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Generals Matthew Ridgway of the US XVIII Airborne Corps, Miles Dempsey of the 2nd British Army, William Simpson of the US 9th Army, and Bernard Montgomery at Dempsey’s headquarters, 25 Mar 1945, discussing the recent crossing of the Rhine.

Caption     Generals Matthew Ridgway of the US XVIII Airborne Corps, Miles Dempsey of the 2nd British Army, William Simpson of the US 9th Army, and Bernard Montgomery at Dempsey’s headquarters, 25 Mar 1945, discussing the recent crossing of the Rhine. ww2dbase
Source    ww2dbaseImperial War Museum
Identification Code   BU 2232
More on...   
Crossing the Rhine   Main article  Photos  Maps  
Bernard Montgomery   Main article  Photos  
William Simpson   Main article  Photos  
Miles Dempsey   Main article  Photos  
Photos on Same Day 25 Mar 1945
Photos at Same Place Germany
Added By David Stubblebine

This photograph has been scaled down; full resolution photograph is available here (884 by 886 pixels).

Licensing  According to the United Kingdom National Archives, Crown copyright material that has been created prior to 1 Jun 1957 is considered to be in the public domain.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. S Wright says:
26 Mar 2021 02:54:25 PM

Ridgway was never in 101st. He was CO 82nd AB Division. In August 1944 he became the first CO of US XVIII Airborne Corps.
2. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
26 Mar 2021 05:14:28 PM

S Wright (above):
Of course, you are correct about General Ridgway’s command. I took the original caption from the IWM photo notes that incorrectly list General Ridgway with the 101st Airborne. The caption has been corrected and thank you for bringing this up.

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