29 items in this album on 2 pages.
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Erich Raeder and Werner von Blomberg inspecting German sailors at Kiel, Germany, 1933 | Adolf Hitler's cabinet, Berlin, Germany, 30 Jan 1933; front row: Göring, Hitler, Papen; back row: Krosigk, Frck, Blomberg, Hugenberg; photo 1 of 2 |
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Adolf Hitler's cabinet, Berlin, Germany, 30 Jan 1933; front row: Göring, Hitler, Papen; back row: Krosigk, Frck, Blomberg, Hugenberg; photo 2 of 2 | German President Paul von Hindenburg, War Minister Werner von Blomberg, and Chancellor Adolf Hitler at Potsdam, Germany, 21 Mar 1933 |
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Reich government during the celebration for the First of May 1933 in the Berlin Lustgarten. Left to right are Meissner (with book), von Papen, Blomberg, Hitler, and Goebbels. | German Army officers Rundstedt, Fritsch, and Blomberg at the Unter den Linden, Berlin, Germany, circa 1934 |
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Goebbels, Göring, and Blomberg at the Press Ball, Berlin, Germany, 8 Feb 1934 | German leaders at Berlin Heroes Memorial, Germany, 25 Feb 1934; L to R: Neurath, Graf Schwerin-Krosigk, Lippert, Frick, Schmidt, Raeder, Hitler, Papen, Goebbels, Hindenburg, Göring, Blomberg, Fritsch |
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Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler, and Werner von Blomberg on Remembrance Day in Berlin, Germany, 25 Feb 1934 | Erich Raeder, Werner von Blomberg, and Adolf Hitler aboard German cruiser Deutschland in the North Sea, Apr 1934 |
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Raeder, Göring, Fritsch, Hitler, and Blomberg at a Nazi Party rally in Nürnberg, Germany, Sep 1934 | Portrait of Colonel General Werner von Blomberg, Dec 1934 |
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Leeb, Fritsch, Himmler, Blomberg, Raeder, Rundstedt, and Wachenfeld at a dinner, Germany, 13 Jan 1935 | Adolf Hitler and his military commanders on Heroes Remembrance Day, Mar 1935 |
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Blomberg, Fritsch, and Hitler at a military maneuver at Celle, Germany, 7 Sep 1935 | Colonel General Blomberg, General Göring, General Fritsch, and Admiral Raeder offering Hitler New Year's greetings, 31 Dec 1935 |
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August von Mackensen, Adolf Hitler, Werner von Blomberg, Hermann Göring, Werner von Fritsch, and Erich Raeder at a memorial ceremony, Berlin, Germany, 8 Mar 1936 | Hitler reviewing a military parade held in celebration of his 47th birthday, 20 Apr 1936; Blomberg, Göring, Raeder, and Rundstedt behind him |
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Field Marshal Werner von Blomberg and Colonel General Hans von Seeckt being saluted by honor guards of German 67th Infantry Regiment, 22 Apr 1936; that day was Seeckt's 70th birthday | Hermann Göring, Adolf Hitler, and Werner von Blomberg at the funeral of Luftwaffe Lieutenant General Walther Wever, courtyard of Reich Aviation Ministry, Berlin, Germany, Jun 1936 |
29 items in this album on 2 pages.