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List of men lost aboard HMS Hermes, printed by J. Abrams and Sons of Plymouth, England, United Kingdom, circa 1942

Caption     List of men lost aboard HMS Hermes, printed by J. Abrams and Sons of Plymouth, England, United Kingdom, circa 1942 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseChristopher James Sheehy via Allan Sheehy
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Photo Size 1,274 x 914 pixels
Added By C. Peter Chen

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Gary Afred Sanderson says:
3 Oct 2010 06:26:06 AM

please advice i would like to get more imformation on this aircraft carrier and Alfred Sanderson decese and anyone who knew him who is still alive thank
2. Robert moss says:
23 Jan 2011 12:18:56 PM

my great uncle john doolan lost his life on hms hermes he was my nans brother my mum has a photo of him in his royal navel uniform and a picture of the aircraft carrier its a very intresting write up about it .
3. richard clark says:
17 Sep 2011 06:21:27 AM

please help looking to get any imformation on my grandfather Henry A Clark from anyone that may have know him . i belive he served on hms hermes
4. Jane Carver says:
23 Jun 2014 03:19:04 PM

I believe my grandfather Arthur (Bradshaw) Cooper (nickname 'Skoby') served on hoard the Hermes as a Stoker and survived its sinking in 1942. I would be interested to hear from anyone who knew him.
5. Ashley says:
18 Sep 2014 08:21:29 AM

My grandfather, Tommy Turner was on the ship when it was bombarded. Thankfully he survived the attack but has sadly passed since. My mum said he didn't want to talk about the experience, obviously it was too horrific.
6. Peter Horne says:
17 Apr 2015 10:08:16 AM

Philip Reginald Israel Raphael was my great-uncle; his name is also recorded in the Naval chapel, Simonstown. I believe he had a family living in Johannesburg, but my Dad, Charles Horne, never contacted them so far as I know. Philip was the younger brother of my Gran, Sarah Martha Louise Horne, nee Raphael
7. daisynook says:
27 Aug 2017 04:30:45 AM

I like others above am trying to find any information or a photo on my great-uncle Frank Scholes, Stoker 2nd Class, who died on 9 April 1942 when HMS Hermes was attacked. Any information greatly appreciated.
8. Gregor Vincent says:
11 Nov 2017 04:04:48 AM

Today visited war cemetary in Trincomalee Sri Lanka. The only person I found is Kenneth N. Vatcher of Newfoundland passing on April 09 1942 the day the Hms Hermes was sunk. In above memorial his reported missing. A hero.
9. Anonymous says:
12 Nov 2017 04:09:13 AM

My grandpa was aboard the ship and survived
10. Carolyn Molloy says:
23 Mar 2018 11:36:20 AM

My father, Thomas Molloy, survived the bombing on 9th April 1942. I would like to know which ship he ended up on for th rest of the war.
11. Colin Bannister says:
17 Apr 2019 02:23:11 PM

Kenneth Vatcher was from British Harbour, Newfoundland. This was also where my father was from. He and Kenneth knew each other well. My father served in the British Royal Navy in WW2, survived the war and passed away age 95..
12. Bryan Jackson says:
10 May 2020 07:45:14 AM

My uncle was killed on this ship AB Leslie Jackson from Cinderford Forest of Dean Gloucestershire
13. Leslie Charles Blewitt says:
12 Nov 2020 12:34:20 PM

My father Joseph Charles Blewitt survived the sinking by swimming off the aft deck below the flight deck. Dad went on to become Lord Mayor of Oxford in 1995.
I have a photo of his shipmates Charles Henry Bolt and John or Vincent Quinn( dont know which one) who unfortunately did not survive. Joe "crossed the bar" to join his shipmates in 2009.
Trying to put his Hermes experience together at the moment. Les at lcb_ox@yahoo.co.uk

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