27,685 items in this album on 1,385 pages.
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Ford Pygmy Jeep prototype being tested at Fort Holabird, Maryland, United States, Feb 1941. | Ford Pygmy Jeep prototype being tested in the mud at Fort Holabird, Maryland, United States, Feb 1941. |
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Italian cruiser San Giorgio after being scuttled in the harbor at Tobruk, Libya as Australian troops entered the city, 22 Jan 1941. Note torpedo nets. Photo 1 of 2. | Italian cruiser San Giorgio after being scuttled in the harbor at Tobruk, Libya as Australian troops entered the city, 22 Jan 1941. Note torpedo nets. Photo 2 of 2. |
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Marine Corps Air Station Ewa, Oahu, Hawaii shortly after commissioning, Feb 1941 showing the crow’s nest of the mooring mast converted into the airstrip’s control tower. | P2Y-3 aircraft of US Navy squadron VP-43 at Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Florida, United States, Jan-Jul 1941 |
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Portrait of Rear Admiral John S. “Slew” McCain, Sr., probably shortly after is appointment to flag rank, Feb 1941. | Universal Carrier Mk 1 of Australian 6th Division Cavalry in North Africa, Feb 1941; note Boys anti-tank rifle and a radio set on the Universal Carrier |
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US President Roosevelt in wheel chair with dog Fala and Ruthie Bie (granddaughter of the Hyde Park caretaker), Hill Top Cottage, Hyde Park, New York, United States, Feb 1941 | Luigi Torelli returning to Bordeaux, France upon completion of her third war patrol, 4 Feb 1941 |
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Cruiser Mk IV tank and Light Tank Mk VIB of 3rd County of London Yeomanry of British 1st Armoured Division on exercise at Arundel, Sussex County, England, United Kingdom, 5 Feb 1941 | Belgian 2-inch mortar team in training, Wales, United Kingdom, 10 Feb 1941 |
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Canadian troops at their Lewis machine gun position overlooking the main highway at Iceland, 10 Feb 1941 | Erwin Rommel arriving at Tripoli, Libya, 12 Feb 1941 |
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Italian General Italo Gariboldi welcoming German Generals Erwin Rommel and Johannes Streich to Tripoli, Libya, 12 Feb 1941 | The mooring mast at Ewa Field, Oahu, Hawaii converted for use as a control tower, Feb 13, 1941. |
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Ambassador Kichisaburo Nomura arriving at the White House with his credentials, Washington DC, United States, 14 Feb 1941 | Danish police chief Dahl, Dr. Karl Ritter von Halt, Reinhard Heydrich, Heinrich Himmler, Kurt Daluege, and Karl Wolff at the Sportpalast, Berlin, Germany, 16 Feb 1941 |
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Martin B-26 Marauder bomber control panel, 18 Feb 1941. | Ernst Udet, Karl Bodenschatz, Hermann Göring, and Wilhelm Messerschmitt reviewing blueprints at a Messerschmitt factory, 20 Feb 1941 |
27,685 items in this album on 1,385 pages.