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World War II Database

98 items in this album on 5 pages.

Admiral Chester Nimitz, a Texan, hosted an “Old Texas Roundup” on Oahu, Hawaii for all personnel in the Pacific Area who were from Texas; some 40,000 members of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Army, 16 Jan 1944. Photo 1 of 3.Admiral Chester Nimitz, a Texan, hosted an “Old Texas Roundup” on Oahu, Hawaii for all personnel in the Pacific Area who were from Texas; some 40,000 members of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Army, 16 Jan 1944. Photo 2 of 3.
Admiral Chester Nimitz, a Texan, hosted an “Old Texas Roundup” on Oahu, Hawaii for all personnel in the Pacific Area who were from Texas; some 40,000 members of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Army, 16 Jan 1944. Photo 1 of 3.Admiral Chester Nimitz, a Texan, hosted an “Old Texas Roundup” on Oahu, Hawaii for all personnel in the Pacific Area who were from Texas; some 40,000 members of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Army, 16 Jan 1944. Photo 2 of 3.
Admiral Chester Nimitz, a Texan, hosted an “Old Texas Roundup” on Oahu, Hawaii for all personnel in the Pacific Area who were from Texas; some 40,000 members of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Army, 16 Jan 1944. Photo 3 of 3.Spruance and Nimitz at Kwajalein Island, 5 Feb 1944
Admiral Chester Nimitz, a Texan, hosted an “Old Texas Roundup” on Oahu, Hawaii for all personnel in the Pacific Area who were from Texas; some 40,000 members of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Army, 16 Jan 1944. Photo 3 of 3.Spruance and Nimitz at Kwajalein Island, 5 Feb 1944
Admiral Chester Nimitz at the US Marine Corps cemetary on Namur Island, Kwajalein Atoll, 6 Feb 1944; also present were USMC Colonel Franklin Hart and Major General Harry Schmidt (with dark glasses)MacArthur and Nimitz at MacArthur
Admiral Chester Nimitz at the US Marine Corps cemetary on Namur Island, Kwajalein Atoll, 6 Feb 1944; also present were USMC Colonel Franklin Hart and Major General Harry Schmidt (with dark glasses)MacArthur and Nimitz at MacArthur's headquarters, Brisbane, Australia, 27 Mar 1944
United States Navy Admiral Chester Nimitz, 1944, location unknown.Admiral Chester Nimitz presenting the Presidential Unit Citation pennant to USS Bowfin commanding officer Commander John Corbus at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Jul 1944.
United States Navy Admiral Chester Nimitz, 1944, location unknown.Admiral Chester Nimitz presenting the Presidential Unit Citation pennant to USS Bowfin commanding officer Commander John Corbus at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Jul 1944.
King, Nimitz, and Spruance aboard USS Indianapolis,18 Jul 1944MacArthur, Roosevelt, and Nimitz aboard USS Baltimore, Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii, 26 Jul 1944, photo 1 of 3
King, Nimitz, and Spruance aboard USS Indianapolis,18 Jul 1944MacArthur, Roosevelt, and Nimitz aboard USS Baltimore, Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii, 26 Jul 1944, photo 1 of 3
MacArthur, Roosevelt, and Nimitz aboard USS Baltimore, Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii, 26 Jul 1944, photo 2 of 3MacArthur, Roosevelt, and Nimitz aboard USS Baltimore, Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii, 26 Jul 1944, photo 3 of 3
MacArthur, Roosevelt, and Nimitz aboard USS Baltimore, Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii, 26 Jul 1944, photo 2 of 3MacArthur, Roosevelt, and Nimitz aboard USS Baltimore, Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii, 26 Jul 1944, photo 3 of 3
United States Army General Douglas MacArthur, President Franklin Roosevelt, and Admiral Chester Nimitz enjoying fresh tropical fruit at Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, 27 Jul 1944.US President Roosevelt in conference with MacArthur, Leahy, and Nimitz, at the Queen’s Surf Residence, Honolulu, Oahu, US Territory of Hawaii, 28 Jul 1944, photo 1 of 3
United States Army General Douglas MacArthur, President Franklin Roosevelt, and Admiral Chester Nimitz enjoying fresh tropical fruit at Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, 27 Jul 1944.US President Roosevelt in conference with MacArthur, Leahy, and Nimitz, at the Queen’s Surf Residence, Honolulu, Oahu, US Territory of Hawaii, 28 Jul 1944, photo 1 of 3
US President Roosevelt in conference with MacArthur, Leahy, and Nimitz, at the Queen’s Surf Residence, Honolulu, Oahu, US Territory of Hawaii, 28 Jul 1944, photo 2 of 3Admiral Raymond Spruance, Admiral Ernest King, Admiral Chestaer Nimitz, and Major General Sanderford Jarman at Saipan, Mariana Islands, 1944
US President Roosevelt in conference with MacArthur, Leahy, and Nimitz, at the Queen’s Surf Residence, Honolulu, Oahu, US Territory of Hawaii, 28 Jul 1944, photo 2 of 3Admiral Raymond Spruance, Admiral Ernest King, Admiral Chestaer Nimitz, and Major General Sanderford Jarman at Saipan, Mariana Islands, 1944
Chester Nimitz meeting with US Marine officers, Guam, Jul-Aug 1944Geiger, Spruance, H. Smith, Nimitz, and Vandegrift at Guam, 11 Aug 1944
Chester Nimitz meeting with US Marine officers, Guam, Jul-Aug 1944Geiger, Spruance, H. Smith, Nimitz, and Vandegrift at Guam, 11 Aug 1944
High-level Naval conference in San Francisco in late 1944 including Adm Raymond Spruance, Adm Ernest King, RAdm Charles Cooke, Navy Secretary James Forrestal, VAdm Randall Jacobs, Adm Chester Nimitz, VAdm Aubrey Fitch.Battleship Massachusetts sailing into Ulithi anchorage in the Caroline Islands, 24 Nov 1944; note autograph of Chester Nimitz
High-level Naval conference in San Francisco in late 1944 including Adm Raymond Spruance, Adm Ernest King, RAdm Charles Cooke, Navy Secretary James Forrestal, VAdm Randall Jacobs, Adm Chester Nimitz, VAdm Aubrey Fitch.Battleship Massachusetts sailing into Ulithi anchorage in the Caroline Islands, 24 Nov 1944; note autograph of Chester Nimitz

98 items in this album on 5 pages.

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"You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs. Victory in spite of all terrors. Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival."

Winston Churchill

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