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Philippines Campaign, Phase 2

12 Dec 1944 - 15 Aug 1945


12-28 Dec 1944

ww2dbaseBefore American forces could consider assaulting Luzon, the largest island in the Philippines and home to the capital city Manila, advance airbases must be established so that the troops could move under the protection of friendly aircraft. On 12 Dec, Brigadier General William Dunkel and his troops sailed for Mindoro under the protection of the Seventh Fleet by way of Surigao Strait. The landing took place on 15 Dec. Completely surprising the Japanese, who thought Negros or Panay would be the next American target, the landing was unopposed. Carrier-born aircraft circled above also nearly unchallenged, but many Kamikaze aircraft slipped through and caused considerable damage to American shipping including sinking two landing craft, though in the grand scheme of the invasion the sacrifices achieved little. By 28 Dec, two fighter bases were ready for the Luzon invasion scheduled for 9 Jan. With Mindoro lost, Japan also lost the use Manila as a central transfer station of naval transports.

ww2dbase"What you have done on Leyte and are doing on Mindoro are masterpieces", George Marshall complimented Douglas MacArthur.

9 Jan-15 Aug 1945

ww2dbaseWith Mindoro secured, American forces were now just south of Luzon. While MacArthur's intention was to make his main landing assault at Lingayen in northern Luzon, elaborate attempts at deception were made in the south. He had his aircraft unceasingly make reconnaissance flights and bombing missions in southern Luzon. Transport aircraft made many paradrops with dummies, while minesweepers cleared Balagan, Batangas, and Tayabas Bays. Filipino resistance fighters in southern Luzon, too, were called to conduct major sabotage operations. All the effort was to provide a false notion that the American landing was to take place in southern Luzon instead of Lingayen. General Tomoyuki Yamashita, commander of the Japanese ground forces in the Philippine Islands, must had at least made slightly unsure, for that he did not move his headquarters to northern Luzon until after the landing had already taken place at Lingayen. The opening amphibious operation at Luzon, unopposed by the Japanese except for air attacks, landed more men than the first wave of the Normandy landing, and 175,000 were ashore within the first few days, securing a beachhead twenty miles wide. Vice Admiral Shigeru Fukudome noted after the war that he "had no advance information of [American] movement against Lingayen until the fleet actually [departed]." Even by then, the Japanese believed the landing would be attempted around Manila Bay, and they "were taken by surprise when [Americans] appeared in Lingayen and started landing there." Nevertheless, Yamashita knew well that the vast coastlines of Luzon meant defenses established closed to the shores would be useless; instead, most of his men were fortified well inland, leaving only small units closer to the shore to delay the advance of American units. When all of MacArthur's first-phase landers set foot on Luzon, he had 280,000 men at his disposal; that was more than the number Eisenhower had in the campaigns for North Africa, Italy, or southern France.

ww2dbaseSpecial Attack units, again, posed a threat for the landing forces. USS Ommaney Bay, an escort carrier, was lost when a Kamikaze aircraft dove through its wooden flight deck. Two dozen other warships were damaged by similar suicide attacks, with one destroyer sunk. As the campaign stretched on, Rear Admiral Oldendorf would lose more than twenty vessels from Kamikaze before the Japanese defenders ran out of aircraft.

ww2dbaseYamashita led the defending Japanese troops in fighting valiantly against the advancing US army. Though wielding a larger force, he could do little to stop the American advance without air power. He decided to take part of his troops into the island's interior and attempted to draw the campaign as long as possible; this strategy was approved by the Imperial General Headquarters (IGHQ) at Tokyo on 18 Jan. Yamashita split his forces in two major groups, one fortifying Luzon's mountains and the other to defend Manila.

ww2dbaseClark Field was captured by US XIV Corps on 23 Jan, reclaiming the airfield that saw the destruction of part of the US air force helplessly on the ground. On 31 Jan, MacArthur visited the US 1st Cavalry Division and gave Major General Mudge an order: "Go to Manila. Go around the Nips, bounce off the Nips, but go to Manila. Free the internees at Santo Tomás. Take Malacañang Palace and the Legislative Building." The push toward Manila was conducted in three columns each consisted of the 37th Infantry Division, the 1st Cavalry Division (Brigadier General Chase), and the 11th Airborne Division (Lieutenant General Robert Eichelberger). The first two of the three columns had their troops riding on top of tanks as the tanks sped toward Manila, 100 miles to the south, while the 11th Airborne Division made a landing south of the city. The three columns competed to be the first to reach Manila. On 3 Feb at 1835 hours, forward elements of the 1st Cavalry Division reached Manila first. At 2050 hours, with the help of local guides, the cavalry troops reached Santo Tomás University, freeing 200 Allied prisoners of war. On the same day, the Malacañang Palace was secured by Troop F of the 8th Cavalry Regiment.

ww2dbaseFighting in Manila was only beginning. 20,000 Japanese troops were fortified in the city, slowly falling back toward the Intramuros, a fortress-like district built by the Spanish colonial government of a former era.

ww2dbaseAlthough the Americans were under orders to advance without causing too much destruction in the city, influenced by MacArthur's liking for the city, the city still suffered dearly from American artillery and air attacks during the month-long urban fighting; an estimated 1,000 Filipinos were killed from American tank and artillery fire. However, a much greater part of damage, both material as well as in human lives, were caused by the Japanese. Before Yamashita had left Manila for his new headquarters in Banguio, he left Vice Admiral Denshichi Okochi instructions to destroy the port facilities and declare Manila an open city. However, Okochi defied his orders. With a division-equivalent of mostly naval personnel, Okochi and his men engaged in a horrendous pillaging act. Hospitals were set afire with patients tied to their beds. Women of all ages raped and murdered. Babies' eyeballs were gouged out and smeared on walls. 100,000 Filipinos would be murdered mercilessly in Manila and all around Luzon in the last days of Japanese control.

ww2dbaseWhile the tactics were in the hands of MacArthur's field commanders, the general grew bored and decided to visit prisoners recently liberated from Santo Tomás. Some of the prisoners there were his Bataan troops. He was surrounded by thousands of his former soldiers, he recalled,

they remained silent, as though at inspection. I looked down the lines of men bearded and soiled..., with ripped and soiled shirts and trousers, with toes sticking out such shoes as remained, with suffering and torture written on their gaunt faces. Here was all that was left of my men of Bataan and Corregidor.... As I passed slowly down the scrawny, suffering column, ... a whisper said 'You're back,' or 'you made it'.... I could only reply, 'I'm a little late, but we finally came.'

ww2dbaseOn 25 Feb, MacArthur marched into his former residence, where his wife Jean and his son Arthur witnessed 132 Japanese aircraft ravaging the American base at Cavite from the balcony over three years ago. The city was finally declared secure on 3 Mar 1945. By this time, Manila was only nearly a pile of rubble; in WW2, only Warsaw experienced greater damage than Manila. 70% of the utilities, 75% of the factories, 80% of the southern residential district, and the entire business district were destroyed.

ww2dbaseWhen MacArthur, en route to Manila, sailed by Corregidor, he stood on the deck of the ship and stared in deep thought. He later commented.

Intrinsically it is but a barren, war-worn rock, hallowed, as so many places [are], by death and disaster. Yet it symbolizes within itself that priceless, deathless thing, the honor of a nation. Until we lift our flag from its dust, we stand unredeemed before mankind. Until we claim again the ghastly remnants of its last gaunt garrison, we can but stand humble supplicants before Almighty God. There lies our Holy Grail.

ww2dbaseJean MacArthur's comment after seeing Corregidor once again, under the protection of American fighters up above, was more of the casual nature:

The last time I was here, they were all Japs, and instead of watching them we were running for cover. But George [Kenney], what have you done to Corregidor? I could hardly recognize it when we passed it! It looks as though you had lowered it at least forty feet.

ww2dbaseJean's comments were not unfounded. George Kenney, MacArthur's air chief, did indeed drop four thousand tons of various bombs on the island before it was recaptured by MacArthur's troops.

ww2dbaseOn 27 Feb 1945, Manila was considered safe for the return of the Philippines government. At Malacanan Palace, a formal ceremony restored Sergio Osmeña as the head of all of Philippines.

ww2dbaseMeanwhile, the American offensive in southern Luzon began on 20 Feb, initially by XIV Corps but on 14 Mar took over by XI Corps, though some of the units remained in fighting, just that they were reporting to a new set of superiors. Japanese troops at the city of Antipolo, at Bicol Peninsula in southeastern Luzon, and other locations defended their positions with stubborn determination, and the battle would not end until the Japanese surrender in Aug 1945 that ended the war.

ww2dbaseThe campaign on the island of Luzon was costly for both sides. The Japanese saw 205,535 killed and 9,050 captured as prisoners. The Americans suffered 8,310 dead and 29,560 wounded.

10 Mar 1945

ww2dbaseEichelberger and the US 8th Army landed on Mindanao on 10 March following the capture of Manila. Japanese troops at Mindanao would fight a guerilla war in the mountains of Mindanao until the last days of the war.

ww2dbaseConclusion of the Campaign

ww2dbaseThe Philippines were finally declared secure on 30 Jun 1945, and on 5 Jul MacArthur announced that "[t]he entire Philippine Islands are now liberated". In the end, as 17 divisions of American forces moved against the defenders, nearly all 23 divisions of Japanese troops were annihilated. At the end of the Luzon campaign, MacArthur received the report at his desk that the Philippines campaign at that point only cost 820 American lives, while over 12,000 Japanese were killed; such was the result of the superior firepower employed by the Americans by air, land, and sea.

ww2dbaseAfter Manila was secured, MacArthur engaged in a bitter campaign to clear Japanese soldiers from every inch of Filipino soil. This campaign was highly criticized, for many viewed it as a campaign that wasted American lives for objectives that were inconsequential. The campaign was considered by many as MacArthur's selfish venture that fulfilled the obsession of clearing every corner of Philippines of the Japanese.

ww2dbaseAcross all the islands, efforts of local resistance groups against the Japanese should not go unmentioned, as they rivaled the effectiveness of the French resistance. By 1944, 180,000 Filipinos had served in the resistance in some way, with one in six of them serving in Luis Tarluc's Hukbalahaps. The Huks, as they were referred to by Americans, were a band of Marxists that were consisted mostly of the middle class whose devotion were attributed to their faith in MacArthur. The Huks and other resistance groups, after Hollandia, sent Australia nearly 4,000 radio messages every month, detailing from military maneuvers to the guest list at the Manila Hotel. MacArthur, in return, sneaked equipment, transmitters, and even commando teams to the guerillas by submarines. The Japanese secret police put price on resistance leaders and publicly beheaded those caught, but the Filipinos only fought on with greater determination. One such leader was Lieutenant Colonel Guillermo Nakar, a former member of the 14th Infantry of the Philippine Army. After being caught sending intelligence info to MacArthur's forces, he was tortured and beheaded. Instead of shutting down his cell's operations out of fear, however, "a new leader rose to carry on the fight", recalled MacArthur. As American troops advanced in Luzon, guerilla forces cut telephone wires to disrupt Japanese communications, while key bridges behind Japanese lines were dynamited. MacArthur commented that these irregulars in Luzon "accomplished the purpose of practically a front-line division." He noted that

Whole divisions of Japanese troops that the Emperor badly needed elsewhere were deployed against phantom enemy units.... A strong and ruthless force, at times using barbaric methods, was never able to completely conquer this simple, brave people armed with very little more than courage and faith in the promise that [MacArthur] would return.

ww2dbaseBeginning in Dec 1944, after the American occupation of Mindoro, the flow of oil into Japan was cut to nearly zero. In Sep 1944 700,000 tons of tankers ferried oil and rubber from various ports in the South Pacific to the home islands; by the end of the year that number would be cut down to 2,000. With control of Philippines, the United States and the Allies added another instrument to blockade Japan.

ww2dbaseSources: American Caesar, Interrogation of Japanese Officials, the Pacific Campaign, Reminiscences, World War II US Cavalry Units.

Last Major Update: Feb 2007

Philippines Campaign, Phase 2 Interactive Map


Crew of USS Nashville inspecting the damage caused by a special attack aircraft, Dec 1944Gun crew of cruiser Phoenix tried to identify an aircraft above, off Mindoro, Philippine Islands, 15 Dec 1944
See all 55 photographs of Philippines Campaign, Phase 2


Map of Leyte Gulf, Philippine IslandsMap of Luzon, Philippines from Lingayen Gulf to Manila Bay
See all 15 maps of Philippines Campaign, Phase 2

Philippines Campaign, Phase 2 Timeline

12 Dec 1944 The American invasion fleet for Mindoro, Philippine Islands set sail.
14 Dec 1944 The US Navy Fast Carrier Task Force arrived 90 miles east of Luzon, Philippine Islands and began to launch aircraft to cover the landings on Mindoro.
14 Dec 1944 Fearing they were about to be invaded, Japanese defenders in Palawan in the Philippine Islands murdered 145 American prisoners of war by shooting, bayoneting, clubbing and setting them on fire while still alive.
15 Dec 1944 US troops landed on Mindoro, Philippine Islands.
15 Dec 1944 USS Portland covered the landings on Mindoro, Philippines.
16 Dec 1944 The US Navy Fast Carrier Task Force retired from Philippine waters after three consecutive days of air operations.
28 Dec 1944 Destroyer USS Shaw departed Aitape, New Guinea bound for Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Philippines.
30 Dec 1944 The US Navy Fast Carrier Task Force sortied from Ulithi, Caroline Islands for the invasion of Luzon, Philippine Islands.
1 Jan 1945 US aircraft attacked Japanese airfields on Negros Island, Philippine Islands.
1 Jan 1945 US aircraft attacked Clark Field on Luzon Island of the Philippine Islands.
3 Jan 1945 In the Philippine Islands, the forward elements of the American invasion fleet for Luzon passed through the Surigao Strait. In support, aircraft of Task Fleet 38 struck Japanese airfields in Taiwan.
3 Jan 1945 USS Yorktown (Essex-class) launched raids on airfields on Formosa (Taiwan).
4 Jan 1945 USS Yorktown (Essex-class) launched raids on airfields on Formosa (Taiwan).
5 Jan 1945 While escorting the Lingayen Gulf invasion force into the Sulu Sea, destroyers USS Taylor and USS Nicholas attacked a Japanese midget submarine that had fired two torpedoes at the ships. Both ships dropped depth charges and Taylor rammed the submarine causing it to break apart.
5 Jan 1945 In the Philippine Islands, Japanese aircraft attacked the American invasion fleet bound for Luzon. Special attack aircraft damaged cruiser USS Louisville, Australian cruiser HMAS Australia, destroyer USS Helm, destroyer USS Stafford, Australian destroyer HMAS Arunta, escort carrier USS Manila Bay, and escort carrier USS Savo Island. Meanwhile, American aircraft sank Japanese destroyers Momi and damaged destroyers Hinoki and Sugi west of Manila Bay.
6 Jan 1945 USS Portland entered Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Philippines for the first time in support of the landings there 3 days later.
6 Jan 1945 USS Yorktown (Essex-class) launched planes against airfields on Luzon, Philippines and on anti-shipping strikes.
6 Jan 1945 Japanese special attack aircraft sank minesweeper USS Long at Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Philippine Islands.
6 Jan 1945 USS New Mexico shelled Japanese positions in the area of Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands. She was struck by Japanese special attack aircraft. Among the 30 men killed were her commanding officer Captain Robert Walton Fleming and members of an observing British military mission, including Lieutenant General Herbert Lumsden, Winston Churchill's personal military representative to General of the Army Douglas MacArthur.
6 Jan 1945 US Navy Rear Admiral Theodore Chandler was severely injured after being drenched in flaming gasoline when the cruiser USS Louisville was struck by a Japanese kamikaze special attack during the pre-assault bombardment off Lingayen Gulf in the Philippine Islands.
6 Jan 1945 USS Kimberly arrived at Lingayen Gulf, Philippine Islands. Her gunners shot down two Japanese aircraft that day.
6 Jan 1945 Casablanca-class escort carrier USS Steamer Bay and her task group arrived on station northwest of Luzon and began providing air cover for the Lingayen Gulf landings.
7 Jan 1945 While escorting the Lingayen Gulf attack force off Manila, destroyers USS Shaw, Charles Ausburne, Braine, and Russel detected Japanese escort ship Hinoki at night. Following a barrage of gunfire, Hinoki sank with all hands with no damage to the American ships.
7 Jan 1945 Rear Admiral Theodore E. Chandler died aboard USS Louisville from wounds sustained the day before in an aerial special attack against the ship.
7 Jan 1945 USS Yorktown (Essex-class) launched planes against airfields on Luzon, Philippines and on anti-shipping strikes.
9 Jan 1945 Destroyer USS Shaw entered Lingayen Gulf, Luzon and began anti-submarine patrols and ant-aircraft duties.
9 Jan 1945 The US Sixth Army invaded Luzon Island, Philippine Islands.
9 Jan 1945 USS Yorktown (Essex-class) launched attacks on Formosa (Taiwan) in direct support of the Lingayen landings on Luzon, Philippines.
10 Jan 1945 A Japanese Army special attack aircraft damaged USS Le Ray Wilson in the Philippine Islands.
12 Jan 1945 The Japanese Army launched its final special attack mission in the Philippine Islands area.
21 Jan 1945 USS Yorktown (Essex-class) launched raids on Formosa (Taiwan).
21 Jan 1945 After three weeks of screening the carrier support group covering resupply convoys between Mindoro and the Lingayen Gulf landing beaches, destroyer USS Nicholas entered the anchorage at Mangarin Bay, Mindoro, Philippines. Commander of Destroyer Squadron 21, Captain John Ginder, shifted his flag from Nicholas to USS Hopewell.
22 Jan 1945 USS Yorktown (Essex-class) launched raids on Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands.
29 Jan 1945 American troops landed near San Antonio, Luzon, Philippine Islands unopposed.
29 Jan 1945 Casablanca-class escort carrier USS Steamer Bay and her task group arrived on station west of Manila Bay, Luzon and began providing air cover for landings north of Subic Bay.
30 Jan 1945 About 500 Allied prisoners of war were rescued at Cabanatuan, Luzon, Philippine Islands by a raid conducted by the US Army.
31 Jan 1945 In the Philippine Islands, elements of the 11th US Airborne Division came ashore at Nasugbu Bay, some 50 miles south of Manila and opposite Bataan at the mouth of Manila Bay.
31 Jan 1945 Destroyer USS Shaw covered the landings at Nasugbu, Luzon south of Manila.
3 Feb 1945 US forces engaged Japanese troops in Manila, Philippine Islands.
13 Feb 1945 USS Nicholas departed Subic Bay, Luzon bound for Manila Bay, Luzon, Philippines. Nicholas, along with cruisers USS Phoenix and USS Boise and destroyers USS Hopewell, USS Taylor, and USS O'Bannon formed a bombardment group that shelled southern Bataan, Luzon, Philippines. The ships then returned to Subic Bay.
14 Feb 1945 USS Nicholas and her bombardment group repeated their bombardment of southern Bataan, Luzon, Philippines.
15 Feb 1945 USS Nicholas and her bombardment group repeated their bombardment of southern Bataan, Luzon, Philippines in support of the troop landings at Mariveles Harbor on Bataan.
16 Feb 1945 On Luzon, Philippine Islands, American troops captured the Bataan Peninsula while paratroopers assaulted the island of Corregidor at the tip of the peninsula.
19 Feb 1945 US troops landed on Samar and Capul in the Philippine Islands.
20 Feb 1945 Destroyer USS Shaw departed San Pedro Bay, Leyte as part of a convoy bound for the Nasugbu, Luzon area.
21 Feb 1945 While destroyer USS Shaw was escorting a convoy from Leyte Gulf to Mindoro, another of the convoy escorts, USS Renshaw, was hit with a torpedo from a Japanese submarine. Renshaw was damaged but not sunk.
23 Feb 1945 Fighting at the Intramuros district of Manila, Philippine Islands began. On the same day, the US 11th Airborne Division, with Filipino guerrillas, freed the captives of the Los Baños internment camp in the Philippine Islands.
23 Feb 1945 Otoemon Hiroeda and Liu Wei-tian refused to carry out their orders to perform a suicide attack with Taiwanese soldiers under his command in Manila, Philippines. Hiroeda surrendered to the Americans, and ensured that his men were treated well.
25 Feb 1945 Palawan attack force, with USCGC Spencer as flagship and destroyer USS Shaw as screening vessel, conducted a rehearsal landing off Mindoro, Philippines.
26 Feb 1945 Palawan attack force, with USCGC Spencer as flagship and destroyer USS Shaw as screening vessel, departed Mindoro for Puerto Princesa, Palawan.
26 Feb 1945 American troops captured Corregidor, Philippine Islands.
28 Feb 1945 Palawan attack force, with USCGC Spencer as flagship and destroyer USS Shaw as screening vessel, made landings at Puerto Princesa, Palawan.
3 Mar 1945 US and Filipino troops captured Manila, Luzon, Philippine Islands.
4 Mar 1945 Destroyer USS Shaw departed Palawan bound for Leyte Gulf, Philippines escorting a convoy of unloaded transport ships.
8 Mar 1945 USS Nicholas arrived off Zamboanga on Mindanao and began supporting the preparations for the landings there.
10 Mar 1945 US troops landed on Zamboanga Peninsula, Mindanao, Philippine Islands.
10 Mar 1945 USS Bailey supported operations landing Army troops at Zamboanga, Mindanao, Philippines.
16 Mar 1945 US troops in landed on Basilan in the Philippine Islands.
18 Mar 1945 Filipino guerrillas welcomed the invading American troops on Panay, Philippine Islands.
21 Mar 1945 USS Kimberly departed San Pedro Bay, Philippine Islands for radar picket duty.
23 Mar 1945 Cebu attack force, with USCGC Spencer as flagship and destroyer USS Shaw as screening vessel, conducted a rehearsal landing at Hinunangan Bay, Leyte Gulf, Philippines.
24 Mar 1945 Cebu attack force, with USCGC Spencer as flagship and destroyer USS Shaw as screening vessel, departed Leyte Gulf for Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines.
26 Mar 1945 Operation Victor II started with US Amphibious Group 8 in headquarters ship USCG Spencer landing 14,000 men of the American division near Cebu in the Philippines. The transport group consisted of four high speed transports, 20 landing ships tank, 11 landing ships medium, 15 landing ships infantry, and two submarine chasers. The mine-sweeping group comprised eight YMS-class minesweepers and the escort group consisted of the destroyers Flusser, Shaw, Conyngham, Smith and Drayton. Fire support was provided by Task Group 74/3 consisting of the cruisers Phoenix, Boise and the Australian HMAS Hobart with destroyers Fletcher, Nicholas, Taylor Jenkins and Abbot. Air support was provided by the 13th USSAF.
28 Mar 1945 Destroyer USS Shaw departed Cebu bound for Leyte Gulf, Philippines escorting a convoy of unloaded transport ships.
1 Apr 1945 US 158th Regimental Combat Team landed near Legaspi, Luzon, Philippine Islands.
2 Apr 1945 Destroyer USS Shaw was detached from her convoy to investigate Japanese shipping off Dauis, Bohol, Philippines but struck an uncharted pinnacle, damaging her port propeller. Shaw headed for Leyte Gulf for repairs.
2 Apr 1945 US troops landed on Sanga Sanga, Sulu, Philippine Islands without resistance; Filipino guerrilla fighters had already secured the island prior to the landing.
10 Apr 1945 In the Philippine Islands, US troops captured Jolo in Sulu and Lamon Bay at Luzon.
15 Apr 1945 Cruiser USS Phoenix with destroyers USS Nicholas and USS O’Bannon conducted a pre-invasion bombardment of Carabao Island at the entrance to Manila Bay, Philippines.
16 Apr 1945 Cruiser USS Phoenix with destroyers USS Nicholas and USS O’Bannon conduct a second day of bombardments of Carabao Island at the entrance to Manila Bay, Philippines prior to the landing of US Army troops.
20 Apr 1945 US Army troops landed on Catanduanes, Philippine Islands.
1 May 1945 The Mexican Expeditionary Air Force arrived in the Philippine Islands.
17 May 1945 Mexican 201st Expeditionary Squadron with P-47 Thunderbolt aircraft began operations from Clark Field in the Philippine Islands.
19 May 1945 US 43rd Division secured the Ipoh dam area north of Manila, Luzon, Philippine Islands. US 25th Division began mopping up operations at Santa, Romblon, Philippine Islands.
18 Jun 1945 Japanese resistance on Mindinao, Philippine Islands ceased.
21 Jun 1945 US troops captured Aparri, Luzon, Philippine Islands.
28 Jun 1945 General MacArthur announced the end of Japanese resistance throughout the Philippine Islands.
5 Jul 1945 Douglas MacArthur announced that the Philippine Islands had been liberated.
9 Aug 1945 On Mindanao in the Philippines, captured Japanese Army officer Minoru Wada flew with US Marine Mitchell bombers to guide them to the Japanese Army 100th Infantry Division headquarters. The complex was destroyed and the fighting on Mindanao ended.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Serge Nabatar, Jr. says:
6 Mar 2006 09:47:18 PM

would you have information on the japanese troops that were defending mindanao in 1945
2. Anonymous says:
9 Mar 2006 04:47:28 PM

Hello, My grandfather was with AB 11, 7th tng bn in the philippines approx 1941-43 Im looking for info on that units mission, failures and successes. Thank you in advance for any help you may provide.
3. Anonymous says:
11 Nov 2006 04:31:00 PM

Wanting information of anyone who knew Joe Marino who died on Jan22 1945 in Luzon ? He was in the army heavy gunner. He was 21 yrs old, killed by a shell hitting close to his bis gun he was getting ready.
4. Anonymous says:
21 Jan 2007 12:55:15 AM

you seem to have beliitled the Battle ( Liberation ) of Manila where not only a thousand but over 10,000 civilians were killed as a result of the wanton use of artillery by US forces, not to mention the brabarity the defending Japanese forces did to the civilians in that city. most reports or articles of that battle focus only on military casualties but tend to ingore the civilian losses and its impact on the survivors. Good reading on this is THE BATTLE OF MANILA by John Pimlott ( at least, this Westerner tried to show that aspect) and BY SWORD AND FIRE by Alfonso Aluit. This gives a human face on the battle- and not purely statistics and military objectives.
5. Matthew says:
19 Mar 2007 04:44:14 AM

My Father served in the 32d Division, 128th Regiment, (C)annon Co. - Villa Verder Trail, New Guinea, Driniumor River. He is now 81 years old and in good health.
6. Anonymous says:
2 Jun 2007 09:29:45 AM

Anyone with Info about my Uncle John Ellis Asher served as a Staff Sergeant, 128th Infantry, 32nd Red Arrow Division during World War II. Killed in action on Luzon Island Aug. 15, 1945, the day the war ended.
7. Kathryn Bailey says:
2 Jul 2007 05:15:56 AM

I am looking for information on the battles on Luzon during WWII. Anyone with information on my father Wylie Edmond King,who spent 165 days on Luzon,please let me know. Even though my father has passed away his heroism has not been forgotten by his family. He served in the Philipines and in Japan. I am hoping there is information andor pictures out there somewhere. Thanks
8. Kathryn Bailey says:
2 Jul 2007 05:19:42 AM

Previously, I forgot to mention that my father was in the 25th Infantry Division throughout the Pacific campaign.
9. Anonymous says:
17 Oct 2007 08:14:59 AM

My father, Harold K. Hinkelman served on an LCC, nicknamed the Little Sara. He sat in the Gulf of Leyte and watched the Japanese Imperial Navy approach. He was a Fireman 2nd Class. This little LCC is not mentioned anywhere, although the heroic actions displayed by an 18 year old from Connecticut, and his comrades, left in the Gulf of Leyte, is every bit as heroic as John Kennedy on his PT 109. My dad is 81 now, in the hospital waiting for more surgery. I am one of three sisters listening to war stories about his days in the Philippines. Does anyone out there have any information on this specific LCC?
10. Anonymous says:
31 Jan 2008 12:38:35 PM

my father was also killed in action during the world war 2 and until now we haven't got any information about his days. His name is Rufino Abagat. Does anyone out there have any info.
11. Tish says:
19 Apr 2008 12:30:47 AM

My Daddy was Robert E. Cox. He served in the Phillipines and New Guinea from 1943-1945.I believe he was with the Army air corps/312th AG engineering or the 583rd. If anyone has info. please contact me at ericismysoul@yahoo.com
12. tim says:
9 May 2008 09:00:23 PM

The wanton destruction of Manila was clearly completely unnecessary and McArthur should be condemned for this - the Japanese were going to loose anyway. There was no need for it in my view.
Surrounding and getting the *** to surrender would have been better
What would Singapore be like now if the British had fought to the bitter end ?
13. 14 year old war geek says:
15 Nov 2008 01:57:12 PM

Not much different... it was almost uninhabited when the *** attacked
Also it was not HE who gave the order it was simply poor judgement on the part of his junior officers
14. Mary says:
11 Mar 2009 05:31:11 PM

To Kathryn Bailey: The 25th Inf Div was part of 6th Army and ICorps which landed on Luzon from Lingayen Gulf on 1-9-45. Check website for 6th Inf Division www.6thinfantry.com, and the National Archives. Also www.pacificwrecks.com. 6th Inf Division occupied Japan after the surrender in Sept. 1945.
15. Anonymous says:
8 Jun 2009 01:01:49 PM

I think we should have by passed the phillipine islands and just isolate them. Many lives were lost because of mac arthur s libido to return.
16. Anonymous says:
18 Sep 2009 06:24:51 PM

If we left manila alone the *** would still slaughter and rape the civilians as they have done in nanking.
17. bignick36 says:
12 Nov 2009 03:17:08 PM

the Japanese were ordered to retreat from manila and not to make a stand. The order came from gen. yamashita and was disregarded by the local commander. That was the the cause of the so called wanton destruction of the city. Learn your history *** hole before insulting the great American army.
18. Anonymous says:
13 Feb 2010 01:23:01 PM

Your Monday-Quarterbacking
19. nathan francis says:
14 Mar 2010 09:10:21 PM

my grampa was in the phillipines with the 25th infantry was a forward observer received a purple heart after being wounded his name was richard francis he passed away last fall he was a great man as were all the men that served with him we miss him every day.
20. Ric says:
12 May 2010 01:49:33 PM

My reading of the history is that McArthur expected the Japanese to vacate the city as he had done previously in order to save the city from destruction. Yamashita gave the order to abandon the city but the Navy, under Vice Admiral Okochi, re-occupied the city to defend it to the death. The Americans had no choice but destroy the city because, unlike the Germans who surrendered when confronted with defeat, the Japanese fought to the death.
21. Tim says:
2 Jun 2010 10:12:22 PM

Looking for anyone who served with Eugene Busig. Have no clue what company or Unit he was with. All I have is a Bronze star he won in the Phillipines
22. Anonymous says:
12 Jul 2010 01:01:50 PM

In October the 2nd Major Port was established in Manila. Looking for the unit insignia for the 2nd Major Port.
23. Ken says:
30 Jul 2010 01:48:16 PM

My uncle, Tech5 Joseph Zakrajshek was KIA March 08, 1945. The best I've been able to figure out was that he was a member of the 8th Engineer Combat Squadron. If so, he was probably at Luzon when killed, but that's a guess. Any information anyone out there can give me would be greatly appreciated. He was married shortly before he was deployed and had no children. I'd like to be able to pass on some history of his actions to my mother (his sister) before everyone who knew him or knew of him passes on. Thanks in advance.
24. apple says:
7 Dec 2010 06:31:58 AM

hi! is there a complete list of japanese soldiers who were designated in the philippines during WW2? my great grand father was one of them, i just need to see a list with his name included...thanks
25. DAVID SHORE says:
2 Jan 2011 01:17:09 PM

My dad,Paul Shore,served with the 25th infantry in World War II during the retaking of the Phillipines. If anyone has any information on him and his combat service, please contact me. My father did not talk about the war and has since passed. I am interested in knowing what he went through during the war.
26. michelle marino says:
3 Jan 2011 01:29:28 AM

Anonymous says:
11 Nov 2006 04:31:00 PM

Wanting information of anyone who knew Joe Marino who died on Jan22 1945 in Luzon ? He was in the army heavy gunner. He was 21 yrs old, killed by a shell hitting close to his bis gun he was getting ready.

"The bomb did not go off in his knee he survived WWII Joesph Marino that was his first purple heart " I am his child he told me that story to I am so sorry you thought it went off they got it out and it was a dud

MacArthur never returned as history stated.he was in Alaska.
27. James A. Winsor says:
21 Jan 2011 01:12:24 PM

I have pictures beginning Jan. 11, 1945 of Lingayen Gulf landing, Philippines, The 25th infantry Division, 27th Regiment. They are credited with 165 days of continuous fighting.

Is anyone interested?
28. Anonymous says:
26 Jan 2011 05:18:50 AM

My father Syrester Soule was in 33rd, company B looking for any information on this unit, my dad never talked about the war.
29. Trish Short Lewis says:
19 Jun 2011 11:59:58 AM

My father served with the U.S. Army, 127th Infantry, 32nd Division ("Red Arrow") in New Guinea, Philipines, and finally as part of the occupational forces on mainland Japan. Anyone reading this, feel free to contact me if you have information OR questions...
30. Woody McGee says:
21 Jun 2011 02:09:35 PM

Looking for information regarding U.S. Army Pvt Harold Czernizkowski. Pvt Czerniakowski served in New Guinea and then again in Luzon. Wounded with malaria was returned to stateside October 1944. He was from Hamtramck Michigan.
31. michelle marino daughter says:
25 Oct 2011 06:58:36 PM

what would you like to know? mmarino0@yahoo.com
32. manuel sarrao says:
7 Jan 2012 07:54:51 AM

My father, Claudino Sarrao, served in the 32nd division in New Britian New Guinea,Luzon and the occupation of Japan.He was a combat engineer.Thats all I know. Any info would be great to know.
33. Anonymous says:
26 Jan 2012 05:54:28 PM

i am trying to find out info about william b burns 210th antiaircraft artillery automatic weapons battalion ,his campaigns was in the southern philippines Luzon from june 14 1944 to December 27 1945
34. Anonymous says:
12 Feb 2012 10:05:20 AM

I'am trying to find out information about pfc Don Rogalsky 210th antiaircraft artillery automatic weapons crewman (601).
35. Jim says:
8 May 2012 07:39:43 PM

@James A. Winsor -- I am the historian for the 27th Infantry Regiment association. We are interesting in your photos of Lingayan Gulf.
36. marilyn gerardo says:
18 May 2012 06:55:44 AM

I want to see the name of my father arsenio c. gerardo
37. Anonymous says:
31 May 2012 05:49:18 PM

I am trying to locate information on the 210AAA automatic weapons battalion and specifically William J. Fincke. He joined the 210th in Feb., 1945.
38. Jeanette says:
2 Jun 2012 08:10:10 PM

My grandfather helped clear the ships from Manila after WWII. He was a diver and would pump water out of the ships so they could float. I'm trying to find information on the internet but I do not know what keywords to us. Does anyone know about the clean up or dredging or clearing of the harbors after the war? I just don't know where to start. H.O. Taylor (Hanely) is my grandpa's name:)
39. Anonymous says:
28 Jun 2012 05:47:14 PM

I'm looking to find out if my uncle William Arnold was the Boatswain that piped Douglas Macarther aboard ship
40. Bill Leavitt says:
13 Jul 2012 06:18:57 PM

My dad was on Leyte and was awarded the Bronze Star with a combat V.His name was Roger Leon Leavitt and he served with the army as a machine gunner. That was all I know.He retired from the army in 1963 and died in September of 1992. Is there anyone out there who can give me information on how he received this award. My younger brother was awarded a Bronze Star, air medals and an Army Commendation Medal as a combat Huey cobra crew chief gunner in Viet-Nam. My dad and my brother never spoke of their combat service.@tm
41. James says:
23 Jun 2013 12:10:25 PM

Does anyone have info on James Clark pfc ka in phillipines 1945 I was named after him
42. Blue Republic says:
31 Jul 2013 06:11:17 AM

The article seems imbalanced in not dealing with the fighting in Northern Luzon that continued well after MacArthur's July 5th announcement that the Philippines had been liberated.

General Yamashita conducted what was under the circumstances a brilliant defense and still had 50,000
troops holding out in the Kiangan Pocket when he finally received orders to surrender on September 2 - nearly three months after MacArthur's announcement.(Note one of the
early comments about a relative being killed in action on August 15th - not unlikely that that was in fighting against
Yamashita's forces).

Yamashita's Manila trial for war crimes in 1946 was the
worst sort of kangaroo court victor's justice and MacArthur was instrumental in ensuring a guilty verdict no matter what. See Frank Reel's book "The Case of General Yamashita" (Reel was a member of Yamashita's legal team)
or (former US Senator and Undersecretary of the Navy) James Webb's "The Emperor's General" for a thinly fictionalized account of that and related events.

It's hard to stay within the strong language guidelines when talking about MacArthur's dishonorable conduct...

FWIW - my father was a US Navy Pacific Theater veteran -
but not in the Philippines
43. Tommy Munoz says:
26 Aug 2013 04:57:28 AM

My father served in the phillippines 1943-45. He served with the 43rd Division, 127th infantry. First scout or point man during his service prior to contracting malaria. His name is John Munoz from Bryan Texas. Awarded combat infantry medal and bronze star. Anyone who has knowledge of him or his service please contact me, his son, Tommy Munoz. He is 88 years old now.
44. david basch says:
15 Nov 2013 04:33:04 AM

do you have info on red arrow div. great uncle was in it. shot of telegraph pole, steel plate in head..survived..thanks for info.
45. Scott Rogerson says:
15 Dec 2013 11:13:11 PM

My grandfather was a medic in the 25th infantry division. He was given a hand drawn book at a reunion. He also has fliers the Japanese left in almost perfect condition. Joseph Williams was his name. I am interested in any photographs and info anyone has
46. Anonymous says:
18 Jan 2014 10:52:43 AM

Anyone know of a soldier by the name of Edmund J. Tomlinson? Served in New Guinea and General McAurther's headquarters in G-2 intel. He was in his 30's at the time.
47. DanRam says:
18 Feb 2014 11:57:33 PM

Was there a japanese Col. or Gen who served in the philippines particularly assigned in Mindanao during WW2?
48. DanRam says:
19 Feb 2014 12:05:26 AM

the name of the jap officer was TAKAHASHI BUTAI.Where was he particularly assigned during WW2?
49. Anonymous says:
16 May 2014 01:15:38 PM

I have a picture of F Company 25th Infantry "Wolfhounds" if anyone is interested. My Grandpa was Robert Lee Stewart. James Jones used him as the character Prewitt in From Here to Eternity. Does anyone have pictures ect to share?
50. Anonymous says:
9 Jun 2014 07:55:46 AM

Looking for any information about army sergeant John E Swank. He would never talk about the war, and has now passed away. He had a japanese sword marked from Luzon. Don't know division or post numbers. Looking for any information to help the family research his involvement.
51. Forrest Scogin says:
18 Jun 2014 09:57:21 AM

"I have a picture of F Company 25th Infantry "Wolfhounds" if anyone is interested. My Grandpa was Robert Lee Stewart. James Jones used him as the character Prewitt in From Here to Eternity. Does anyone have pictures ect to share?"
My father, Ray Scogin, was a part of the "Wolfhounds" and participated in Phillippines campaign. I would be interested in a photo.
52. Mitch Lewis says:
6 Jul 2014 10:14:50 PM

Blue Republic. I agree with you. My Dad was in N. Luzon to the end of the war, then on to Japan. He always said the Japanese didn't all stop until Sept. 15. That's Sept. 15. You are the first individual I've read who seems to know this.
53. Anonymous says:
23 Jul 2014 10:55:51 AM

Forrest Scogin - Let me know how I can send the picture to you. I do not see Ray Scogin listed on the roster. The picture was taken in 1940.
54. Bill Burns says:
17 Aug 2014 11:22:48 AM

I am trying to find info about my father William B Burns 210th antiaircraft artillery automatic weapons battalion He was mia
55. Anonymous says:
19 Sep 2014 02:12:54 PM

Forrest Scogin - Do you have any pictures of F Company 25th Infantry?
56. Anonymous says:
8 Nov 2014 03:44:59 PM

For my Uncle Fred Villanueva, I am trying to find anyone who served with him in the 25th Infantry Pacific "Wolfhounds".
57. Ron says:
5 Jan 2015 06:31:45 PM

I am looking for information about Paul L. Winn who was KIA at Luzon on May 24, 1945.
58. Sue Brooks says:
10 Jan 2015 01:37:56 PM

My Husband SSG Henry E Brooks was in the 32nd Red Arrow Divison He was awarded Distinguished Service Cross (157 DSC's, 1854 Bronze Star Medals, 11,500 Purple Hearts were awarded in the 32nd Division.) Henry awarded Combat Infantry Badge, Distinguished Service Cross, Bronze Star Medal w/ 1 Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart w/ 1 Oak Leaf Cluster, Philippine Liberation Medal w/ one bronze star, Asiatic Pacific Theater Medal w/ 1 bronze star, Good Conduct Medal, American Theater Ribbon, World War II Victory Medal, Expert Rifle, rifle squad leader 127th Inf. Reg., Luzon Philippines, Villa Verde Trail or "goat path in the clouds", 70% combat disablied for a machine gun bullet to his elbow and 1 to his head(trumac brain dissease and shapnal that made 7 holes some in/n/outs. http://www.angelfire.com/hi/RedArrowDivision/ww2.html
59. Sharlene Walker says:
17 Jan 2015 08:39:26 AM

My father , Larry Walker ,fought in the Philippines in the 25th division as Master Sargent. I am beginning a book based on letters written to my mother and have a few pictures taken from 1942-44. He received a Bronze Star and Medal of Conduct.
60. Dave says:
26 Jan 2015 07:13:46 AM

I recently acquired a WW2 Japanese Flag, with Japanese Writing and US. Army
soldiers signature. Through Research, It was found that at least one of the
soldiers is Michael Borch, a Sgt. from Company A 128th Ind. APO 32.
The other soldiers names were as follows:
Michael Borch
R. Jones
K. "Corkey" Korwek
A. Hiett
L. Jensen
J.W. Simmons
Francis K. Kelley
Joe C.
Loyd Edwards

If at all possible, could you verify if these soldiers were a part of the 32nd
and any other info you may have on them and their experiences.
61. Tracy Derks says:
13 Apr 2015 11:20:01 AM

I am an author, I wrote a copy of articles for World War II magazine regarding the 25th Infantry Division. I am now working on an e-book concerning the fighting at Lupao, Umigan, and San Manuel on the Luzon Plains just before the devision went into the mountains. If you have any information it would be would go to preserving the memory of the men who fought in those three battles. The 35th Infantry Regiment, 27th Infantry Regiment, and the 161st Infantry Regiment participated in these battles.
62. Anonymous says:
21 Apr 2015 06:06:41 AM

My brother, pfc. Neil polumbo. 127th infantry company k. From hazleton pa. Was killed inaction march 14 1945.. in Luzon.
63. Anonymous says:
1 May 2015 08:58:56 PM

I am conducting a long research study of my late father who join Japanese troupes in Mindanao particularly in South Cotabato and Sarangani Provinces. Based on the actual interviews I have with those people who knew him declared that he was a son of a Japanese high ranking official. The reason why my /our late father used three family names. Why people knew him as he was a Sergeant ...we can only tell that if he was not gone to school why he was wearing a watch/compass, expert in sword, some of us(children) and grand children manifested in eyes and complexion...Is there anything you can help to trace our real roots.
64. James says:
28 May 2015 03:34:42 PM

I have very very little information on my grandfather.
If anyone now something I would be greatly thankful.

James "skip" Roady Kenehan.

Served in the First Calvary 1941-45. He was part of the last unit to turn in their horses and converted to mechanized. From there he was advanced recon. That's all I know.
65. Anonymous says:
7 Jun 2015 03:35:17 PM

My father never talk much about wwII, but he received several ribbons and 3 bronze stars the Phillipines Liberation Medal. His name was Harry Smith fron Texas, (Africian American) he was a Staff Sgt and medic. He was part of some Australian Scout unit in maybe Luzon Jungles. If anyone knows any information, I am interested along with his Grandsons, who were also in the military. He passed away several years back the only time he spoke of the war was when he had dementia, but I have his medals and papers
66. Anonymous says:
9 Jun 2015 03:58:28 PM

My uncle wrote a manuscript of his involvement in the Villa Verde Trail as a 19 year old. Very graphic, also we have posted his letters home and other personal items of interest. Great read at www.volgagermanheritage.com
67. Anonymous says:
14 Jul 2015 08:49:06 AM

Looking for information regarding 161st AAA Gun Battalion in New Guinea and Luzon, P.I.
68. Brad R. says:
12 Aug 2015 06:30:23 PM

My father TSgt. Cecil R. Runyan served in New Guenia and the Phillipines with the Hq. Co, 1st BN, US Army.

During the battle of Rocky Point Hill 225 on June 22, and June 25th 1944 he received wounds and
and his buddy Sgt. Clarence L. Sutton was KIA while they were in a foxhole. Any information about them or this battle would be very much appreciated.
69. Roger R. says:
29 Aug 2015 03:58:43 PM

I would be interested in the pic of the F Company 25th Infantry "Wolfhounds" as I'm doing some research on the topic.
70. John Paul Areglo says:
30 Aug 2015 05:11:32 AM

What choice did we have? All what was left for us were handful of weapons and limited supply of EVERYTHING!!!!! Of course we hoped for McArthur's return. After all fighting with American Troops were out of sheer volunteerism.....
The war some kind of exchange for us Filipinos. Americans help us out and we'll help them in return. And by the way, we did not rely on McArthur's "PROMISE".. We kept fighting "Barbariously" because we wanted to liberate our own country from the invaders.... Your [American] help came three years after and so with his [McArthur] promise he did come back.... So don't underestimate our fight...
71. Susan Kirkland says:
4 Sep 2015 04:36:10 PM

My dad, Herbert Schultz, was in Co. F, 127 Inf. in New Guinea. He was from Canton OH. He never wanted to talk about his time in the war and only told me a few funny stories about it. I would really like any info that anyone can share. Dad died in 1999.
72. Anonymous says:
3 Oct 2015 08:01:32 PM

My comment is to anonymous #49.
Robert Lee Stewart would have wanted his children, especially his sons, to be in the possession of any pictures you have. I understand that you have his photo albums and are not willing to share them with his own children, but are now offering them up to strangers?
73. Anonymous says:
15 Oct 2015 06:55:05 PM

Looking for any information on the 487th AAA in the Phillipines
74. H. Oldenburg says:
25 Oct 2015 05:11:54 PM

My Dad was also in the 25th and was part of the liberation of the Phillipines and was at Luzon - George Oldenburg - He later went on to Japan and was discharged out of Japan back to the States. He was awarded 2 Bronze Stars - now I am reading here regarding additional medals that were given for the liberation of Luzon and the Phillipines and it would be interesting to determine if he earned any additional medals. We only have a few pictures. I do recall he was part of the assault on the mountains where *** forces had dragged up marine cannons and secured positions inside the mountains to assault the attacking american forces.
75. PG Farnsworth says:
10 Nov 2015 07:07:46 PM

Mauro Benavista Picardal USAFE Philippines resistance Fighter was a Corporal and my father in law whom fought for the Freedom of the Philippine Islands and rather than run fought the Japanese whom oppressed and enslaved the Philippine people and died a proud man and is burried with full military Honor there. Remember all Veterans fight until they are buried even though the war is over.
76. Bob Milton says:
24 Jan 2016 08:56:17 PM

My father, Donald A. Milton died in 2013. During my entire life, he never spoke of his time in the Wolfhounds and fighting in Luzon. He was 19 years old when he landed and was assigned a B.A.R. I am interested in anything and everything anyone could tell me or send me on that campaign. After their long combat (I understand it was 160 some odd days of continuous combat) he was shipped to Yokohama. I have a few pictures of him in uniform in Yokohama. One is with another soldier and a Japanese girl whose identities have been lost in time.
He suffered from malaria and had trouble with his legs due to shrapnel that was never removed. I asked him about a purple heart. He merely said, "what for, everybody had shrapnel in them somewhere".
I noticed in several postings that some of you have photos of the landing at Luzon. My dad may have been transported on the USS S.D. Sturgis, at least that's what his Golden Dragon and Neptunus Rex certs say.
Thanks in advance.
77. Anonymous says:
23 Mar 2016 02:00:55 PM

my dad angelo favuzza was wounded lost his eye plus other wounds on luson
april 13 1945 what army units fought there?
78. Anonymous says:
23 Apr 2016 12:37:51 PM

I am looking to find out anyone who knew my dad stationed in Samar ww2 1945 Trying to find what ship he was on,name is John W Bodurka from NYC NY RM3(T)please email me with any info thank you so much.
79. Anonymous says:
27 Apr 2016 10:32:14 AM

My dad Frank Mackin was in the 10th Mountain Division somehow apart from his unit went to the Philippines from Italy after Germany surrendered the summer of 1945 and then returned home on the USS General Mitchell to San Francisco Dec. 1945... Anybody know about him or anyone else from the ETO summer of 1945??? cpa97330@hotmail.com
80. Anonymous says:
28 May 2016 05:29:16 PM

To 49 and 72. Please consider a few alternatives, have done both of these things because I too have inherited family photos. Get an estimate for professionally scanning and editing the pictures, get CDs and share the cost, or start a Facebook page dedicated to sharing the photos, keep it private if you like. I currently have a private Facebook page "127th Infantry in New Guinea and the Philippines". Started it just a few months ago, to share my Dads photos, and to label them. There are just a few families on there, and we are starting to see others share. Ask to be a member if you are interested. I've learned a lot in the last 3 months. Good luck!
81. Anonymous says:
14 Feb 2017 12:02:26 PM

I am searching for any images of the 32nd Infantry Division Band, and especially from 2/27/1945 with Gen MacArthur at Malacanang Palace in Manila when he turned over the reins of government Pres. Osmena
82. Benjamin Gilson says:
11 Apr 2017 06:41:18 AM

What and where was the action of 128th Infantry Regt., 32nd Divn. on August 15, 1945
83. Abel says:
18 Nov 2017 04:08:59 PM

item #82, Benjamin Gilson - I would also be interested in any answer to your question. My dad was infantry in this division. Am interested in finding when and what ship they were brought home. This would have been in November 1945.
84. Mike says:
22 Mar 2018 01:28:18 AM

My grandfather was a tank destroyer, enlisted on 17 Feb 45 from San Fran., didn't see combat, and was in the Philippines. I'm trying to find out what TD unit he was with and who he may have been attached to, particularly if it happened to be 1st Cav. Div., as I was a Cav soldier in OIF (although not with 1CD). Thank you.
85. Anonymous says:
19 Apr 2018 02:46:26 PM

86. Gary says:
18 Aug 2019 09:55:00 PM

My dad trained as a tank driver with 2nd armored division replacement troops at ft. Knox. He arrived at Luzon on Jun 23 1945 and assigned to Headquarters Company 13th Armored Group. He contracted hepatitus an left for the states on a hospital ship on Nov 16 1945. I have been unable to find roster or any official reports of the 13th Armored Group.
87. Anonymous says:
27 Jun 2020 03:34:04 PM

The timeline said
28 Jun 1945 General MacArthur announced the end of Japanese resistance throughout the Philippine Islands.
While the article writes
Conclusion of the Campaign
The Philippines were finally declared secure on 30 Jun 1945,
Please clarify, thank you!
88. Anonymous says:
21 Jul 2020 11:53:53 AM

What POW camp(s) did the 32nd Inf Div liberate?
89. Rhetta Moore Alcaraz says:
20 Oct 2020 06:04:50 AM

My father, Capt. Vaughan P. Moore, and his 1st Filipino Infantry Regiment, Company "I", US Army, were in active missions on Samar Island until mid-September 1945.
90. NANCY KUIPER says:
28 Jul 2021 06:35:56 PM

My father, LeRoy Fredrickson, who was inn the army, is the man standing to the right of MacArthur in that famous picture. Our family always wanted to acknowledge him but that didn't happen. It is still special for us.
91. Anonymous says:
14 Sep 2023 10:26:12 PM

lived in Manila, from the south home in 1978 a GONG about 3 ft wide, sold in the
streets, brass, huge said was from Japanese being called to prayer when
occuppied. Think Cebu, also had two saki bottle s grey w Japanese writing, but left them there in Manila ugly...didn't know what gong was about til State Farm explained history.
Is there a museum that might be appropriate, gong is really really big

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Related Books:
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» Ghost Soldiers
» Kamikaze: Japanese Special Attack Weapons 1944-45
» The Great Raid
» World War II US Cavalry Units: Pacific Theater

Philippines Campaign, Phase 2 Photo Gallery
Crew of USS Nashville inspecting the damage caused by a special attack aircraft, Dec 1944Gun crew of cruiser Phoenix tried to identify an aircraft above, off Mindoro, Philippine Islands, 15 Dec 1944
See all 55 photographs of Philippines Campaign, Phase 2

Famous WW2 Quote
"The raising of that flag on Suribachi means a Marine Corps for the next 500 years."

James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy, 23 Feb 1945

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