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SS personnel at Dachau Concentration Camp during SS-Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler's visit, Dachau, Germany, 8 May 1936 | SS-Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler and Rudolf Heß viewing a model of the Dachau Concentration Camp, Dachau, Germany, 8 May 1936 |
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SS-Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler visiting Dachau Concentration Camp, Dachau, Germany, 8 May 1936 | Hermann Göring, Adolf Hitler, and Werner von Blomberg at the funeral of Luftwaffe Lieutenant General Walther Wever, courtyard of Reich Aviation Ministry, Berlin, Germany, Jun 1936 |
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Ludwig Beck on horseback in the Grunewald forest, Berlin, Germany, Jun 1936 | A street corner on Unter den Linden in Berlin, Germany during the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, 21 Jun 1936 |
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Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler leading officials of the International Olympic Committee into the Berlin Olympic Stadium, Germany, 21 Jun 1936, photo 1 of 2 | Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler leading officials of the International Olympic Committee into the Berlin Olympic Stadium, Germany, 21 Jun 1936, photo 2 of 2 |
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Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels and Commissioner of Architecture Hans Schweitzer-Mjölnir at an exhibition during the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, Berlin, Germany, Jul 1936 | Rudolf Heß visiting the Olympic Village, Germany, 1936 |
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Crown Prince Paul of Greece with the first Olympic marathon winner Spiridon Louis at Tempelhof Airport, Berlin, Germany during the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, 30 Jul 1936 | A rally at the 1936 Summer Olympic Games at the Lustgarten, Berlin, Germany, Aug 1936; note the Old Museum in background and Nazi tapestries on each side |
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German runner with the Olympic flame at the Lustgarten, Berlin, Germany, Aug 1936 | German SS men resting on the south lawn of the Olympic Stadium in Berlin, Germany, Aug 1936 |
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The 1936 Olympic Bell, Berlin, Germany, Aug 1936, photo 1 of 2 | The 1936 Olympic Bell, Berlin, Germany, Aug 1936, photo 2 of 2 |
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Uniformed German guards marching down Unter den Linden during the Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany, Aug 1936; note Brandenburg Gate in background | Chancellor Hitler, General Witzleben of German III Corps, and SS-Obergruppenführer Dietrich leaving the 300m freestyle swimming event of the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, Berlin, Germany, 5 Aug 1936 |
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German Colonel Manhnke shaking hands with Hanna Reitsch, the only female competitor at the glider competition in the Rhön mountains region of Germany, 27 Aug 1936 | German military parade, Nürnberg, Germany, Sep 1936 |