311 items in this album on 16 pages.
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Prime Minister John Curtin with airmen of No. 467 (Lancaster) Squadron RAAF at RAF Waddington, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom, 19 May 1944 | Soldiers of US 16th Infantry Regiment taking cover behind German beach obstacles, Normandy, France, 6 Jun 1944 |
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Japanese prisoners of war practising baseball at No. 12 Prisoner of War compound near Cowra, NSW, Australia, 1 Jul 1944 | Australian crew of a Baby 25 pr field gun in Markham Valley, New Guinea, 28 Aug 1944; they were Sergeant J. O. Kennedy, gunner J. L. Kirby, and gunner T. M. Naughtin |
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PBM Mariner aircraft of Flight Lieutenant Fox, No. 41 Squadron RAAF, in flight from Townsville, Australia to Port Moresby, New Guinea, 21 Sep 1944 | 9.2-inch coastal defense gun at Cape Banks, New South Wales, Australia, 11 Oct 1944 |
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9.2-inch coastal defense gun of Drummond Battery, Kembla Fortress, New South Wales, Australia, 11 Oct 1944 | A Royal Air Force pilot explaining the sighting mechanism of a Spitfire fighter to Former Australian Prime Minister Billy Hughes, Darwin, Australia, 1 Nov 1944 |
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Australian Group Captain Clive R. Caldwell of No. 80 (Fighter) Wing RAAF next to his Spitfire Mk VIII aircraft, Halmahera, Morotai Islands, Dutch East Indies, circa Dec 1944 | Religious service aboard HMS Howe, Sydney, Australia, Dec 1944 |
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Officers of the staff of Admiral Bruce Fraser meeting for the first time, Melbourne, Australia, 13 Dec 1944 | Crew of HMS Howe manning the rails, Sydney, Australia, 17 Dec 1944 |
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F4U-1 Corsair fighter of No. 16 Squadron Royal New Zealand Air Force being serviced at Green Island (now Nissan Island), 21 Dec 1944 | F4U-1 Corsair fighter of No. 16 Squadron Royal New Zealand Air Force being towed at Green Island (now Nissan Island), 21 Dec 1944 |
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Officers and men of No. 3 Servicing Unit Headquarters of Royal New Zealand Air Force posing with a F4U-1 Corsair fighter, Green Island (now Nissan Island), 21 Dec 1944 | Pilots R. Devin, T. W. Tremayne, F. McBride, and P. J. Sheehan of No. 16 Squadron Royal New Zealand Air Force with a F4U-1 Corsair fighter, Green Island (now Nissan Island), 21 Dec 1944 |
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Ar 96 aircraft with Hungarian markings at rest, Germany, 1945 | Boomerang fighters under construction at Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation factory, Fishermen's Bend, Victoria, Australia, circa 1945 |
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Chinese military attachés near the Commonwealth General Assurance building in Sydney, Australia, 1945 | M6A1 Seiran torpedo aircraft in beaching gear, circa 1945 |
311 items in this album on 16 pages.