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World War II Database

27 items in this album on 2 pages.

Japanese soldiers in Mongolia Area, China, 1939; note captured Soviet DP machine gunJapanese troops celebrating with captured Soviet vehicles, Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, 1939
Japanese soldiers in Mongolia Area, China, 1939; note captured Soviet DP machine gunJapanese troops celebrating with captured Soviet vehicles, Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, 1939
Soviet BT-5 tank crew surrendering to Japanese troops, Mongolia Area, China, 1939Type 89 medium tank and crew, Mongolia Area, China, 1939
Soviet BT-5 tank crew surrendering to Japanese troops, Mongolia Area, China, 1939Type 89 medium tank and crew, Mongolia Area, China, 1939
Type 89 tanks advancing across a grassy field, Mongolia Area, China, 1939Commander of Soviet 149th Rifle Regiment during Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, 1939
Type 89 tanks advancing across a grassy field, Mongolia Area, China, 1939Commander of Soviet 149th Rifle Regiment during Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, 1939
Japanese soldiers crossing Khalkhin Gol river, Mongolia Area, China, mid-1939Japanese Type 92 machine gunner and infantry in Mongolia Area, China, Jul 1939; note Soviet BA-6 armored car in background
Japanese soldiers crossing Khalkhin Gol river, Mongolia Area, China, mid-1939Japanese Type 92 machine gunner and infantry in Mongolia Area, China, Jul 1939; note Soviet BA-6 armored car in background
Ki-27 aircraft and personnel, Mongolia Area, China, 1939Ki-27 aircraft at an airfield in Mongolia Area, China, 1939
Ki-27 aircraft and personnel, Mongolia Area, China, 1939Ki-27 aircraft at an airfield in Mongolia Area, China, 1939
Wrecked Japanese aircraft, Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, 1939Wrecked Soviet BA-10M armored car during the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, 1939
Wrecked Japanese aircraft, Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, 1939Wrecked Soviet BA-10M armored car during the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, 1939
Captured Japanese soldiers during the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, Aug 1939Captured Japanese Type 95 Ha-Go tanks being inspected by Soviet troops, Mongolia Area, China, 1938
Captured Japanese soldiers during the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, Aug 1939Captured Japanese Type 95 Ha-Go tanks being inspected by Soviet troops, Mongolia Area, China, 1938
Georgy Zhukov and Khorloogiin Choibalsan during the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, 1939, photo 1 of 2Georgy Zhukov and Khorloogiin Choibalsan during the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, 1939, photo 2 of 2
Georgy Zhukov and Khorloogiin Choibalsan during the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, 1939, photo 1 of 2Georgy Zhukov and Khorloogiin Choibalsan during the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, 1939, photo 2 of 2
Grigori Shtern, Choibalsan, and Georgy Zhukov in Mongolia Area of China, 1939Mongolian cavalrymen at the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, 1939
Grigori Shtern, Choibalsan, and Georgy Zhukov in Mongolia Area of China, 1939Mongolian cavalrymen at the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, 1939
Mongolian DP machine gun crew, Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, 1939Pilots of Japanese Army 24th Squadron taking a break during the Nomonhan Incident, Mongolia Area, China, Aug 1939; the pilots were, left to right, Corporal Katsuaki Kira, Sergeant Major Chiyoji Saito (inside Toyota KC truck), Sergeant Major Hisashi Goto, Sergeant Major Koji Ishizawa, Corporal Hiroshi Sato (on truck, behind Ishizawa), and Sergeant Major Goro Nishihara
Mongolian DP machine gun crew, Battle of Khalkhin Gol, Mongolia Area, China, 1939Pilots of Japanese Army 24th Squadron taking a break during the Nomonhan Incident, Mongolia Area, China, Aug 1939; the pilots were, left to right, Corporal Katsuaki Kira, Sergeant Major Chiyoji Saito (inside Toyota KC truck), Sergeant Major Hisashi Goto, Sergeant Major Koji Ishizawa, Corporal Hiroshi Sato (on truck, behind Ishizawa), and Sergeant Major Goro Nishihara

27 items in this album on 2 pages.

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"The raising of that flag on Suribachi means a Marine Corps for the next 500 years."

James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy, 23 Feb 1945

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