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World War II Database

29 Apr 1941

  • In Algiers, Algeria, during a tour of North Africa, the head of Commissariat général de l’éducation générale et aux sports (CGEGS) Jean Borotra unveiled a new oath for Vichy French and colonial athletes. ww2dbase [Algiers | CPC]
8 Nov 1942

  • Allied forces attacked French forces at Algerian ports of Oran and Algiers during Operation Torch. Algiers surrendered at 1800 hours. ww2dbase [Operation Torch | Algiers | TH]
Photo(s) dated 8 Nov 1942
Personnel aboard HMS Formidable observing the invasion beach at Algiers, Algeria, 8 Nov 1942, photo 1 of 2Personnel aboard HMS Formidable observing the invasion beach at Algiers, Algeria, 8 Nov 1942, photo 2 of 2United States Army troops landing near Algiers, Algeria, 8 Nov 1942. Note the large American flag they carried in the hopes French troops would not fire on it.Map showing the United States Army landings at Algiers, Algeria, 8 Nov 1942.
10 Nov 1942

  • At around 1300 hours, off Algiers, Algeria, Marcello-class Italian submarine Emo was attacked and hit by ASW Trawler HMS Lord Nuffield (FY 221) just off the coast. The captain took the boat to the surface and engaged the Lord Nuffield with the deck gun. With both diesel engines out of service, the boat was ordered scuttled. Fourteen of the crewmembers were lost in the action, while the remaining crewmembers were rescued and captured by the Allies., ww2dbase [Algiers | HM]
13 Nov 1942

Photo(s) dated 13 Nov 1942
Dwight Eisenhower, François Darlan, Mark Clark, and Robert Murphy at Algiers, Algeria, 13 Nov 1942
10 Dec 1942

  • Ambra launched three manned torpedoes and ten frogmen against Algiers, French Algeria in Operation NA 1, sinking one cargo ship and damaging two other cargo ships; all Italian torpedo crew members and frogmen were captured at the end of the operation. ww2dbase [Ambra | Algiers | CPC]
24 Dec 1942

  • French Admiral François Darlan was assassinated in Algiers, French Algeria by monarchist Fernand Bonnier de La Chapelle. ww2dbase [François Darlan | Algiers | CPC]
26 Mar 1943

  • The 7,047-ton British cargo transport steamer Empire Standard was bombed and sunk by German aircraft at Algiers, Algeria. ww2dbase [Algiers | HM]
4 Jun 1943

Photo(s) dated 4 Jun 1943
Winston Churchill presiding over the Allied Planning Conference, Algiers, Algeria, 4 Jun 1943; note Eden, Brooke, Tedder, Cunningham, Alexander, Marshall, Eisenhower, and Montgomery
6 Sep 1943

  • USS Ancon departed Algiers, French Algeria for the invasion of Italy with Lieutenan General Mark Clark on board. ww2dbase [Ancon | Operation Avalanche | Algiers | CPC]
2 Oct 1943

  • USS Ancon arrived at Algiers, French Algeria. ww2dbase [Ancon | Algiers | CPC]
16 Oct 1943

Photo(s) dated 16 Oct 1943
Sir Andrew Cunningham, Dwight Eisenhower, Henry Hewitt, and Walter Bedell Smith at Allied Forces Headquarters in Hotel St. George, Algiers, Algeria, 16 Oct 1943.
27 Apr 1944

  • Gloire began a period of refitting at Algiers, Algeria. ww2dbase [Gloire | Algiers | CPC]
17 Jun 1944

  • Gloire completed refitting at Algiers, Algeria. ww2dbase [Gloire | Algiers | CPC]

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"All that silly talk about the advance of science and such leaves me cold. Give me peace and a retarded science."

Thomas Dodd, late 1945

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