27,654 items in this album on 1,383 pages.
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Instrument panel of a Martin PBM-3R Mariner stationed at the Naval Air Station Banana River, Florida, United States, 24 Feb 1943. Photo 3 of 3. | Photographers taking pictures of First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt of the United States and Song Meiling of the Republic of China, Washington DC, United States, 24 Feb 1943 |
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An American M3 Lee tank near Kasserine Pass in Tunisia, late Feb 1943 | American troops marching through the Kasserine Pass, Tunisia, 26 Feb 1943 |
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Commissioning ceremonies for Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron 16 (MTBRon 16) at Higgins Boatworks in New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, 26 Feb 1943. Note Higgins 78-foot PT Boats and LCM landing craft in the distance. | German Tiger I heavy tank and another vehicle on a road in Tunisia, 26 Feb 1943 |
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HMS Cumberland (left), HMS Obdurate (second from left), HMS Belfast (third from left), and HMS Faulknor (right) in the Kola Inlet near Murmansk, Russia, 27-28 Feb 1943 | Three A-20B Havoc attack aircraft, probably of 47th Bomb Group, US 12th Air Force, over Tunisia, 27 Feb 1943 |
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Light cruiser Oyodo at Kure Naval Arsenal, Japan, circa 28 Feb 1943; note the 45m large catapult at stern which was later removed during conversion | A column of Chindit irregular troops crossing a river in Burma, Feb-Mar 1943 |
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A German tank commander surveying the field atop his Tiger I heavy tank, Russia, Mar 1943 | A memorial to fallen 13th Bomb Squadron, USAAF 3rd Bomb Group personnel at an airfield at Port Moresby, Australian Papua, 1943 |
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Aerial view looking north at the Norfolk Navy Yard, Portsmouth, Virginia, United States, about 1943. Note the short-hull Essex-class carrier in Drydock No. 8 (foreground). | An US Navy beaching crew clinging to the tow line of a PBM Mariner aircraft, Naval Air Station Banana River, Florida, United States, circa Mar 1943 |
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Award decoration ceremony for USAAF 3rd Bomb Group personnel, Port Moresby, Australian Papua, early 1943 | B-17F bomber of 97th BG of US 414th BS after collision with a German fighter over Tunis in North Africa, 1 Feb 1943; this bomber landed safely and was repaired and put back in action. Photo 1 of 8 |
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B-18 Bolo aircraft at an airfield in Panama, Feb-Jun 1943 | B-24E-1-DT Liberator bomber in flight, Feb-Jun 1943 |
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B-25 bomber 'Fitch's Bitch' and its ground crew, Port Moresby, Australian Papua, early 1943 | B-25 bomber 'Lil' Fox', Port Moresby, Australian Papua, early 1943; note experimental 76mm gun |
27,654 items in this album on 1,383 pages.