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Charred remains of Japanese civilians after the Operation Meetinghouse bombing, Tokyo, Japan, 10 Mar 1945

Caption     Charred remains of Japanese civilians after the Operation Meetinghouse bombing, Tokyo, Japan, 10 Mar 1945 ww2dbase
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Photo Size 1,000 x 644 pixels
Photos on Same Day 10 Mar 1945
Photos at Same Place Tokyo, Japan
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  This work originating in Japan is in the public domain. According to Article 23 of the 1899 Copyright Act of Japan and Article 2 of Supplemental Provisions of Copyright Act of 1970, a work is in the public domain if it was created or published before 1 Jan 1957.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Louis says:
4 Nov 2011 07:50:19 PM

That is a disturbing picture, but it was war. I visited Tokyo recently and it is a beautiful city. Japanese people were very freindly. I hope to go back one day
2. Anonymous says:
20 Feb 2013 01:28:02 PM

Tough pooopy.. Did you see what those vile scumbags did to others?

They got less than they deserved
3. Spatula Boy says:
28 Mar 2013 06:17:43 PM

It is horrible, they should have put more thougth into it before they started the war.
4. Spatula Boy says:
28 Mar 2013 06:18:34 PM

It is horrible, they should have put more thougth into it before they started the war. Place the photos of Nangking next to this photo.
5. Tom says:
22 Aug 2013 03:49:22 AM

"Tough pooopy.. Did you see what those vile scumbags did to others?

They got less than they deserved"

Yeah, they themselves committed atrocities in China, and elsewhere in the Pacific. There is absolutely no excuse for that. But, an eye-for-an-eye attitude will only doom us to go through this kind of tragedy again and again. Who are you to say what justice is? Americans taking skull trophies, LeMay's Tokyo bombing would have been seen as war crimes/crimes against humanity had the Japanese been the one's to dispense victor's justice. You also refer to 'those' - as if all Japanese, civilians included, were some kind of homogenous group that all thought about the war the same way. There would have been plenty in those 100,000 that thought the war was pointless, but were too afraid to speak out. Your comment shows nothing more than sheer ignorance.

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