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World War II Database

311 items in this album on 16 pages.

Prime Minister John Curtin with airmen of No. 467 (Lancaster) Squadron RAAF at RAF Waddington, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom, 19 May 1944Soldiers of US 16th Infantry Regiment taking cover behind German beach obstacles, Normandy, France, 6 Jun 1944
Prime Minister John Curtin with airmen of No. 467 (Lancaster) Squadron RAAF at RAF Waddington, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom, 19 May 1944Soldiers of US 16th Infantry Regiment taking cover behind German beach obstacles, Normandy, France, 6 Jun 1944
Japanese prisoners of war practising baseball at No. 12 Prisoner of War compound near Cowra, NSW, Australia, 1 Jul 1944Australian crew of a Baby 25 pr field gun in Markham Valley, New Guinea, 28 Aug 1944; they were Sergeant J. O. Kennedy, gunner J. L. Kirby, and gunner T. M. Naughtin
Japanese prisoners of war practising baseball at No. 12 Prisoner of War compound near Cowra, NSW, Australia, 1 Jul 1944Australian crew of a Baby 25 pr field gun in Markham Valley, New Guinea, 28 Aug 1944; they were Sergeant J. O. Kennedy, gunner J. L. Kirby, and gunner T. M. Naughtin
PBM Mariner aircraft of Flight Lieutenant Fox, No. 41 Squadron RAAF, in flight from Townsville, Australia to Port Moresby, New Guinea, 21 Sep 19449.2-inch coastal defense gun at Cape Banks, New South Wales, Australia, 11 Oct 1944
PBM Mariner aircraft of Flight Lieutenant Fox, No. 41 Squadron RAAF, in flight from Townsville, Australia to Port Moresby, New Guinea, 21 Sep 19449.2-inch coastal defense gun at Cape Banks, New South Wales, Australia, 11 Oct 1944
9.2-inch coastal defense gun of Drummond Battery, Kembla Fortress, New South Wales, Australia, 11 Oct 1944A Royal Air Force pilot explaining the sighting mechanism of a Spitfire fighter to Former Australian Prime Minister Billy Hughes, Darwin, Australia, 1 Nov 1944
9.2-inch coastal defense gun of Drummond Battery, Kembla Fortress, New South Wales, Australia, 11 Oct 1944A Royal Air Force pilot explaining the sighting mechanism of a Spitfire fighter to Former Australian Prime Minister Billy Hughes, Darwin, Australia, 1 Nov 1944
Australian Group Captain Clive R. Caldwell of No. 80 (Fighter) Wing RAAF next to his Spitfire Mk VIII aircraft, Halmahera, Morotai Islands, Dutch East Indies, circa Dec 1944Religious service aboard HMS Howe, Sydney, Australia, Dec 1944
Australian Group Captain Clive R. Caldwell of No. 80 (Fighter) Wing RAAF next to his Spitfire Mk VIII aircraft, Halmahera, Morotai Islands, Dutch East Indies, circa Dec 1944Religious service aboard HMS Howe, Sydney, Australia, Dec 1944
Officers of the staff of Admiral Bruce Fraser meeting for the first time, Melbourne, Australia, 13 Dec 1944Crew of HMS Howe manning the rails, Sydney, Australia, 17 Dec 1944
Officers of the staff of Admiral Bruce Fraser meeting for the first time, Melbourne, Australia, 13 Dec 1944Crew of HMS Howe manning the rails, Sydney, Australia, 17 Dec 1944
F4U-1 Corsair fighter of No. 16 Squadron Royal New Zealand Air Force being serviced at Green Island (now Nissan Island), 21 Dec 1944F4U-1 Corsair fighter of No. 16 Squadron Royal New Zealand Air Force being towed at Green Island (now Nissan Island), 21 Dec 1944
F4U-1 Corsair fighter of No. 16 Squadron Royal New Zealand Air Force being serviced at Green Island (now Nissan Island), 21 Dec 1944F4U-1 Corsair fighter of No. 16 Squadron Royal New Zealand Air Force being towed at Green Island (now Nissan Island), 21 Dec 1944
Officers and men of No. 3 Servicing Unit Headquarters of Royal New Zealand Air Force posing with a F4U-1 Corsair fighter, Green Island (now Nissan Island), 21 Dec 1944Pilots R. Devin, T. W. Tremayne, F. McBride, and P. J. Sheehan of No. 16 Squadron Royal New Zealand Air Force with a F4U-1 Corsair fighter, Green Island (now Nissan Island), 21 Dec 1944
Officers and men of No. 3 Servicing Unit Headquarters of Royal New Zealand Air Force posing with a F4U-1 Corsair fighter, Green Island (now Nissan Island), 21 Dec 1944Pilots R. Devin, T. W. Tremayne, F. McBride, and P. J. Sheehan of No. 16 Squadron Royal New Zealand Air Force with a F4U-1 Corsair fighter, Green Island (now Nissan Island), 21 Dec 1944
Ar 96 aircraft with Hungarian markings at rest, Germany, 1945Boomerang fighters under construction at Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation factory, Fishermen
Ar 96 aircraft with Hungarian markings at rest, Germany, 1945Boomerang fighters under construction at Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation factory, Fishermen's Bend, Victoria, Australia, circa 1945
Chinese military attachés near the Commonwealth General Assurance building in Sydney, Australia, 1945M6A1 Seiran torpedo aircraft in beaching gear, circa 1945
Chinese military attachés near the Commonwealth General Assurance building in Sydney, Australia, 1945M6A1 Seiran torpedo aircraft in beaching gear, circa 1945

311 items in this album on 16 pages.

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Famous WW2 Quote
"Among the men who fought on Iwo Jima, uncommon valor was a common virtue."

Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, 16 Mar 1945

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