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Lucien Lippert file photo [26164]

Lucien Lippert

Given NameLucien
Born25 Aug 1913
Died13 Feb 1944
CountryBelgium, Germany


ww2dbaseLucien Lippert was born in Arlon, Province of Luxembourg, Belgium in 1913. He was a member of the Belgian Army as the German forces entered the country, and he became one of the first members of the volunteer Walloon Legion. In Apr 1942, he was made the commanding officer of the legion. In Jun 1943, he was promoted to the rank of SS-Sturmbannführer to command the re-organized Walloon Legion, now named SS Volunteer Sturmbrigade Wallonien. He was killed in action at the village of Novo-Buda in central Ukraine in Feb 1944 and was succeeded by Léon Degrelle.

Last Major Revision: Sep 2016

Lucien Lippert Timeline

25 Aug 1913 Lucien Lippert was born in Arlon, Province of Luxembourg, Belgium.
8 Jun 1942 Lucien Lippert was promoted to the rank of Hauptmann.
24 Aug 1942 Lucien Lippert was awarded the Iron Cross 1st Class medal.
28 Jun 1943 Lucien Lippert was promoted to the rank of SS-Sturmbannführer.
13 Feb 1944 Lucien Lippert, commanding officer of SS Volunteer Sturmbrigade Wallonien, was killed in action at the village of Novo-Buda central Ukraine.
20 Feb 1944 Lucien Lippert was awarded the German Cross in Gold and was promoted to the rank of SS-Obersturmbannführer, posthumously.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Sarah. Lefébure says:
16 Jun 2017 01:28:02 PM

Je vous remercie de votre contribution à propos de Lucien Lippert.
Serait-il possible d'avoir accès à vos sources documentaires? J'aimerais plus d'information au sujet des membres de la 28ème division, le nombre d'adherents ainsi que les dates.
Bien à vous
-Sarah Lefébure, Belgique
2. Roba says:
19 May 2018 02:02:13 PM

Grosse erreur. Degrelle ne succéda jamais à Lippert. Jules Mathieu assura l'interim avant que la Légion ne soit reprise par le major Franz Hellebaut. Je renvoie à la biographie de Lippert que j'ai écrite et Mme Lefébure peut, si elle est toujours intéressée, me contacter via l'éditeur De Krijger
3. Anonymous says:
21 May 2018 07:10:40 AM

A Sarah Lefébure. Le meilleur livre sur le sujet a été récemment publié chez Heimdal (Tome I). Contactez l'auteur via la maison d'éditions.
4. Anonymous says:
2 Aug 2019 04:41:01 PM

Très bien votre biographie monsieur Roba, je l’ai dévoré.
5. kodisch says:
3 Jan 2023 06:22:26 AM

Le lieu de la sépulture de Lucien Lippert ?

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