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1 Jan 1923
  • Peter Drummond was promoted to the rank of squadron leader. ww2dbase [Peter Drummond | CPC]
  • Andrew McNaughton was promoted to the rank of colonel. ww2dbase [Andrew McNaughton | CPC]
6 Jan 1923
9 Jan 1923

Photo(s) dated 9 Jan 1923
USS S-32 and USS S-35 at Groton, Connecticut, United States, 9 Jan 1923
10 Jan 1923
  • Georg von Bismarck was transferred to the German 5th Infantry Regiment. ww2dbase [Georg von Bismarck | CPC]
12 Jan 1923

United States
  • Ira Hayes was born on the Gila River Indian Reservation in Sacaton, Arizona, United States. ww2dbase [Ira Hayes | Sacaton, Arizona | CPC]
17 Jan 1923
  • Captain Christopher R. Payne stepped down as the commanding officer of HMS Malaya. ww2dbase [Malaya | CPC]
20 Jan 1923
  • Captain Tomonobu Nakayama was made the commanding officer of Kamoi. ww2dbase [Kamoi | CPC]
  • Captain Kanichi Taketomi was promoted from the executive officer to the commanding officer of Settsu. ww2dbase [Settsu | CPC]
28 Jan 1923

United States
1 Feb 1923
  • The Italian Fascist Party established the paramilitary Blackshirt legions. ww2dbase [CPC]
4 Feb 1923

  • Prince Hiroyasu's father, Prince Sandanaru, passed away. ww2dbase [Hiroyasu | CPC]
5 Feb 1923
  • USS R-1 began to participate in fleet exercises off Central America. ww2dbase [R-1 | CPC]
  • USS R-5 participated in war games in the Gulf of Fonseca in Central America. ww2dbase [R-5 | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 5 Feb 1923
Carrier Hosho off Yokosuka, Japan, 5 Feb 1923; note 1MF Type 10 aircraft on flight deck
12 Feb 1923

United Kingdom
  • Roderick Carr was attached to the Headquarters of Inland Area of the British Royal Air Force. ww2dbase [Roderick Carr | CPC]
13 Feb 1923
16 Feb 1923
  • Ernst Udet and Eleanor Zink divorced. ww2dbase [Ernst Udet | CPC]
21 Feb 1923
  • S-32 was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [S-32 | CPC]
1 Mar 1923
  • Yura was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [Yura | CPC]
  • Rear Admiral Morie Tokiwa was named the Chief of Staff of the Mako naval port at Pescadores islands, Taiwan. ww2dbase [Mako Guard District | Mako, Hoko | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 1 Mar 1923
USS fleet in Panama Bay, 1 Mar 1923
8 Mar 1923
  • USS S-31 was recommissioned into service upon completion of engine alternations. ww2dbase [S-31 | CPC]
12 Mar 1923

United States
17 Mar 1923
  • Iwane Matsui was promoted to the rank of major general. ww2dbase [Iwane Matsui | CPC]
  • Kenkichi Ueda was made the commanding officer of 1st Cavalry Regiment. ww2dbase [Kenkichi Ueda | CPC]
23 Mar 1923
  • USS Iowa (Coast Battleship No. 4) was sunk as a radio-controlled target ship. At the behest of US Secretary of the Navy Denby, the National Anthem was played as she slipped beneath the water in recognition of the role that she had played in the 1898 Spanish-American War. ww2dbase [AC]
29 Mar 1923

Photo(s) dated 29 Mar 1923
S-36 at the Bethlehem Shipbuilding CorporationUSS S-38 fitting out at the Union Iron Works of Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation in San Francisco, California, United States, 29 Mar 1923
31 Mar 1923

United States
1 Apr 1923

  • Prince Yasuhiko was seriously injured in an automobile accident in a Paris suburb, France. Prince Kitashirakawa Naruhisa was killed in the same accident. ww2dbase [Yasuhiko | Paris | CPC]
4 Apr 1923

United States
  • S-36 was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [S-36 | CPC]
6 Apr 1923
  • USS R-1 completed its participation in fleet exercises off Central America. ww2dbase [R-1 | CPC]
  • USS R-5 completed war games in the Gulf of Fonseca in Central America. ww2dbase [R-5 | CPC]
10 Apr 1923

  • Daimler Airways inaugurated the first scheduled air-service between London, England, United Kingdom and Berlin, Germany, with intermediate stops at Bremen, Germany and Hamburg, Germany. ww2dbase [AC]
United States
12 Apr 1923

  • Tsia Bun-tat arrived in China. ww2dbase [Tsia Bun-tat | CPC]
  • Crown Prince Hirohito departed Japan aboard battleship Kongo. ww2dbase [Showa | Kongo | CPC]
16 Apr 1923

  • Crown Prince Hirohito disembarked battleship Kongo at Kirun (now Keelung), Taiwan and boarded a train for Taihoku (now Taipei), arriving later on the same day. ww2dbase [Showa | Kirun, Taihoku | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 16 Apr 1923
Crown Prince Hirohito in Kiirun (now Keelung), Taiwan, 16 Apr 1923; the building at left of photo was the post officeCivilians gathering for Crown Prince HirohitoCrown Prince Hirohito at Taihoku Station, Taiwan, 16 Apr 1923Taihoku Station during Crown Prince Hirohito
See all photos dated 16 Apr 1923
17 Apr 1923

Taiwan Photo(s) dated 17 Apr 1923
Crown Prince Hirohito visiting the Office of the Governor General, Taihoku (now Taipei), Taiwan, 17 Apr 1923Crown Prince Hirohito at Meiji Bridge (now Yuanshan Bridge), Taihoku (now Taipei), Taiwan, 17 Apr 1923Crown Prince Hirohito at the Taiwan Grand Shrine, Taihoku (Taipei), Taiwan, 17 Apr 1923Taiwanese children gathering to welcome Crown Prince Hirohito at the Governor-General
See all photos dated 17 Apr 1923
18 Apr 1923

  • Crown Prince Hirohito visited Taiwan Institute of Research, Taihoku Normal School, Taihe Elementary School, Taiwan Army headquarters, Taiwan High Court, Taihoku No. 1 Middle School, and Taiwan Medical School in Taihoku (now Taipei), Taiwan. ww2dbase [Showa | Taihoku | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 18 Apr 1923
Taiwanese cultural performance for Crown Prince Hirohito, Taihoku, Taiwan, 18 Apr 1923Aboriginal dancers performing for Crown Prince Hirohito, Taihoku, Taiwan, 18 Apr 1923Crown Prince Hirohito having a meal at the Taihoku Guest House, Taihoku, Taiwan, 18 Apr 1923Crown Prince Hirohito at Taiwan Medical School, Taihoku, Taiwan, 18 Apr 1923
See all photos dated 18 Apr 1923
19 Apr 1923

  • Crown Prince Hirohito visited Shinchiku Prefecture Hall, Shinchiku Higher Elementary School in Shinchiku (now Hsinchu), Taiwan in the morning. In the afternoon, he traveled to Taichu (now Taichung) by train, visiting Taichu Prefecture Hall, Taichu No. 1 Higher Elementary School, Taichu water pumping station, and Taichu No. 1 Middle School. ww2dbase [Nuremberg Trials and Other Trials Against Germany | Showa | Shinchiku | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 19 Apr 1923
Crown Prince Hirohito at Shinchiku Train Station, Shinchiku City (now Hsinchu), Shinchiku Prefecture, Taiwan, 19 Apr 1923Crown Prince Hirohito at Taichu Station, Taichu, Taiwan, 19 Apr 1923Crown Prince Hirohito arriving at the official residence of Taichu prefecture governor, Taichu, Taiwan, 19 Apr 1923Crown Prince Hirohito visiting Taichu water pumping station, Taiwan, 19 Apr 1923
See all photos dated 19 Apr 1923
20 Apr 1923
  • Quintin Brand was appointed a staff officer at the headquarters of the No. 5 Wing RAF. ww2dbase [Quintin Brand | CPC]
  • Crown Prince Hirohito traveled from Taichu, Taiwan by train, traveling to Tainan to the south. He visited Tainan Prefecture Hall, Memorial of Prince Yoshihisa of Kitashirakawa branch of the Imperial family, Minami Elementary School, Confucious Temple, Taiwan Normal University, Tainan No. 1 Public School, Tainan Park, and Tainan No. 1 Middle School. ww2dbase [Showa | Tainan | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 20 Apr 1923
Crown Prince Hirohito visiting Tainan, Taiwan, 20 Apr 1923Crown Prince Hirohito at the Tainan Shrine, which also served as the Memorial of Prince Yoshihisa of Kitashirakawa, Tainan, Taiwan, 20 Apr 1923Crown Prince Hirohito at Tainan Normal University, Taiwan, 20 Apr 1923Crown Prince Hirohito at the Tainan Confucious Temple, Taiwan, 20 Apr 1923
See all photos dated 20 Apr 1923
21 Apr 1923

  • Crown Prince Hirohito visited Beimen Salt Works, an aquaculture experiment site, Taiwan Army 2nd Infantry Regiment headquarters in Tainan, Taiwan in the morning. In the afternoon, he traveled to Takao (now Kaohsiung) by train, visiting Takao Prefecture Hall, Takao No. 1 Extraordinary Elementary School, and the port. ww2dbase [Showa | Tainan | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 21 Apr 1923
Crown Prince Hirohito visiting Takao (now Kaohsiung), Taiwan, 21 Apr 1923Crown Prince Hirohito at the port of Takao, Taiwan, 21 Apr 1923, photo 1 of 2Crown Prince Hirohito in Takao (Kaohsiung), Taiwan, 21 Apr 1923Crown Prince Hirohito visiting Beimen Salt Works in Tainan, Taiwan, 21 Apr 1923, photo 1 of 2
See all photos dated 21 Apr 1923
22 Apr 1923

  • Crown Prince Hirohito traveled from Takao (now Kaohsiung) to Heito (now Pintung), Taiwan by train to visit Taiwan Sugar Corporation's Ako plant, In the afternoon, he returned to Takao and visited Mount Takao (now Mount Shou) on the coast. ww2dbase [Showa | Heito, Takao | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 22 Apr 1923
Crown Prince Hirohito at the Ako sugar plant, Heito, Taiwan, 22 Apr 1923Civilians welcoming Crown Prince Hirohito, Heito Station, Taiwan, 22 Apr 1923
23 Apr 1923

Poland Taiwan
  • Crown Prince Hirohito traveled from Takao (now Kahsiung), Taiwan to Mako, Hoko Prefecture (now Makung, Penghu) by destroyer. After inspecting various facilities, he reboarded the destroyer for an overnight journey to Kirun (now Keelung) in northern Taiwan. ww2dbase [Showa | Takao | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 23 Apr 1923
Battleship Kongo at Takao (Kaohsiung), Taiwan during Crown Prince HirohitoCrown Prince Hirohito visiting naval facilities in Mako, Hoko Prefecture (now Makung, Penghu), Taiwan, 23 Apr 1923Japanese Navy honor guard for Crown Prince Hirohito, Takao harbor, Taiwan, 23 Apr 1923
24 Apr 1923

  • The name AEG-Deutsche Werft AG was officially entered in the Commercial Register of Berlin-Mitte in Germany. ww2dbase [Deutsche Werft Hamburg | Hamburg | AG]
  • Crown Prince Hirohito arrived at Kirun (now Keelung), Taiwan by destroyer. After inspecting a coastal artillery unit, he traveled to Taihoku (now Taipei) by train. ww2dbase [Showa | Kirun, Taihoku | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 24 Apr 1923
Sports convention held in honor of Crown Prince HirohitoSports convention held in honor of Crown Prince HirohitoCrown Prince Hirohito at Taiwan Prefecture Museum, Taihoku, Taiwan, 24 Apr 1923Japanese Navy personnel welcoming the arrival of Crown Prince Hirohito, Kirun, Taiwan, 24 Apr 1923
25 Apr 1923

  • Crown Prince Hirohito traveled to Peito (now Beitou), Taiwan and visited Mount Kusa (now Mount Yangming) and a hot springs resort. ww2dbase [Showa | Peito, Taihoku | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 25 Apr 1923
Hot spring resort room set up for Crown Prince HirohitoCrown Prince Hirohito arriving at a hot springs resort at Mount Kusa (now Yangmingshan National Park), Taihoku, Taiwan, 25 Apr 1923Scenery at Mount Kusa (now Yangmingshan National Park) during Crown Prince Hirohito
26 Apr 1923

  • Crown Prince Hirohito visited Taiwan Army 1st Infantry Regiment headquarters, a government-run tobacco and alcohol plant, Taihoku No. 1. Girls High School, Taihoku Butokuden, Taihoku No. 3 Girls High School, and a sports convention in Taihoku (now Taipei), Taiwan. ww2dbase [Showa | Taihoku | CPC]
United Kingdom
  • Prince Albert, Duke of York, married the Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon at Westminster Abbey, London, England, United Kingdom. ww2dbase [London, England | AC]
Photo(s) dated 26 Apr 1923
Sports convention held in honor of Crown Prince HirohitoCrown Prince Hirohito planting a tree at the Taiwan Army 1st Infantry Regiment headquarters, Taihoku, Taiwan, 26 Apr 1923; now site of Chiang Kaishek Memorial HallCrown Prince Hirohito inspecting Taiwan Army 1st Infantry Regiment headquarters, Taihoku, Taiwan, 26 Apr 1923; now site of Chiang Kaishek Memorial Hall
27 Apr 1923

  • Crown Prince Hirohito boarded battleship Kongo at Kirun (now Keelung), Taiwan and departed for Japan. ww2dbase [Showa | Kongo | Kirun, Taihoku | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 27 Apr 1923
Battleship Kongo in Kirun harbor, Taiwan with Crown Prince Hirohito on board, 27 Apr 1923
1 May 1923

4 May 1923

Photo(s) dated 4 May 1923
American submarines S-24, S-25, and S-28 at Groton, Connecticut, United States, 4 May 1923S-21, S-23, and S-26 at Groton, Connecticut, United States, 4 May 1923
7 May 1923

United States
10 May 1923
  • Hiroaki Abe became the chief torpedo officer of cruiser Tama. ww2dbase [Hiroaki Abe | CPC]
11 May 1923

United States
  • USS S-38 was commissioned into service with Lieutenant Clifford H. Roper in command. ww2dbase [S-38 | CPC]
17 May 1923

22 May 1923

United Kingdom
  • British Prime Minister Bonar Law resigned due to ill health and was succeeded by Stanley Baldwin. ww2dbase [AC]
31 May 1923
  • Rudolf Höss and a group of Nazi Party members killed suspected communist Walther Kadow in Mecklenburg, Germany to avenge the death of fellow party member Albert Leo Schlageter. ww2dbase [Rudolf Höss | CPC]
1 Jun 1923
  • Wilhelm Keitel was promoted to the rank of Major. ww2dbase [Wilhelm Keitel | CPC]
  • Walther von Brauchitsch was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel (oberstleutnant). ww2dbase [Walther von Brauchitsch | CPC]
Korea Taiwan
  • Vice Admiral Shiro Yamauchi was named the commanding officer of the Mako naval port at Pescadores islands, Taiwan. ww2dbase [Mako Guard District | Mako, Hoko | CPC]
9 Jun 1923

Germany Photo(s) dated 9 Jun 1923
USS S-21, USS S-34, and USS S-31 at Groton, Connecticut, United States, 9 Jun 1923
10 Jun 1923
  • Clifton Cates was made the commanding officer of the Marine Detachment aboard USS California. ww2dbase [Clifton Cates | CPC]
20 Jun 1923
  • Milwaukee was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [Milwaukee | CPC]
25 Jun 1923
  • Oswald Mosley's son Nicholas Mosley was born. ww2dbase [Oswald Mosley | CPC]
30 Jun 1923

United States
  • Henry Arnold's son John Arnold passed away from acute appendicitis. ww2dbase [Henry Arnold | CPC]
1 Jul 1923
  • The value of the German Mark decreased to the level that it now cost about 160,000 Marks to exchange for US$1. ww2dbase [CPC]
3 Jul 1923

  • Josef Stroop married Katharina B., the daughter of a minister from the Protestant Church of Lippe. ww2dbase [Jürgen Stroop | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 3 Jul 1923
Aircraft carrier USS Langley (Langley-class) alongside the Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC, United States, 3 Jul 1923. The white building at the photo’s top left is the present day National Museum of the Navy.
4 Jul 1923

Photo(s) dated 4 Jul 1923
USS Reuben James at anchor in Bar Harbor, Maine, United States, 4 Jul 1923
8 Jul 1923

  • Joseph Stilwell boarded USAT Thomas in China. ww2dbase [Joseph Stilwell | CPC]
9 Jul 1923

United States
  • USS S-25 was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [S-25/Jastrzab | CPC]
16 Jul 1923
  • S-37 was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [S-37 | CPC]
17 Jul 1923

United States
20 Jul 1923
  • The Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa was killed in an ambush at Parral, Chihuahua, Mexico. ww2dbase [AC]
23 Jul 1923
  • Gustav Stresemann, the chairman of the Deutsche People's Party, wrote to Crown Prince Wilhelm suggesting that Germany's priority should be the removal of foreign occupation. Within a month Stresemann would be appointed as the new Chancellor. ww2dbase [AC]
24 Jul 1923
  • The Treaty of Lausanne was agreed between the Allies and Turkey (the successor state to the Ottoman Empire). This superseded the Treaty of Sèvres which had not been recognized by the new Turkish regime. ww2dbase [AC]
25 Jul 1923

Photo(s) dated 25 Jul 1923
S-25 on a temporary wooden platform, Groton, Connecticut, United States, 5 Jul 1923
31 Jul 1923
  • Yubari was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [Yubari | CPC]
  • Detroit was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [Detroit | CPC]
United States
  • Joseph Stilwell disembarked USAT Thomas in the United States. ww2dbase [Joseph Stilwell | CPC]
1 Aug 1923
  • The value of the German Mark decreased to the level that it now cost about 1,000,000 Marks to exchange for US$1. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • Edmund Herring transferred to the Australian Field Artillery of Australian Army. ww2dbase [Edmund Herring | CPC]
United States
  • Devol Brett, the oldest son of George Brett, was born at the Letterman Army Hospital at the Presidio, San Francisco, California, United States. ww2dbase [George Brett | San Francisco, California | CPC]
  • Joseph Stilwell began a period of leave in the United States. ww2dbase [Joseph Stilwell | CPC]
6 Aug 1923

  • Kenkichi Ueda was promoted to the rank of major general and was attached to the aviation section of the Japanese Army. ww2dbase [Kenkichi Ueda | CPC]
  • Major General Harumi Akai was named the chief of staff of the Japanese Chosen Army in occupied Korea. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • General Soroku Suzuki was named the commanding officer of the Taiwan Army. ww2dbase [CPC]
13 Aug 1923
  • Deutsche People's Party leader Gustav Stresemann was appointed German Chancellor and Foreign Minister in a new Grand Coalition Government. ww2dbase [AC]
  • Minoru Ota was assigned to battleship Fuso. ww2dbase [Minoru Ota | CPC]
14 Aug 1923

15 Aug 1923
  • Isuzu was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [Isuzu | CPC]
16 Aug 1923

22 Aug 1923
  • The world's largest aircraft at the time of its appearance, the triplane Walter Barling designed XNBL-1 (eXperimental Night Bomber Long range) made its maiden flight. The prototype marked the first flight of a six engine American aircraft. Flying a total of 28 miles during its test flight from Dayton, Ohio, United States the XNBL-1 reached a speed of 93 mph, but unfortunately the aircraft was crippled by its under-powered Liberty inline engines and the project, as well as the improved XNBL-2 development, was abandoned in 1925. ww2dbase [AC]
23 Aug 1923

  • Settsu was made an accommodations ship by the Kure Sailor Corps at Kure, Japan. ww2dbase [Settsu | Kure, Hiroshima | CPC]
27 Aug 1923

  • Italian General Enrico Tellini and four companions were ambushed and assassinated in Greek territory by Albanian bandits. ww2dbase [AC]
29 Aug 1923

  • Italy sent an ultimatum to Greece demanding an official apology for the murder of General Enrico Tellini, who was killed by Albanian bandits but in Greek territory. ww2dbase [AC]
30 Aug 1923
  • Colorado was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [Colorado | CPC]
1 Sep 1923
  • The first three combat legions of the Italian Blackshirts were mobilized and sent to Libya. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • Mutsu transported food and medical supplies for victims of the Great Kanto Earthquake. ww2dbase [Mutsu | CPC]
  • Prince Kotohito was inside his family mansion at Odawara, Japan when the Kanto Earthquake of 1923 struck; the building suffered damage but he escaped with minimal injuries. ww2dbase [Kotohito | Odawara, Kanagawa | CPC]
2 Sep 1923

3 Sep 1923

Photo(s) dated 3 Sep 1923
Aerial view of Yokosuka Naval Arsenal several days after the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, 3 or 4 Sep 1923; note battlecruiser Amagi in drydockAerial view of Yokosuka Naval Arsenal days after the Great Kanto Earthquake, 3 or 4 Sep 1923; note mid-conversion Amagi, which would be scrapped in the following year due to earthquake damage
5 Sep 1923

  • USS Stewart arrived at Yokosuka, Japan to assist with relief efforts after the Great Kanto earthquake. ww2dbase [Stewart | Yokosuka, Kanagawa | CPC]
6 Sep 1923
  • Petar II was born. ww2dbase [Petar II | CPC]
  • Kakichi Uchida was named the governor-general of Taiwan. ww2dbase [CPC]
8 Sep 1923

  • Chuichi Nagumo was named the chairman of a special Japanese Navy rescue committee in the wake of the Great Kanto Earthquake. ww2dbase [Chuichi Nagumo | CPC]
9 Sep 1923

United States
  • Joseph Stilwell ended a period of leave in the United States. ww2dbase [Joseph Stilwell | CPC]
10 Sep 1923

United States
  • Joseph Stilwell enrolled in the Advanced Officer's Course, Infantry School at Fort Benning, Georgia, United States. ww2dbase [Joseph Stilwell | Columbus, Georgia | CPC]
12 Sep 1923

  • Alexandros Sakellariou retired from naval service at the rank of captain. ww2dbase [Alexandros Sakellariou | CPC]
13 Sep 1923

  • Primo de Rivera seized power in Spain by a coup d'etat and established a fascist dictatorship. ww2dbase [AC]
14 Sep 1923

United States
  • USS S-39 was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [S-39 | CPC]
15 Sep 1923

  • Kichisaburo Nomura was made the commanding officer of 1st Expeditionary Fleet. ww2dbase [Kichisaburo Nomura | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 15 Sep 1923
Crown Prince Hirohito visiting Yokohama, Japan after the Great Kanto Earthquake, 15 Sep 1923, photo 1 of 3Crown Prince Hirohito visiting Yokohama, Japan after the Great Kanto Earthquake, 15 Sep 1923, photo 2 of 3Crown Prince Hirohito visiting Yokohama, Japan after the Great Kanto Earthquake, 15 Sep 1923, photo 3 of 3
19 Sep 1923

  • Hikokichi Ijuin stepped down as the Governor-General of Kwantung Leased Territory in northeastern China. ww2dbase [CPC]
21 Sep 1923

24 Sep 1923
  • Quintin Brand was appointed the commanding officer of No. 56 Squadron RAF. ww2dbase [Quintin Brand | CPC]
  • USS Stewart arrived at Shanghai, China. ww2dbase [Stewart | Shanghai | CPC]
26 Sep 1923

  • Hideo Kodama was named the Governor-General of Kwantung Leased Territory in northeastern China. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • Bavarian Prime Minister Eugen von Knilling declared a state of emergency in Munich (München) and appointed Gustav von Kahr as State Commissioner with dictatorial powers. ww2dbase [AC]
27 Sep 1923

United States
  • Joseph Rochefort's son Joseph Rochefort, Jr. was born in California, United States. ww2dbase [Joseph Rochefort | California | CPC]
30 Sep 1923

Photo(s) dated 30 Sep 1923
German Nazi SA men in parade on German Day in Bayreuth, Germany, 30 Sep 1923
1 Oct 1923
  • Southern Rhodesia became a self-governing colony with Charles Coghlan as the first elected premier. ww2dbase [AC]
  • Settsu was removed from the Japanese Navy List and was reclassified as a special service vessel attached to the Kure Naval District. ww2dbase [Settsu | Kure, Hiroshima | CPC]
4 Oct 1923

  • The Soviet Politburo in Moscow, Russia decided that Germany was ripe for a revolution, and would soon give directives to German Communists to rise up against the German government by early Nov 1923. ww2dbase [Moscow | CPC]
9 Oct 1923

United States Photo(s) dated 9 Oct 1923
Marblehead being prepared for launching, William Cramp and Sons shipyard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 9 Oct 1923
12 Oct 1923

  • German Communists approved the Moscow-based Soviet Politburo's directive to rise up against the German government. ww2dbase [CPC]
15 Oct 1923

  • Commander Shinichi Oguri was named the acting commanding officer of Tenryu. ww2dbase [Tenryu | CPC]
United States
  • USS S-26 was commissioned into service with Lieutenant Edmund W. Burrough in command. ww2dbase [S-26 | CPC]
18 Oct 1923

United Kingdom
  • King George V granted the prefix "Royal", to the British Army Tank Corps, making it the Royal Tank Corps. The title would persist until 1939 when it was altered to the Royal Tank Regiment. ww2dbase [AC]
19 Oct 1923
  • Harry Dimoline was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. ww2dbase [Harry Dimoline | CPC]
20 Oct 1923
  • Captain Sakae Hirayama was made the commanding officer of Kamoi. ww2dbase [Kamoi | CPC]
  • A German Communist attempt to revolt against the central government failed before it began. ww2dbase [CPC]
24 Oct 1923
  • Lieutenant Commander Walden Ainsworth was relieved as commanding officer of Clemson-class destroyer USS Marcus. ww2dbase [Walden Ainsworth | DS]
  • A German Communist attempt to revolt in Hamburg, Germany was put down. ww2dbase [Hamburg | CPC]
25 Oct 1923

Austria China
  • USS Stewart departed China. ww2dbase [Stewart | CPC]
27 Oct 1923

  • Prince Hiroyasu was named the protocol officer of the Imperial court. ww2dbase [Hiroyasu | CPC]
  • Prince Kotohito was made the Protocol Officer. ww2dbase [Kotohito | CPC]
United States
  • Excursion steamer Greater Buffalo was launched at the American Ship Building Company of Lorain, Ohio, United States. ww2dbase [Sable | Lorain, Ohio | DS]
  • USS S-44 was launched at the Fore River Shipyard in Quincy, Massachusetts, United States, sponsored by Mrs. H. E. Grieshaber. ww2dbase [S-44 | Quincy, Massachusetts | CPC]
28 Oct 1923

  • USS Stewart arrived at Olongapo, Philippines. ww2dbase [Stewart | Olongapo | CPC]
30 Oct 1923
  • S-23 was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [S-23 | CPC]
United Kingdom
  • Former British Prime Minister Bonar Law died in London, England, United Kingdom from throat cancer. ww2dbase [London, England | AC]
1 Nov 1923
  • The value of the German Mark decreased to the level that it now cost about 4,000,000,000 Marks to exchange for US$1. ww2dbase [CPC]
3 Nov 1923
  • Concord was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [Concord | CPC]
  • German Social Democrat Interior Minister Wilhelm Sollmann, Justice Minister Gustav Radbruch and Vice Chancellor Robert Schmidt resigned from the German coalition government, thus bringing about its collapse within weeks. ww2dbase [AC]
4 Nov 1923
  • On this German Memorial Day (Volkstrauertag), the Nazi Party planned to begin a national revolution in Munich, Germany, but due to a unexpectedly heavy police presence at the planned parade routes, the action was canceled in the last minute. ww2dbase [CPC]
6 Nov 1923

  • Vice Admiral Tadatsugu Tajiri was named the commanding officer of the Mako naval port at Pescadores islands, Taiwan. ww2dbase [Mako Guard District | Mako, Hoko | CPC]
8 Nov 1923

  • Right wing groups in München, Germany launched the Beer Hall Putsch, attempting to seize power in the city, with the aspiration of triggering a national uprising. The putsch was headed by Erich Ludendorff, with support of various local political figures such as Adolf Hitler. ww2dbase [München | TH, CPC]
9 Nov 1923

  • Ludendorff s attempt to seize power in München, Germany ended ignominiously. ww2dbase [München | TH, CPC]
  • Eleonore Baur became the only woman to participate in the Beer Hall Putsch in München (Munich), Germany. ww2dbase [Eleonore Baur | München | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 9 Nov 1923
Heinrich Himmler (third from left, holding flag) outside the office of the Military District for Bayern (Bavaria) during the Beer Hall Putsch, München (Munich), Germany, 9 Nov 1923
10 Nov 1923

  • Chuichi Nagumo was name an instructor at the Japanese naval war college. ww2dbase [Chuichi Nagumo | CPC]
18 Nov 1923

  • USS Stewart completed repair work at Cavite Navy Yard in the Philippines. ww2dbase [Stewart | Cavite | CPC]
20 Nov 1923
  • S-40 was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [S-40 | CPC]
  • Captain Takumi Matsumoto was named the commanding officer of Settsu. ww2dbase [Settsu | CPC]
23 Nov 1923
  • The German coalition government collapsed with the departure of the Socials Democrats. Centrist Wilhelm Marx was appointed Chancellor with his predecessor, Gustav Stresemann, as Foreign Minister. ww2dbase [AC]
29 Nov 1923
  • Chiaki Matsuda completed the graduate courses of the Gunnery School with honors and was assigned to destroyer Kamikaze as the chief gunnery officer. ww2dbase [Chiaki Matsuda | CPC]
  • Crown Prince Yi Un graduated from the Japanese Army War College and was made the commanding officer of a company in the Japanese 2nd Infantry Regiment. ww2dbase [Yi Un | CPC]
1 Dec 1923
  • Isoroku Yamamoto was promoted to the rank of captain. ww2dbase [Isoroku Yamamoto | CPC]
  • Hiroaki Abe was promoted to the rank of lieutenant commander. ww2dbase [Hiroaki Abe | CPC]
  • West Virginia was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [West Virginia | CPC]
  • Nobutake Kondo was promoted to the rank of commander. ww2dbase [Nobutake Kondo | CPC]
  • Shinichi Oguri was promoted to the rank of captain, and he was formally named the commanding officer of Tenryu. ww2dbase [Tenryu | CPC]
  • Masafumi Arima was assigned to Iwate. ww2dbase [Masafumi Arima | CPC]
United States
8 Dec 1923

United States
  • Joseph Rochefort's request to the United States Navy Mine Force was denied. ww2dbase [Joseph Rochefort | CPC]
13 Dec 1923
  • S-28 was commissioned into service. ww2dbase [S-28 | CPC]
22 Dec 1923

United States
27 Dec 1923

Photo(s) dated 27 Dec 1923
USS S-41 fitting out at the Bethlehem Union Plant, San Francisco, California, United States, 27 Dec 1923
28 Dec 1923

United States
  • George Bernard Shaw's play St. Joan premiered at the Garrick theatre, New York, New York, United States. ww2dbase [New York | AC]

Photo(s) dated
Crown Prince Hirohito at a barracks in Taichu, Taiwan, 19 Apr 1923

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God, our forces stand again on Philippine soil."

General Douglas MacArthur at Leyte, 17 Oct 1944

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