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Browning Hi-Power file photo [23053]

Browning Hi-Power Handgun

Country of OriginBelgium
Caliber9.000 mm
Capacity13 rounds
Length197.000 mm
Barrel Length118.000 mm
Weight0.992 kg
Range50.000 m
Muzzle Velocity350 m/s


ww2dbaseThe Browning Hi-Power single action semi-automatic pistols were built upon ideas envisioned by John Browning for the Belgian firm Fabrique Nationale, but he was unable to complete it before his death in 1926. Fabrique Nationale's designer Dieudonne Saive completed the design in 1928 by incorporating design elements from the Colt Model 1911 pistols, which patent had just expired. The design was completed in 1935, leading to the alternate designation of Browning P-35.

Browning Hi-Power pistols were used during WW2 by both sides. Under German occupation, Fabrique Nationale produced them as Pistole 640(b) pistols for the German Army. On the Allies side, these pistols were made in Canada by John Inglis and Company; these Canadian-made pistols were popular with American and British covert operatives and commandos for their power and ammunition capacity despite the compact size.

During the pre-WW2 period, some pistols came with a wooden shoulder stock. These wooden shoulder stocks were discontinued during WW2.

Today, Browning Hi-Power pistols are still the standard sidearm of various armies around the world, including Belgium, United Kingdom (L9A1), Ireland (Browning Automatic Pistol or BAP), Australia, Singapore, Argentina (Rosario, FM90, and FM95), and others.

Source: Wikipedia. ww2dbase

Last Major Revision: Dec 2007

Browning Hi-Power Handgun Interactive Map


A Soviet soldier teaching partisan fighters how to operate a Browning Hi-Power handgun, near Smolensk, Russia, 23 Aug 1941Agnes Apostle and Joyce Horne working on the final assembly of Browning Hi-Power handguns at the Inglis factory in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Apr 1944

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. scott says:
31 Jul 2009 07:25:30 AM

I was given a Browning hi- power 9mm pistol from my Dad and was wondering how to track who it went to.It has the German eagle and swastika in several places.Serial numbers are 549186.good shooting pistol.Any answers
2. Anonymous says:
6 Feb 2010 06:26:43 PM

Unfortunately any records, which may have revealed who your pistol was issued to, were likely destroyed during the war. The only other chance would be, if you would be fortunate enough to have the soldier's identification book (Soldbuch)who was issued this piece. Again, likely lost or destroyed through time.
3. Kevin Montgomery says:
28 Aug 2010 02:55:42 PM

My browning also has the German eagle and swastika but the serial # has only four numbers. Can anyone help me where this came from?
4. Anonymous says:
21 Nov 2010 04:24:10 PM

my browning is also a german miltary gun it came from berlin at the end of the war and is nickel plated the gun has not been fired since the war there is a fair amount of blood inside the gun is there a way to get the dna of the blood
5. Anonymous says:
11 Oct 2011 11:43:11 PM

i have a fabrique nationale D'armes de Guerre
herstal belgique

serial# 19117a
Can anyone tell me what year is this and the value?
6. Anonymous says:
8 Mar 2012 08:43:39 AM

my Hi-power is german marked, standard sights with only the "Eagle", s/n 71341 with an [looks like] inverted "2" suffix.
Anyone know the year of mfg. or any other ionfo would be appreciated.........thank you
7. Leroy says:
27 Nov 2012 03:23:33 PM

I have a P-35 HI-Power that's stamped with Heerswaffenomt inspector's ,WaA140,mark on arms produced at Fabrique Nationale d'Armes de Guerre,Herstal,Belguim (late) serial #129958. Has two birds with circled Swastikas! I can't any date for this pistol! Alo i read somewhere that slaves would place lots of sand in the mold,that would cause the pistol too explode.I though of that when I fired it for the first time.It shot real good Leroy
8. Leroy says:
27 Nov 2012 03:34:42 PM

I forgot to mention it has an ajustible rear sight up to 500yds or is that in meters!
They all may have that sight thou
9. Anonymous says:
29 Mar 2014 07:32:04 PM

Hello all. If you are looking at a Browning High Power from World War II look at the eagle insignia on the Herstal-Belgique. These weapons were manufactured in Belgium from around 42 to mid 44. The insignia should have a marking of WaA 140 underneath. The serial numbers for this weapon only go till 630000 approximately. Also on the weapon look for SS stamps. These are sometimes found on the left hand side of the pistol running underneath the wooden grip. These were manufactured for the defending force of the SS in the last days of the war and are probably not the prettiest things to look at.
10. Simon Mordecai says:
27 Dec 2014 09:26:24 AM

I'm looking for a WWII Browning Hi Power with this serial number: 8806

I will pay a $2,000 bonus, plus the market value of the gun.

11. Michael Coppola says:
27 Jan 2015 03:37:16 PM

I have a Nickle plated Browning HP,from WW2(Eagle Swastika on left slide & above trigger//beneath is WaA140).a 5-digit serial # followed by a lower case (a)...What might be the manufacture date & possible value ?...Thank-you
12. Anonymous says:
21 Mar 2015 09:05:31 PM

I dont know what I have but my gun says this

fabrique nationale d'armes de guerre
herstal belgique
browning's patent depose (Lion)PV*N

an on other side same letters and symbols and a crown with ELG in the circle an aerial number 7796

Wooden handles and silver finish. HAVE NOT been able to find ANYTHINGLIKE or about this. N the only 4 digit serial numbers of this I only see people askin mad money for them trying to find them and trying to find something
13. portos says:
8 Apr 2015 01:16:30 PM

I have Browning p35 without any sing of serial number.. All other marks are visible. There is "akah" mark on right side. Can anyone help me to identify it?
14. Browne Altman says:
8 Jul 2015 01:10:08 PM

my High Power is serial # 24563 and has very small eagle and swastika markings. The serial # would seem to be very low to have these insignia, or am I wrong on this?
15. Anonymous says:
25 Jul 2015 07:08:31 PM

I have a Browning 9mm ser.54165. Can anyone tell me the value and year of this gun. My grandfather pasted last year and my grandmother gave it to me to keep. She didn't know he had it packed in a oil soaked t shirt in a trunk in her stage house.
16. Anonymous says:
22 Aug 2015 08:03:16 AM

Basically have a fully matched and all markings hi power made during ww2...all im wondering is if there is some kind of an archive where it writes ink on paper to who it was issued during the war..searched everywhere but was unable to find anything yet
17. Anonymous says:
3 Oct 2015 09:31:04 AM

My father lrft me not only the gun but holster with the swastick but an efb on the holster and the extra clip would sell for the world its a great piece of history and how America kicked Hitler's butt
18. JM says:
27 Nov 2015 07:41:44 PM

I have the following but can not find out for sure when it was made:
All matching serial numbers on barrel, frame, & slide 104XXX no prefix or suffix. Any information would be appreciated. This pistol is in 90% condition.Thanks
19. JM says:
27 Nov 2015 07:47:46 PM

I just sent an email requesting any info you may have on serial number 104XXX and forgot to add that on the slide is also :BROWNING'S PATENT DEPOSE"
Thanks again
20. MSP says:
12 Dec 2015 07:27:07 PM

Please help identify my HP. Serial # T324487, On all 3 places on right side. Left side Fabrique Nationale D'Armes De Guerrero-Herstal-Belgique on top. Under Browning's Patent Depose. Thank you! Looked everywhere, can't find that serial number.
21. rick says:
22 Dec 2015 07:41:32 PM

My dad brought back a beautiful 9 mm Browning with the Belgique impressions. the serial number is 702...yes, 702. Can anyone provide more info on it?
22. thomasandrew says:
10 Jan 2016 06:38:54 PM

WW2 Battlefield pickup SS Battlewings
sn#33819A date of mfg?
23. Christian Clinch says:
27 Jan 2016 03:10:10 PM

I have a 9mm FN Hi Power, #97356a dont know much about it, browning website puts it at 1961, side says Fabrique Nationale D'Armes De Guerre
Herstal Beloique
brownings patent depose
24. Anonymous says:
29 Jan 2016 08:00:44 PM

I have a browning hi power 9mm with a serial no of 136xxx. how much is it worth. I think it was made in 1964. this is a good site I just found it.
25. Anonymous says:
11 Feb 2016 07:51:56 PM

I have one of these pisols and would just like to know how much its worth
26. Anonymous says:
20 May 2016 09:44:28 AM

good afternoon !
I have fabrique nationale d'armes de guerre
herstal belgique brownings patent depose
serial number 137356 Can anyone tell me the value and year of this gun
27. This person says:
27 Feb 2017 09:05:53 AM

The gun was. Made by during WW11 it is kind of rare and worth around 3k I am a gun nut so I study this stuff and I looked it up for you
28. Eddie Murray says:
6 Mar 2017 03:15:28 PM

I'm looking to buy a HiPower with Tangent Sight and Slotted backstrap but it's serial number is 28652. I think it's pre-war but I'm having trouble finding out. Any help would be appreciated...Eddie
29. Troy says:
30 Apr 2017 04:35:11 PM

My dad has a Browning 1935 high power with a wooden grip and stalk, and it has a swastika on or near the slide. I am told this gun would have been taken from Belgium and reissued to the German army. Any idea its value?
30. Chris says:
15 May 2017 10:46:03 AM

I have a similar gun that I am trying to research, the only issue i am running into with my perticular gun is whoever owned it before my great grandfather, had it nickel plated, and it covered up all the seriel numbers. The swastika and approval stamp are still viseable. I found the link to this page( http://www.ai4fr.com/main/page_militaria__collectibles_germany_hipower.html ) to be VERY helpful in providing some information. However there is no value information on that page. I have seen these guns go for as much as $3,500.00 USD.
31. Fred says:
28 Oct 2017 07:27:47 AM

I have a Browning 32 caliber handgun made in Belgium. Hard rubber grip serial number 37508. It has swastikas stamped in several places. How can I find out who this weapon was issued to?
Thank you..
32. Tony Zapolski says:
10 Dec 2017 12:50:07 PM

I have what I think is a pri war FN High Power. I want to date it but I cant find any info out there on dating the gun

Serial 28967
33. Anonymous says:
15 Dec 2017 01:15:44 PM

34. saleh says:
23 Dec 2017 06:18:00 AM

i want to check the browning handgun with this serial number ( F 10012) when , where it was manufactured and if its silver colour is original or not ?
thank you
35. John Fornuto says:
16 Sep 2018 01:17:51 PM

Hoe can I tell if it is hi-power. 2 serial #'s receiver slide is 59230 and just below on the frame is 920940. Need to know a value and age. Thank you in advance
36. John S. Glatz says:
27 Dec 2018 12:40:24 PM

I have an FN Browning HI Power 9MM with a Serial number of, 5 37 38 a.
To the best information I found it was made in Belgium during WW II.
Please email me with any information available
37. Anonymous says:
8 Mar 2019 10:16:43 AM

Serial numbers for the Browning Hi Power ... I have found one site with S/Ns but it starts in 1954 ... looking for a site that has S/N info (MFG date) from the 30's & 40's ... I believe it is from that era because the S/N is 5 characters and starts with 14xxx and there is a symbol after the number ... any suggestions?
38. Ric Brooks says:
6 Dec 2019 10:50:37 AM

I am trying to track down some info one I have. It has a 4 digit serial number with tangent sight wooden pistol grips and buttstock grove.
39. Anonymous says:
13 Mar 2020 05:33:43 PM

Information on a Browning Hi Power serial number 172591 with German markings. All serial numbers match.
40. Rush says:
1 Oct 2020 06:10:42 PM

Trying to get information on a recently acquired Browning Hi-Power.

It has a 5-digit serial number 393XX, which I can't seem to find information on a serial # like this.

It also has markings to include "*S" (star over Capital S), a Stick-figure Lion? with the letters "PV" under it. These two markings are on Frame, Slide, and Barrel. I've read the "*S" marking is an inspection proof dating 1952-1968.

The slide had the "thumbprint" dimple on the right side and an internal extractor. I've read this make it pre-1960's.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.
41. Daniel says:
20 Oct 2020 10:38:21 PM

I'm trying to find information on a Browning Hi Power pistol serial no. EO 1918. When was it made.
42. Mike DePue says:
29 Oct 2020 08:39:51 AM

Not helpful, can't find any information on my fathers bring back German Browning Hi Power (eagle, German Swastika WaA140) even the magazine is stamped the same way.
43. Rich says:
28 Mar 2021 06:44:06 PM

I have a 1943 hi power Nazi proof markings of waa140. Is there any way to find any history on this side arm?
44. Jonathan says:
18 Nov 2021 07:42:49 AM

Looking for info
On a ww2 browning, history who was issued the firearm, etc.
45. Steve says:
9 Jan 2022 03:34:21 PM

I have a WWII HIPower with German proof marks. It appears to be original. Has matching serial numbers 205020. Just curious of when it may have manufactured.
46. Philip says:
17 Sep 2022 04:08:47 AM

I have a hi- power It also has the Nazi Waffen markings. Along with the eagle. The S/N
5789a. Hard to find information on but looks to be 1940. If there is a way to trace the history of this gun and just more info about it please let me know thank you advance
47. Steve says:
18 Nov 2023 09:12:39 AM

My grandfather’s Belgian Hi Power from the Black Forest, serial 9943a, but I can’t find any date information for him going back that far so any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Browning Hi-Power Handgun Photo Gallery
A Soviet soldier teaching partisan fighters how to operate a Browning Hi-Power handgun, near Smolensk, Russia, 23 Aug 1941Agnes Apostle and Joyce Horne working on the final assembly of Browning Hi-Power handguns at the Inglis factory in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Apr 1944

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"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us... they can't get away this time."

Lt. Gen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, at Guadalcanal

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