site- the navigation is easy and clean and your commentary is simply terrific. If you ever leave IT, you'll have a great career as a militery historian.
Best Regards,
12 Jan 2013 02:54:01 PM
I have a little piece of information about the battle of Hafid Ridge 15 June 1942 in which my father's tank was hit and he was captured. Would you be interested?
31 Mar 2013 03:05:02 PM
U sucks, Yugoslavia was major allied country. First of all, in Yugoslavia was first liberate place in WWII and was known as Uzicka republika. U so do not have a clue about WWII, moron.
28 Aug 2013 03:46:50 PM
Great site chap! Are you related to Arthur Chen by any chance?
21 Oct 2013 12:19:09 PM
Hi, Peter!
Great site indeed, but I wanted to comment on the top banner image of the Spitfire you have!
This is Mk.XVIe TD248 - this was the gate guard at RAF Sealand in North Wales for over 20 years! My late father & I would stop to gaze at this beautiful machine every time we passed over 40 years ago!!
I hope to see it fly one day... ;~)
Kindest regards,
15 Jul 2014 12:43:18 PM
Thank you so much for putting this site together. I recently found some interesting facts about my grand father, sun lian zhong.
17 Aug 2014 08:12:22 AM
My father, Donald J. Portman, was an Army Air Corps meteorologist in WWII and served on weather reconnaissance flights from a base in the Aleutian Islands, Pehaps somewhere in the Fox islands. Does anyone know what air craft would have been used on those flights? I would like to build a model. Thanks, Chris Portman
18 Jan 2015 11:44:00 AM
Hi Peter, I have a photo album of my great uncle, Karl Ribbink - later KIA, who was an air gunner in the South African Air Force during WW 2. What makes these photos very interesting is that they were taken at Kufra Oasis, forward base of the LRDG, in 1942. He was part of a flight, 15 Sqn SAAF flying Bristol Bolingbrokes, detached there for six months. Some interesting photos including one of a 'butterfly bomb' canister falling away from an He 111 at about 300 - a telegraph pole gives amazing perspective on this shot. If you want copies of the photos please let me know and how you want them sent?
7 Feb 2015 06:37:30 AM
Dear Peter:
Many thanks for your kind review of my book, The Rice Paddy Navy. A couple hundred of the original 2500 SACOs are still living. 15 of them gathered with family and friends for a reunion last August as they have done each year since 1955. A delegation of 9 from the Military Intelligence Bureau of the government of Taiwan (ROC) attended.
14 Apr 2015 09:13:04 AM
How would I go about finding a history and/or a picture of a B24 Mitchell heavy bomber christened “Amicable Lodge”?
27 Apr 2015 12:51:36 PM
am looking for any and all info on B24 bomber christened "Amicable Lodge". that is my masonic lodge. we were awarded that honor by raising the most money in Maryland for the war bond effort.
28 Jul 2015 10:42:37 AM
Great website!
We don't have such database in China.
Waiting for detailed information.
Just keeping on please.
10 Oct 2015 07:54:03 PM
Dear Peter,
Good work Peter !
Rene Liem
The Netherlands
22 Oct 2015 04:32:40 PM
I absolutely love your site. My father was a navigator in B-17s
in the European theater. Perhaps you can help me. I have
all his orders which include the orders of many other men
who were going through various trainings. I have always felt
that this information might be interesting to these men's
families. If you know of any databases or Web sites that I
might contribute this information to, I would be most
appreciative. Thank you in advance for any help you might
be able to give.
27 Jan 2016 04:46:35 PM
Your article on the B-29 says Le May merged the 20 th and 21 Bomber Commands into the XXAF. This in incorrect in several aspects. At the time Le May assumed command in the Marianas the Twentieth Air Force (20th AF) was commanded in Washington. Le May commanded the XXI BC. The XX BC remained in Asia but sent its Wings and Groups to the XXI BC. THE ROMAN NUMERIALS designated the Commands subordinate to the numbered Air Forces.
13 Apr 2016 01:34:37 PM
Excellent site, great work. Have you considered two additional sections under "Weapons": Shipboard Weapons" and "Aircraft Weapons"? They are both fascinating topics.
23 Nov 2016 10:23:45 AM
Dear Mr. Chen;
I came across your ww2db.com site and found it to be a great resource. I am researching a book on dive bombers and I was wondering if you knew of any photos of higher resolution (300 dpi, 6 MP) than what you have currently on your site.
Joseph Frantiska, Jr. Ed.D.

23 Nov 2016 11:17:20 AM
Joseph, thanks for visiting WW2DB. Unfortunately, in almost all cases, the photos found on WW2DB represent the best quality of each in our collection. Best of luck with the book project!
9 Feb 2017 11:10:02 PM
Dear Mr. Chen,
Do you have any records of the surrender of the Japanese medical corp to the Chinese medical corp throughout China and in Indochina (in particular, Haiphong). 10February 2017
9 Apr 2017 04:49:03 PM
Mr. Chen,
I was referred to the WW2DB site during an ongoing debate about the Soviet transport Uritsky being spotted by the Kido Butai (and vice versa) on Dec.5'41.
I wondered if you might tell me what the source of your assertion was ? There seems to have been much debate on the subject over the last 75 years.
Thanks in advance !
9 Jun 2017 01:57:08 PM
Hello! Do you have any information about the soldier number?
22 Sep 2017 04:20:56 AM
Peter I thank you for commencing this site. My late Uncle was one of the last off the beaches of Dunkirk during WW2.
I like the quote of Patton. Apt. It is a very big subject but the truth of history must be there for the Y gens. NEVER TO BE WRITTEN out of school books but to be recorded for all time and with the earnest hope that humankind never makes the same mistakes. JAW JAW, not WAR WAR as Winston Churchill told us
31 Oct 2017 03:01:24 PM
Hi Peter
I have just discovered this website, and wanted to thank you for such a great source of WWII info - so, thank you sir!
29 Nov 2017 08:13:54 PM
Peter, Your site was so helpful for my just released English translation of my late father's book on his brother, who died defending Nanjing in 1937. The book is out for the 80th anniversary this Dec. of the Battle. "Yang Dapeng: Remembrance of a Martry of Nanjing 1937" is on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/1973202484?ref_=pe_870760_150889320.
Blurb excerpt: "The book seeks to give recognition to Yang Dapeng, who essentially died an unknown soldier, and in doing so, to commemorate all the soldiers of China’s War of Resistance who pitted themselves against a far stronger enemy to save their nation....This book is a poignant history and a valuable primary source about extraordinary ordinary people who lived through one of China’s most harrowing eras."
31 Dec 2017 02:31:13 PM
Thanks for your information on the French resistance, Peter. I am intrigued by one particular former member of the resistance. Her name was Andree Belay, and she married Arthur Bartrum Baker, of Cambridge, New Zealand after the death of his first wife. Apparently, Andree won three different medals, including the Croix de Guerre. In 1962, the French rugby team toured New Zealand and played against the Waikato regional team based in Hamilton. While there, the team visited Mrs Baker to pay its respects - quite an extraordinary event in its own right.
I'm not able to find any information about her war record or what her particular achievements were that warranted award of highly regarded medals.
Mr Baker was a good friend and business acquaintance of my father in Cambridge.
7 Jan 2018 03:26:45 PM
Sir: I'm looking for some info on a civilian pow, roy c bennett, held by the japanese at the Santo Tomas, Manila luzon,Philippines. This may be my fsther
10 Jan 2018 11:43:23 PM
looking for any into on the OPERATION LONGCLOTH and any photographs
Any in for would be great
30 Jan 2018 10:21:13 AM
Dear Peter,
thanks for your message. I identified another person on the photo. At the right of the podestà there is the Minister of Communications, Costanzo Ciano. If you give me an email address, I can send you details and picture with reference numpers.
30 Jan 2018 07:35:30 PM
A chink studying the history of European theatre of WW2. This is precious. What do you know of USSR, where did you get your data? From Cold War era american textbooks?
17 Apr 2018 03:47:57 PM
who puts this out to public?
25 Jun 2018 10:07:02 PM
Dear Peter,
Your database is helpful. I am trying to find out more about the Merano Conference in 1941 and would appreciate any leads you might have.
3 Aug 2018 06:30:15 AM
On the Battle of Britain Page the first photo is upside down. It shows a bomber flying (north bound) over the Canary Wharf area of London which is on the north side of the Thames river.

3 Aug 2018 10:28:01 AM
To anonymous of 3 Aug 2018: Thanks for your note. We have revised the caption to specify that the aircraft had been flying northbound. https://ww2db.com/image.php?image_id=25437
27 Feb 2019 07:38:57 AM
I love the database, it has aided me in my research a great deal. Thank you.
17 Apr 2020 06:08:27 AM
Found information about the WW2 submarine, SAWFISH SS-276 on Peter's website. https://ww2db.com/ship_spec.php?ship_id=261
Perhaps little known, SAWFISH was used after the war for filming the TV series, 'Silent Service'. I visited aboard her in Long Beach prior to her scrapping in 1960.
2 May 2020 12:58:45 AM
This is an extraordinary undertaking. I came across it while doing a search for VE Day. Thank you.
4 Jun 2020 08:27:57 AM
Great website; I've used it for many years!
However, I noticed that for the last few days one of the functions is no longer working as it used to. For years I've used the "Today in WW2 History" link to review interesting things that occurred on that date. If there are more than 4 photos associated with that date, there is typically a "See all photos dated ..." link you can use to view the whole gallery of photos tagged with that date. However, during the last few days, clicking that link takes you to a generic search page which invites you to "Browse by Time Period," "Browse by Photographer," "Browse by Location," or conduct a "Keyword Search." Did you change the "See all photos dated..." function on purpose, or has some kind of system error defaulted to this search page. I'm not sure how that searching by date is available from the general search page unless date is considered a "Keyword Search." Please enlighten me.

4 Jun 2020 06:09:25 PM
Thanks for letting us know of the issue with the "Today" page! That page received a under-the-hood overhaul recently, and this is a bug that resulted from that change. It should be fixed now.
22 Sep 2020 08:50:31 AM
I love this site. Been looking at it for days. Doing so, I ran across something you might look at. Don't know how I did it, but found the same picture attributed to action on Iwo Jima and Tarawa.
No big deal, just an FYI. I do love this site and thank you for giving it to us.
11 Nov 2020 10:50:40 AM
My father was 2nd navigator flying Sutherland over King George V with Churchill aboard on Jan 17, 1944. 3 destroyers. They returned to Mt. Batten Base. Your records show KGV in Ceylon about that time???
12 Apr 2021 12:41:18 PM
My daddy Was an officer on the Essex during this time I believe this is right dates. Daddy was warrant officer I’m just not sure how to find out all the information , checking I found a mistake my father retired after 23 years in the Navy he did get a pension from the Navy although because of the mistakes in paperwork I think it cost my mother her pension she also is gone . I am 77 years old
Thank you
28 Oct 2021 03:11:43 PM
My Father was at Nanning on 05 April 1944. He was 1 of 5 US pilots available and they all launched. Only one was shot down, while 9 Japanese aircraft were lost. How do I send you a picture?
11 Jan 2022 06:28:07 AM
I have a piece of F1 Grenade WWII shrapnel. How do I determine if it is actually a piece of the F1 Grenade? I can share a picture of the shrapnel if you are interested.
3 Oct 2022 12:31:54 PM
My hobby is the history of my hometown Orsha (Belarus). I am 72 years old. Since July 12, 1941, units of the Erprobungsgruppe 210 Schnellkampfgeschwader 210 were stationed near Orsha.
Have you seen the flight logs of the pilots of these units for July 1941? Or flight reports at this time?
If you met, then please tell me where they are stored.
With respect and best wishes, Eduard Navogonsky. Orsha. Belarus.
7 Mar 2023 01:38:28 PM
Hi. I have photo of Battle of Dakar that I would like to send you. My grandad was on Richelieu and was a keen photographer.
2 Mar 2024 08:21:55 AM
I have seen several pictures from the Sept 9, 1945 Surrender of Japanese troops in China. My dad was there. I would like to use two of them in the book I am writing regarding his service. Would this be OK?
11 Mar 2024 09:15:36 AM
Hi Peter,
Just wanted to say I appreciate the time, effort, and knowledge you've poured into creating and maintaining this site. My grandfather flew C-46 Commandos in the Pacific Theater of WWII, and always talked of the events with my brother and I. We adored that man, and always reveled in his stories of the war, and of the planes he flew. It's very gratifying to know that there are sites like this that offer so much insight into the war, and for the men and women who were involved. Thanks again, and keep up the good work.
24 Jun 2024 03:29:22 PM
I have two photos of IJN Fumizuki from 1932 bombardment of Fort Woosung at Shanghai if you want them.
28 Jun 2024 06:44:32 AM
Peter, I found your website during a search of the Pearl Harbor attack. Excellent work. I am asking permission to use ten or so photos for my article on WW2. Is it ok to do so.
Thank you
Andy Bozzone
14 Dec 2024 04:26:59 AM
I thought you might like to add that on December 14, 1999: The US and German negotiators agreed to establish a $5.2 billion fund for Nazi-era enslaved and forced laborers. (Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/52-billion-for-nazi-victims/)
31 Dec 2024 11:58:07 AM
I am looking for help locating any information regarding the disappearance of a B-17 Bomber and its crew. “The Merchant of Venice” was the name of the B-17. The B-17 & crew were assigned to the 785 bombardment squadron 466 bombardment group (Heavy). Listed as casualty of WWII may 11th, 1944. Country of casualty is listed as France.
14 Feb 2025 02:41:48 AM
I am looking for help locating any information regarding the three US fighters and one Chinese fighters died on 28 August 1944. Thanks & kind regards
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General Douglas MacArthur at Leyte, 17 Oct 1944
20 Mar 2006 04:15:03 PM
Peter, great site. Im an American friend of Morgans (Mobadious) from Simaquian. Maybe when I feel like Ive mastered (or at least become competent at) Roman history Ill move back to US history and hang out here more. :-)