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Kashii file photo [13244]


Ship ClassKatori-class Light Cruiser
BuilderMitsubishi Heavy Industries shipyard, Yokohama
Launched14 Feb 1941
Commissioned15 Jul 1941
Sunk12 Jan 1945
Displacement6,280 tons standard
Length426 feet
Beam52 feet
Draft19 feet
Speed18 knots
Armament4x140mm, 2x127mm, 30x25mm anti-aircraft, 8x13mm anti-aircraft, 4x24in torpedo tubes


ww2dbaseLike other Katori-class cruisers, Kashii was originally laid down as a training vessel, but the war necessitated them to enter action. Named after a shrine on the Hakuta Bay in Japan, she was commissioned in Jul 1941 with Captain Sanji Iwabuchi in command. As a part of the Southern Expeditionary Fleet, she served briefly as Vice Admiral Jisaburo Ozawa's flagship off Indochina and southern China in Nov 1941. At 1000 on 8 Dec 1941, she served off Malaya, assisting the landing of troops in Siam who would eventually march into Malaya at the start of the Pacific War. On 13 Dec, she joined light cruiser Sendai and covered transports bringing more troops into Malaya. On 3 Jan 1942, she rescued survivors from the troop transport Meiko Maru as the transport caught fire accidentally, exploded, and sank. On 16 Feb 1942, she escorted transports landing troops on the island of Sumatra; a month later, after participating in several convoy missions, she returned to northern Sumatra to provide cover for further landings at Kutaradja and Sabang. On 19 Mar 1942, Kashii became the flagship of the No. 2 Escort Unit, which landed the Japanese 56th Infantry Division at Rangoon, Burma on 25 Mar 1942. She was detached on 4 Apr and returned to Singapore, once again becoming Ozawa's flagship. In Sep 1942, a fake second funnel was installed to throw off enemy identification. From the start of the Pacific War until early 1944, she participation in many transport and patrol duties all across the South Pacific. In Feb 1944, she returned to Etajima and began to perform training duties as she was originally intended to serve at the time she was laid down. However, as the Allied forces slowly inched toward Japan, by May 1944 she was set out to sea again, this time as Rear Admiral Mitsuharu Matsuyama's flagship, charged with anti-submarine and escort missions. By that time, however, American blockade of Japanese waters were so effective that the presence of Kashii and other escorts affected little on American submarines' efforts to sink Japanese transports. On 12 Jan 1945, Allied forces struck Indochina, where Kashii was located at that time. Between 1100 and 1700 that day, SB2C Helldiver dive bombers and TBF Avenger torpedo bombers attacked the convoy in which Kashii was a member of. Kashii was attacked at 1408, hit by a torpedo and two bombs. The hits set off her depth charges, and the cruiser sank quickly. Only 19 out of her complement of 640 survived.

ww2dbaseSource: Imperial Japanese Navy Page.

Last Major Revision: Jan 2007

Light Cruiser Kashii Interactive Map


Light cruiser Kashii at Yokohama, Japan, July 15, 1941Aerial torpedo from United States carrier aircraft hits the stern of Japanese cruiser Kashii off the coast of French Indochina (Vietnam) north of Qui Nhon, Jan 12, 1945. Photo 2 of 9
See all 10 photographs of Light Cruiser Kashii

Kashii Operational Timeline

15 Jul 1941 Kashii was commissioned into service.
21 Jul 1944 Kashii arrived at Manila, Philippine Islands.
12 Jan 1945 Kashii, sailing in convoy off Indochina, was sunk by American SB2C Helldiver dive bombers and TBF Avenger torpedo bombers. Only 19 out of her complement of 640 survived.

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» Ozawa, Jisaburo

Event(s) Participated:
» Invasion of Malaya and Singapore
» Raid into the South China Sea

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» Kashii Tabular Record of Movement

Light Cruiser Kashii Photo Gallery
Light cruiser Kashii at Yokohama, Japan, July 15, 1941Aerial torpedo from United States carrier aircraft hits the stern of Japanese cruiser Kashii off the coast of French Indochina (Vietnam) north of Qui Nhon, Jan 12, 1945. Photo 2 of 9
See all 10 photographs of Light Cruiser Kashii

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"You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs. Victory in spite of all terrors. Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival."

Winston Churchill

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