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Citizens of Ludwigslust, Germany made aware of the atrocities at a nearby concentration camp, May 1945 [Colorized by WW2DB]

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Caption     Citizens of Ludwigslust, Germany made aware of the atrocities at a nearby concentration camp, May 1945 [Colorized by WW2DB] ww2dbase
Colorization Note   This photograph was originally a black and white photograph; the colorized version presented here was a derivative work by WW2DB. The colors used in this version were speculative, and could be significantly different from the real colors.

Processed using Adobe Photoshop Image Processor, with default neural filter, selecting "None" as the profile.

View the original black and white photograph at its own permanent page.
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseUnited States National Archives
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Discovery of Concentration Camps and the Holocaust   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 991 x 734 pixels
Photos on Same Day 10 May 1945
Added By C. Peter Chen
Colorized Date 24 Feb 2023
Licensing  Public Domain. According to the US National Archives, as of 21 Jul 2010:
The vast majority of the digital images in the Archival Research Catalog (ARC) are in the public domain. Therefore, no written permission is required to use them. We would appreciate your crediting the National Archives and Records Administration as the original source. For the few images that remain copyrighted, please read the instructions noted in the "Access Restrictions" field of each ARC record.... In general, all government records are in the public domain and may be freely used.... Additionally, according to the United States copyright law (United States Code, Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105), in part, "[c]opyright protection under this title is not available for any work of the United States Government".

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Anonymous says:
10 May 2014 11:09:50 PM

Thank you for preserving the facts which are true for future generations so the Holocaust can not be denied In this picture the Germans are not really looking at the atrocity except the first one.
2. Anonymous says:
11 May 2014 06:24:01 AM

They knew what was occurring. The Germans were indoctrinated for years to hate the Jew as well as Gypsies, Homosexuals, Lesbians, Slavs, etc (my apologies to their families). They are acting shocked to save their asses!
3. Anonymous says:
11 May 2014 10:07:00 PM

They knew and revelled in it. No other odor is like that of human decompensation and burning. It travels on the air for miles.
4. Anonymous says:
25 May 2014 11:05:26 AM

This weekend of memorials, I am remembering my dad who tried to help liberate those enslaved at this work camp ( first picture shone), in Ludwigslust Germany. My dad kept these horrors he endured, inside until the last years of his life. When he graced us with his presence at our home the last three years of his life, he opened up and shared his past with us, forever altering who we are. PLEASE VETS, the sooner you can share, the more years of peace you and your loved ones will have !!!!! We none vets respect you and your efforts TREMENDOUSLY, and will salute you until our last day on earth!!

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