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M-class Light Cruiser



This article refers to the entire M-class; it is not about an individual vessel.

ww2dbaseThe six M-class light cruisers were planned by the German Navy, but were never constructed. They were intended to be fast merchant raiders. The two final ships of the planned class contained improvements perceived in the original plan, thus had slightly larger dimensions as far as appearance was concerned. The contract was assigned to Deutsche Werke Kiel, Kriegsmarinewerft in Wilhelmshaven, Germaniawerft in Kiel (later transferred to Kriegsmarinewerft in Wilhelmshaven), and Schichau Danzig. Only the keels for M and N were laid down in 1938; the work on the remaining ships was never started. Construction for M and N were hated on 19 and 21 Sep 1939, respectively, and both were broken up shortly after.

ww2dbaseSource: Wikipedia

Last Major Revision: Apr 2020

M-class Light Cruiser Interactive Map

M-class Light Cruiser Operational Timeline

19 Sep 1939 The work on light cruiser M ceased at Deutsche Werke Kiel, Germany.
21 Sep 1939 The work on light cruiser N ceased at Kriegsmarinewerft in Wilhelmshaven, Germany.

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