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Sponsor of Liberty-ship Booker T Washington, celebrated operatic contralto Marian Anderson at the launching ceremonies at CalShip, Los Angeles, California, United States, 29 Sep 1942. Photo 1 of 2.Sponsor of Liberty-ship Booker T Washington, celebrated operatic contralto Marian Anderson at the launching ceremonies at CalShip, Los Angeles, California, United States, 29 Sep 1942. Photo 2 of 2.
Sponsor of Liberty-ship Booker T Washington, celebrated operatic contralto Marian Anderson at the launching ceremonies at CalShip, Los Angeles, California, United States, 29 Sep 1942. Photo 1 of 2.Sponsor of Liberty-ship Booker T Washington, celebrated operatic contralto Marian Anderson at the launching ceremonies at CalShip, Los Angeles, California, United States, 29 Sep 1942. Photo 2 of 2.

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"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."

Winston Churchill, on the RAF

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