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381 items in this album on 20 pages.

Crew member examining a layer of ashes on a B-25 of the 340th Bomb Group at Pompeii Field, Italy. Ash came from an eruption of Mt Vesuvius on 23 Mar 1944 that rained hot ash and brimstone on the area damaging several aircraft. Photo 2 of 2.Crew member sweeping ashes off a B-25 of the 340th Bomb Group at Pompeii Field, Italy. Ash came from an eruption of Mt Vesuvius on 23 Mar 1944 that rained hot ash and brimstone on the area damaging several aircraft. Photo 1 of 2.
Crew member examining a layer of ashes on a B-25 of the 340th Bomb Group at Pompeii Field, Italy. Ash came from an eruption of Mt Vesuvius on 23 Mar 1944 that rained hot ash and brimstone on the area damaging several aircraft. Photo 2 of 2.Crew member sweeping ashes off a B-25 of the 340th Bomb Group at Pompeii Field, Italy. Ash came from an eruption of Mt Vesuvius on 23 Mar 1944 that rained hot ash and brimstone on the area damaging several aircraft. Photo 1 of 2.
German prisoners-of-war captured at Anzio are offloaded from LST-351 at Naples, Italy in early 1944.Universal Carrier and crew of UK 2nd Sherwood Foresters regiment, Anzio, Italy, Apr 1944; note 2-inch mortar
German prisoners-of-war captured at Anzio are offloaded from LST-351 at Naples, Italy in early 1944.Universal Carrier and crew of UK 2nd Sherwood Foresters regiment, Anzio, Italy, Apr 1944; note 2-inch mortar
Major General Lucian Truscott and Lieutenant General Ira Eaker at Anzio, Italy, 6 Apr 1944Lieutenant General Ira Eaker flying an aircraft over Italy toward Anzio, 15 Apr 1944
Major General Lucian Truscott and Lieutenant General Ira Eaker at Anzio, Italy, 6 Apr 1944Lieutenant General Ira Eaker flying an aircraft over Italy toward Anzio, 15 Apr 1944
US Army DUKWs on the beach at Anzio, Italy, 15 Apr 1944.LST-77 off-loading M4 Sherman tanks at Anzio, Italy, May 1944; note the small barge capsized in the background and LCVP on the LST
US Army DUKWs on the beach at Anzio, Italy, 15 Apr 1944.LST-77 off-loading M4 Sherman tanks at Anzio, Italy, May 1944; note the small barge capsized in the background and LCVP on the LST's davits
Monte Cassino monastery in ruins, Italy, 1944Polish Generals Nikodem Sulik (left) and Zygmunt Bohusz-Szyszko (right) in Italy, circa May 1944
Monte Cassino monastery in ruins, Italy, 1944Polish Generals Nikodem Sulik (left) and Zygmunt Bohusz-Szyszko (right) in Italy, circa May 1944
Polish troops carrying ammunition to the front lines, near Cassino, Italy, May 1944Polish troops enjoying a performance of the song
Polish troops carrying ammunition to the front lines, near Cassino, Italy, May 1944Polish troops enjoying a performance of the song 'Red flowers at Monte Cassino', Italy, May 1944
Troops of Polish 2nd Corps fighting near Cassino, Italy, May 1944Troops of US 3rd Division entering Valmontone, Italy, circa May 1944
Troops of Polish 2nd Corps fighting near Cassino, Italy, May 1944Troops of US 3rd Division entering Valmontone, Italy, circa May 1944
United States Army troops of the 88th Infantry Division, 351st Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Battalion in the streets of a heavily damaged Italian village, Central Italy, May 1944.Polish bugler Master Corporal Emil Czech playing the Hejnał mariacki, announcing the victory at Monte Cassino, Italy, 18 May 1944
United States Army troops of the 88th Infantry Division, 351st Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Battalion in the streets of a heavily damaged Italian village, Central Italy, May 1944.Polish bugler Master Corporal Emil Czech playing the Hejnał mariacki, announcing the victory at Monte Cassino, Italy, 18 May 1944
Polish soldiers inside the ruins of the Monte Cassino monastery, Italy, 18 May 1944Polish troops fighting near Cassino, Italy, 18 May 1944
Polish soldiers inside the ruins of the Monte Cassino monastery, Italy, 18 May 1944Polish troops fighting near Cassino, Italy, 18 May 1944
Ernie Pyle with troops of US 191st Tank Battalion, Anzio, Italy 1944General George Marshall visits General Mark Clark, commander of the US 5th Army, at his Command Post near Tuscania, Italy where the two generals discussed “Operation Anvil.” June 1944
Ernie Pyle with troops of US 191st Tank Battalion, Anzio, Italy 1944General George Marshall visits General Mark Clark, commander of the US 5th Army, at his Command Post near Tuscania, Italy where the two generals discussed “Operation Anvil.” June 1944

381 items in this album on 20 pages.

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Famous WW2 Quote
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You win the war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country!"

George Patton, 31 May 1944

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