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27 Aug 1945
  • USS Iowa arrived at Sagami Bay, Japan. ww2dbase [Iowa | CPC]
  • Lavrentiy Beria added more names to the list of possible German leaders to be sent to Nuremberg, Germany to stand trials; the previous list had been prepared by Vyacheslav Molotov's foreign ministry several days prior. Beria's additions included Erich Raeder, Martin Mutschmann, Friedrich Gustav Bernhardt, Hilmar Moser, Johann Georg Richert, Wilhelm Robert Oksmann, Hans Julius Traut, Günther Walter Klammt, and Friedrich Jeckeln. ww2dbase [Nuremberg Trials and Other Trials Against Germany | CPC]
  • HMS Cumberland deployed in Indian Ocean off Sumatra to assist in military operations after the Japanese surrender. ww2dbase [Cumberland | DS]
  • USS Bailey arrived at Subic Bay, Luzon, Philippines. ww2dbase [Bailey | DS]
  • In Rangoon, Burma, Japanese delegates signed a preliminary agreement ordering local Japanese commanders to assist and obey British commanders of reoccupation forces. ww2dbase [Japan's Surrender | Rangoon | AC]
  • Louis Mountbatten and Field Marshal Hisaichi Terauchi signed a preliminary surrender agreement in Rangoon, Burma. ww2dbase [Louis Mountbatten | Japan's Surrender | Rangoon | CPC]
  • He Yingqin began an inspection tour of several Chinese cities including Xi'an, Shaanxi Province and Nancheng, Jiangxi Province to oversee the Japanese surrender process. ww2dbase [He Yingqin | CPC]
  • France announced that it would not let the United Nations arbitrate the Indochina-Thai border dispute, and it demanded the return of all territories taken by Thailand in May 1941. ww2dbase [CPC]
French Indochina
  • Laotian Prince Ratanavongsa Phetsarath, the head of government, took over Vientiane and announced the creation of the Lao Issara Army out of the previously Japanese-sponsored civic guard. ww2dbase [Ratanavongsa Phetsarath | Laos | CPC]
  • Ho Chi Minh convened his first cabinet meeting in Hanoi, Tonkin, French Indochina. The group agreed that they would declare Vietnamese independence on 2 Sep 1945. ww2dbase [Hanoi, Tonkin | CPC]
Hawaii Hong Kong
  • Japanese military leadership announced to its troops that all forces in Hong Kong were to surrender to the British. ww2dbase [Japan's Surrender | CPC]
  • USS Saint Paul arrived in Sagami Wan southwest of Tokyo, Japan. ww2dbase [Saint Paul | CPC]
  • In Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, those who have been exposed to the highest doses of radiation were already dead, but the number suffering from radiation sickness kept rising. More than half the survivors who were within 1.2 miles of the blast are severely scarred, with increased risk of hepatitis, liver damage, and thyroid and heart disease. ww2dbase [Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki | AC]
  • By this date, 1,360 women from Tokyo, Japan had signed up to become comfort women for incoming US occupation troops. Such "Recreation and Amusement Association" houses would be allowed (or, welcomed) by the occupation authority until Jan 1946 when it was realized that 70% of the women were tested positive of syphilis and 50% positive of gonorrhea. Large stocks of penicillin would be imported into Japan in Apr 1946 to combat this man-made epidemic among comfort women and US troops. ww2dbase [Tokyo | CPC]
  • USS New Mexico arrived at Sagami Bay, Japan. ww2dbase [New Mexico | Sagami Bay | CPC]
  • USS Nicholas rendezvoused with Japanese destroyer Hatuzakura to take aboard Japanese emissaries, interpreters, and harbor pilots. Nicholas then delivered US press and Japanese personnel to USS Missouri, USS Stockham, USS Waldron, HMS Whelp, and USS Gosselin. Missouri and her group then anchored in Sagami Wan just outside Tokyo Bay, Japan. ww2dbase [Missouri | Nicholas | Japan's Surrender | DS]
  • Malayan Communist Party Secretary-General Lai Teck, who secretly worked with the British prior to 1942 and collaborated with the Japanese during the occupation, persuaded the Central Executive Committee to cooperate with the returning British administration. ww2dbase [CPC]
Pacific Ocean
  • I-400 was spotted in the Pacific Ocean by US Navy pilot Lieutenant Robert Mahoney flying a TBM Avenger aircraft. Commander Toshio Kusaka attempted to speed up to escape, but ultimately was ordered by his superiors to cooperate. ww2dbase [I-400 | CPC]
  • I-14 was detected by an aircraft from US Task Force 38. She would surrender to USS Murray and USS Dashiell later on the same day. ww2dbase [I-14 | CPC]
Philippines Taiwan
  • The Maruyama Temporary Prisoners of War Camp in Taihoku (now Taipei), Taiwan was opened. ww2dbase [Taihoku | CPC]
United States Photo(s) dated 27 Aug 1945
A Japanese naval officer with charts of Sagami and Tokyo Bays arrived aboard USS Missouri for a conference with Admiral William HalseyAmerican and Japanese officers reviewed charts of Sagami and Tokyo Bays aboard Missouri, 27 Aug 1945US Marines frisking a Japanese officer upon boarding USS Missouri, 27 Aug 1945Japanese Navy personnel preparing to be transported aboard USS Missouri, 27 Aug 1945; note USS Nicholas in background
See all photos dated 27 Aug 1945

27 Aug 1945 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"We no longer demand anything, we want war."

Joachim von Ribbentrop, German Foreign Minister, Aug 1939

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