73 items in this album on 4 pages.
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Allied cargo transfer point on Omaha Beach, 19 Jul 1944; note British battleship Centurion in the center of background | DUKW burning on the beaches of Noemfoor, New Guinea, Jul-Aug 1944 |
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US Marine Corps DUKWs on Saipan, Mariana Islands, 1944 | US Marines operating a DUKW, Guam, Jul-Aug 1944 |
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A DUKW amphibious truck with a load of blood and medical personnel, southern French coast, 26 Aug 1944 | US Army DUKW landing at Cherbourg, France, 1944 |
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US Army DUKW landing on a beach in southern France, 1944, photo 1 of 3 | US Army DUKW landing on a beach in southern France, 1944, photo 2 of 3 |
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US Army DUKW landing on a beach in southern France, 1944, photo 3 of 3 | LCT 952 launching DUKWs full of British Royal Marine commandos, Westkapelle beach, Walcheren Island, the Netherlands, 1 Nov 1944 |
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A Jeep being lowered into a DUKW on Tinian, Mariana Islands, 1945 | DUKW landing on an island in the Pacific Ocean, date unknown; note splash guards fore and aft |
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Early versions of US Army DUKWs entering the water, Europe, date unknown | Fully loaded DUKW coming ashore in the Philippine Islands, circa 1944 |
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Loaded with US troops and a field artillery piece, a DUKW heading for shore, date unknown | Rear quarter view of an earlier DUKW variant (straight windshield; left-mounted spare tire), date unknown |
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Side view of a later DUKW variant (sloped windshield; right-mounted spare tire), date unknown | Two DUKWs lining up while awaiting supplies for transportation ashore, date unknown |
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US Army DUKW alongside a GPA Sea Jeep, whose design was modeled after the DUKW but was not as successful, date unknown | US Army DUKWs in Burma, 1945 |
73 items in this album on 4 pages.