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World War II Database

44 items in this album on 3 pages.

Battleship Pennsylvania at anchor in the evening, circa 1916Pennsylvania
Battleship Pennsylvania at anchor in the evening, circa 1916Pennsylvania's carpenter shop as published in a pictorial souvenir collection, circa 1916-1918
Pennsylvania's galley as published in a pictorial souvenir collection, circa 1916-1918Pennsylvania's library as published in a pictorial souvenir collection, circa 1916-1918
Pennsylvania's officers' ward room as published in a pictorial souvenir collection, circa 1916-1918Pennsylvania's sick bay as published in a pictorial souvenir collection, circa 1916-1918
Pennsylvania's surgical operating room as published in a pictorial souvenir collection, circa 1916-1918Pennsylvania's wheelhouse as published in a pictorial souvenir collection, circa 1916-1918
Battleship Pennsylvania in Hampton Roads, Virginia, 10 Dec 1916Chaplain of Pennsylvania distributing the ship
Battleship Pennsylvania in Hampton Roads, Virginia, 10 Dec 1916Chaplain of Pennsylvania distributing the ship's newspaper to sailors and Marines, circa 1918
Pennsylvania's after turrets and main mast as published in a pictorial souvenir collection, circa late 1918Pennsylvania's forward turrets viewed from the pilot house as published in a pictorial souvenir collection, circa late 1918; the photo misidentified direction as stern
Pennsylvania with two Colorado-class battleships during maneuvers in the 1920sUSS New Mexico (foreground) and USS Pennsylvania (background), Panama Canal Zone, 17 Feb 1921
Pennsylvania with two Colorado-class battleships during maneuvers in the 1920sUSS New Mexico (foreground) and USS Pennsylvania (background), Panama Canal Zone, 17 Feb 1921
US Navy Battle Fleet entering Panama Bay during fleet maneuvers, probably 1923USS fleet in Panama Bay, 1 Mar 1923
US Navy Battle Fleet entering Panama Bay during fleet maneuvers, probably 1923USS fleet in Panama Bay, 1 Mar 1923
The US NavyAll three of the United States Navy’s aircraft carriers at the time, Langley, Saratoga, and Lexington, along with battleships and cruisers at anchor in Colon, Panama Canal Zone, roughly 1935.
The US Navy's first flattop aircraft carrier, USS Langley (Langley-class), at anchor with 7 battleships in Culebra Harbor, Culebra, Puerto Rico, 18 Mar 1926. See Comment below.All three of the United States Navy’s aircraft carriers at the time, Langley, Saratoga, and Lexington, along with battleships and cruisers at anchor in Colon, Panama Canal Zone, roughly 1935.
Pennsylvania steaming in Panama Bay with her 14-in guns trained out to port, on 21 Apr 1934Pennsylvania underway off New York City during the Naval Review before President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 31 May 1934
Pennsylvania steaming in Panama Bay with her 14-in guns trained out to port, on 21 Apr 1934Pennsylvania underway off New York City during the Naval Review before President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 31 May 1934

44 items in this album on 3 pages.

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Famous WW2 Quote
"With Germany arming at breakneck speed, England lost in a pacifist dream, France corrupt and torn by dissension, America remote and indifferent... do you not tremble for your children?"

Winston Churchill, 1935

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