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Johnson M1941 file photo [26960]

Johnson M1941 Rifle

Country of OriginUnited States
Caliber7.800 mm
Capacity10 rounds
Length1.165 m
Barrel Length560.000 mm
Weight4.310 kg
Muzzle Velocity866 m/s


ww2dbaseJohnson Model 1941 semi-automatic rifles were designed in 1939 by Melvin Johnson, Jr., an attorney and an officer in the United States Marine Corps Reserve, in response to a US Army call for a new standard infantry rifle. These weapons used 10-round rotary magazines that was rather different from its main competitor, the M1 Garand rifle. When the US Army selected the M1 Garand design over that of Johnson's, Johnson secured a contract with the Netherlands for its forces in the Dutch East Indies, although only a small number would be shipped before the Japanese invasion. Some of the weapons not yet shipped to the South Pacific found a new buyer in the US Marine Corps, which was seeking to rapidly equipping its new parachute infantry battalions; the USMC would use them through the end of WW2. In Apr 1944, the US War Department arranged a contract with the Free French for 10,500 Johnson M1941 rifles.

After the war, the Johnson Automatics, Incorporated performed poorly and went out of business in 1949. A total of about 70,000 examples of Johnson M1941 rifles were built between 1941 and 1949.

A number of Johnson M1941 rifles found their way to Cuba. They were used in combat on both sides of the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion.

Source: Wikipedia ww2dbase

Last Major Revision: Jun 2017


Fidel Castro and others with Johnson M1941 rifles, 1959

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. George Rome says:
3 Mar 2022 10:56:44 AM

I have a very rare model 1941 Johnson automatic no prefix letters serial number 6099. Do you have pictures I can send shoots excellent. $8,500 firm
2. George Rome says:
9 Jun 2022 11:54:08 PM

After review I must ask $9,500.
This is an much earlier model than I thought.
Will send pictures! I have several people interested but I can’t sell it for $8,500 I had it for 42 years.
I going to see it out to a Auction house soon where they said it will appraise for much more.

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Fidel Castro and others with Johnson M1941 rifles, 1959

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"The raising of that flag on Suribachi means a Marine Corps for the next 500 years."

James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy, 23 Feb 1945

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