6 Jun 1942
- Nachi provided support for the landings at Attu, Aleutian Islands. ww2dbase [Nachi | Attu, Aleutian Islands | CPC]
5 Jul 1942
- USS Growler attacked Japanese destroyers in Kiska Harbor, Kiska, Aleutian Islands, damaging Kasumi (10 were killed), damaging Shiranui (3 were killed), and sinking Arare (104 were killed, 42 survived). ww2dbase [Growler | Kiska Harbor, Aleutian Islands | CPC]
1 Oct 1942
- USS Nashville and USS Bailey joined with destroyers USS Dent, USS King and transport ships Branch and Thompson. Together, they steamed westward bound for Adak Island. ww2dbase [Bailey | Nashville | Aleutian Islands | DS]
3 Oct 1942
- USS Nashville and USS Bailey delivered destroyers USS Dent, USS King and transport ships Branch and Thompson to Adak Island. Nashville and Bailey retired for refueling. ww2dbase [Nashville | Bailey | Aleutian Islands Campaign | Aleutian Islands | DS]
4 Oct 1942
- USS Nashville and USS Bailey joined with USS Indianapolis, USS St. Louis, USS Case, and USS Bancroft 125 miles northeast of Adak Island. ww2dbase [Indianapolis | Bailey | St. Louis | Nashville | Aleutian Islands | DS]
24 Oct 1942
- USS Nashville and USS Bailey arrived at Dutch Harbor, Alaska. ww2dbase [Bailey | Nashville | Unalaska, Aleutian Islands | DS]
23 Nov 1942
- USS Raleigh rendezvoused with USS Bailey as escort to Dutch Harbor, Alaska. ww2dbase [Raleigh | Bailey | Unalaska, Aleutian Islands | DS]
26 Nov 1942
- USS Raleigh and USS Bailey arrived Adak, Alaska. Bailey put back to sea almost immediately. ww2dbase [Raleigh | Bailey | Adak, Aleutian Islands | DS]
5 Jan 1943
- While USS Bailey was moored in Sand Bay, Great Sitkin Island, Alaska alongside USS Cuyama for fuel, USS Bancroft came alongside and collided with Bailey. Bancroft’s anchor tore a hole in Bailey’s starboard side causing Bailey to stay in port for two days to make repairs. Commander of Destroyer Squadron 14 shifted his flag to Bancroft. ww2dbase [Bailey | Great Sitkin Island, Aleutian Islands | DS]
24 Jan 1943
- While covering the landings on Amchitka Island, Alaska, destroyers USS Bailey and Bancroft made a depth charge attack on a submerged sonar contact with no results. ww2dbase [Bailey | Aleutian Islands | DS]
10 Mar 1943
- Nachi arrived at Attu, Aleutian Islands. ww2dbase [Nachi | Attu, Aleutian Islands | CPC]
25 Jan 1945
- A Japanese Fu-Go balloon was detected at 28,000 feet 40 miles southwest of Shemya Island in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska and was shot down by USAAF fighter planes. The balloon was not recovered. ww2dbase [Shemya, Aleutian Islands | DS]
- A Japanese Fu-Go balloon was detected at 28,000 feet 40 miles southwest of Shemya Island in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska and was shot down by USAAF fighter planes. The balloon was not recovered. ww2dbase [Fu-Go | Shemya, Aleutian Islands | DS]
13 Apr 1945
- US fighter planes based on Attu Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska encountered ten-to-thirty (sources differ) Japanese Fu-Go balloons between 30,000 and 37,000 feet. Nine were shot down and parts of one balloon were recovered. ww2dbase [Fu-Go | Attu, Aleutian Islands | DS]
Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis
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"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us... they can't get away this time."Lt. Gen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, at Guadalcanal