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27 Aug 1943
  • British Minister of Information Brenden Bracken announced that Rudolf Heß, "a Nazi of very low mentality", arrived in Britain in May 1941 to "find British Quislings to overthrow Churchill". ww2dbase [Rudolf Heß | CPC]
  • USS Pollack attacked a Japanese convoy off Kyushu, Japan, sinking passenger-cargo ship Taifuku Maru with one of four torpedoes fired. She also fired two torpedoes at an escorting destroyer; both torpedoes missed. ww2dbase [Pollack | CPC]
  • Adolf Hitler met with Erich von Manstein at the Wehrwolf headquarters in Ukraine. This was his final visit to this headquarters site. ww2dbase [Adolf Hitler | CPC]
  • USS Iowa departed for Argentia, Newfoundland. ww2dbase [Iowa | CPC]
  • Ivan Bagramyan was awarded the Order of Suvorov for the first time. ww2dbase [Ivan Bagramyan | CPC]
  • Arthur Coningham was made Chief Commander of the Legion of Merit of the United States. ww2dbase [Arthur Coningham | CPC]
  • USS Bailey departed San Diego bound for San Francisco, California. ww2dbase [Bailey | DS]
  • Destroyers USS Nicholas, USS Chevalier, and USS O’Bannon departed the Guadalcanal/Tulagi area escorting a convoy bound for Nouméa, New Caledonia. ww2dbase [Nicholas | DS]
Atlantic Ocean
  • TBF-1 Avenger aircraft flying from USS Card in the mid-Atlantic launched two separate attacks on two separate German submarines using Mark 24 FIDO acoustic homing torpedoes. U-508 was damaged but escaped and U-847 was sunk with all 62 hands. ww2dbase [Mark XXIV | Card | TBF Avenger | Conclusion of the Battle of the Atlantic | DS]
British Western Pacific Territories
  • The US Army 172nd Infantry Regiment crossed Hathorn Sound from New Geogia to Arundel Island in the Solomon Islands and captured Japanese artillery positions which had been shelling American positions at Munda Point, New Georgia. ww2dbase [Solomon Islands Campaign | CPC]
  • Yasuji Kaneko participated in the destruction of levees near the city of Linqing, Shandong Province, China. He witnessed fellow soldiers releasing Vibrio cholerae, the bacteria that caused cholera, into the flood waters with the intention to infect Chinese civilians with the disease. ww2dbase [Yasuji Kaneko | Linqing, Shandong | CPC]
Dutch East Indies France Gilbert and Ellice Islands
  • Elements of the US 2nd Marine Airdrome Battalion and US Navy Construction Battalion units arrived at Nukufetau Atoll in the Ellice Islands. ww2dbase [CPC]
New Zealand
  • Eleanor Roosevelt arrived at Auckland, New Zealand on the personal invitation of New Zealand Prime Minister Peter Fraser. She took an overnight train for Wellington, New Zealand. ww2dbase [Eleanor Roosevelt | Auckland | CPC]
Pacific Ocean
  • Destroyer USS Hoel made a depth charge attack on a reported submarine off the coast of San Diego, California. No results were observed. ww2dbase [Hoel | DS]
  • Kirill Meretskov was awarded Order of Suvorov 1st Class. ww2dbase [Kirill Meretskov | CPC]
United States
  • Casablanca-class escort carrier Coral Sea was placed in commission at Astoria, Oregon. ww2dbase [Anzio | Astoria, Oregon | CPC]

27 Aug 1943 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us... they can't get away this time."

Lt. Gen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, at Guadalcanal

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