27,685 items in this album on 1,385 pages.
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German soldiers with civilians of Poltava, Ukraine, summer 1941 | German troops building camouflage over a 10.5 cm K 35(t) field gun, France, Aug 1941 |
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German troops with a 10.5 cm K 35(t) field gun in France, Aug 1941, photo 1 of 2 | German troops with a 10.5 cm K 35(t) field gun in France, Aug 1941, photo 2 of 2 |
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Germans inspecting captured UT-1 aircraft (foreground) and wrecked I-16 aircraft (background), 1941 | Ivan Konev, Mikhail Sholokhov, Alexander Fadeyev, Petrov, and others, Smolensk, Russia, circa Aug 1941 |
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King George VI of the United Kingdom and Admiral John Tovey aboard HMS King George V, Scapa Flow, Scotland, United Kingdom, Aug 1941 | King Mihai I of Romania and General Ion Antonescu near the River Prut, eastern Romania, Aug 1941 |
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Morshead in Tobruk, Libya, circa Aug 1941 | Port side view of USS North Carolina's superstructure, note 5-inch mount and radar antennae, Aug 1941 |
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Portrait of Friedrich von der Heydte, circa summer 1941 | Portrait of Major General Robert Eichelberger, Aug 1941 |
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Russian conscripts in training, Moscow, Russia, Aug 1941 | Russian tanker surrendering his T-26 light tank, Aug 1941 |
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Search and rescue dog Rip and handler E. King among rubble in Poplar, London, England, United Kingdom, Aug 1941 | Soviet infantry charging with SVT-40 rifles, Eastern Europe, 1941 |
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The execution of an Ukrainian Jew by man of German Einsatzgruppe C or Einsatzgruppe D, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, circa mid-1941 | USS New Mexico at sea, circa mid-1941 |
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View of the port side signal bridge aboard USS North Carolina, Aug 1941 | Walter Short, Louis Mountbatten, and Husband Kimmel, Aug 1941 in Hawaii. Behind are chiefs-of-staff Frederick Martin and Patrick Bellinger. |
27,685 items in this album on 1,385 pages.