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United States Navy Rear Admiral Robert Giffen (left) and Royal Navy Vice-Admiral Alban Curteis aboard HMS Duke of York at Scapa Flow, Scotland, United Kingdom, 5 Apr 1942. Note carrier USS Wasp (Wasp-class).Force H warships HMS Duke of York, HMS Nelson, HMS Renown, HMS Formidable, and HMS Argonaut underway off North Africa, Nov 1942
United States Navy Rear Admiral Robert Giffen (left) and Royal Navy Vice-Admiral Alban Curteis aboard HMS Duke of York at Scapa Flow, Scotland, United Kingdom, 5 Apr 1942. Note carrier USS Wasp (Wasp-class).Force H warships HMS Duke of York, HMS Nelson, HMS Renown, HMS Formidable, and HMS Argonaut underway off North Africa, Nov 1942
British Royal Navy Home Fleet warships in Norwegian waters, date unknown; ships in background included HMS Duke of York, HMS Formidable, and HMS IndefatigableBruce Fraser pouring rum into the Christmas pudding mix aboard HMS Duke of York, late Nov 1943; note Director of WRNS V. Laughton-Matthews in background
British Royal Navy Home Fleet warships in Norwegian waters, date unknown; ships in background included HMS Duke of York, HMS Formidable, and HMS IndefatigableBruce Fraser pouring rum into the Christmas pudding mix aboard HMS Duke of York, late Nov 1943; note Director of WRNS V. Laughton-Matthews in background
Admiral Bruce Fraser and another officer watching HMS Duke of York entering Sydney Harbour, Australia, 29 Jul 1945Admiral Bruce Fraser aboard HMS Duke of York, Guam, Aug 1945
Admiral Bruce Fraser and another officer watching HMS Duke of York entering Sydney Harbour, Australia, 29 Jul 1945Admiral Bruce Fraser aboard HMS Duke of York, Guam, Aug 1945
Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz USN (left) and Admiral Sir Bruce Fraser RN aboard Fraser’s flagship, HMS Duke of York, at Guam as Fraser invested Nimitz as a Knight Grand Cross of the British Order of the Bath, 10 Aug 1945.Battleships Missouri, Duke of York, King George V, and Colorado in Sagami Bay, Japan, 28 Aug 1945; note Mount Fuji in background
Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz USN (left) and Admiral Sir Bruce Fraser RN aboard Fraser’s flagship, HMS Duke of York, at Guam as Fraser invested Nimitz as a Knight Grand Cross of the British Order of the Bath, 10 Aug 1945.Battleships Missouri, Duke of York, King George V, and Colorado in Sagami Bay, Japan, 28 Aug 1945; note Mount Fuji in background

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"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."

Winston Churchill, on the RAF

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