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Colonel Lawrence Cosgrave signing the surrender instrument on behalf of the Dominion of Canada aboard USS Missouri, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945.General Yoshijiro Umezu signing the instrument of surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 1 of 4
Colonel Lawrence Cosgrave signing the surrender instrument on behalf of the Dominion of Canada aboard USS Missouri, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945.General Yoshijiro Umezu signing the instrument of surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 1 of 4
General Yoshijiro Umezu signing the instrument of surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 2 of 4General Yoshijiro Umezu signing the instrument of surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 3 of 4
General Yoshijiro Umezu signing the instrument of surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 2 of 4General Yoshijiro Umezu signing the instrument of surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 3 of 4
General Yoshijiro Umezu signing the instrument of surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 4 of 4Lieutenant General Sutherland correcting Japanese surrender document, 2 Sep 1945, photo 1 of 2
General Yoshijiro Umezu signing the instrument of surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 4 of 4Lieutenant General Sutherland correcting Japanese surrender document, 2 Sep 1945, photo 1 of 2
MacArthur signing Japanese surrender aboard USS Missouri, 2 Sep 1945, photo 2 of 4Mamoru Shigemitsu signing the surrender instrument aboard USS Missouri, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 1 of 4
MacArthur signing Japanese surrender aboard USS Missouri, 2 Sep 1945, photo 2 of 4Mamoru Shigemitsu signing the surrender instrument aboard USS Missouri, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 1 of 4
Mamoru Shigemitsu signing the surrender instrument aboard USS Missouri, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 4 of 4Nimitz signing the instrument of surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 1 of 2
Mamoru Shigemitsu signing the surrender instrument aboard USS Missouri, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 4 of 4Nimitz signing the instrument of surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 1 of 2
Nimitz signing the instrument of surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 2 of 2Signature page of the Japanese instrument of surrender
Nimitz signing the instrument of surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 2 of 2Signature page of the Japanese instrument of surrender
The Japanese delegation departing the USS Missouri’s starboard verandah deck after signing the instruments of surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945Xu Yongchang signing the surrender document on behalf of China aboard USS Missouri, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 1 of 5
The Japanese delegation departing the USS Missouri’s starboard verandah deck after signing the instruments of surrender, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945Xu Yongchang signing the surrender document on behalf of China aboard USS Missouri, Tokyo Bay, Japan, 2 Sep 1945, photo 1 of 5
Replica of the Japanese instrument of surrender on display at the West Point Museum, United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, United States, 22 Sep 2007
Replica of the Japanese instrument of surrender on display at the West Point Museum, United States Military Academy, West Point, New York, United States, 22 Sep 2007

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"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."

Winston Churchill, on the RAF

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