27,654 items in this album on 1,383 pages.
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Abandoned boy holding a stuffed toy animal amid ruins following German aerial bombing of London, England, United Kingdom, 1940 | Captured Italian SM.81 transport aircraft at a British airfield, Aden, circa late 1940 |
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Curator of the Louvre Fernand Merlin giving German Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt a tour of the museum, Paris, France, Oct 1940; note Venus de Milo status in foreground | Evacuated German children in a class at a Kinderlandverschickung camp, Germany, Oct 1940 |
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G.50 aircraft in flight above Albania or Greece, circa late 1940 | German coastal gun crew in exercise, Denmark, 1940 |
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German Luftwaffe Oberstleutnant Werner Mölders and his wingman Oberleutnant Georg Claus, circa mid-1940 | German Me 110 aircraft of ZG 26 'Horst Wessel' refueling in France, Oct 1940 |
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Governor-General Alexander Cambridge and Prime Minister Mackenzie King visiting the Valcartier military base in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, Oct 1940 | Japanese shipborne seachlight, circa Sep-Nov 1940 |
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Major Werner Mölders and Hauptmann Arthur Laumann, Sep-Oct 1940 | Portrait of Major Werner Mölders, Oct 1940; note Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves medal |
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Rodolfo Graziani, Oct 1940 | Secondary training aircraft at Naval Air Station at Corpus Christi, Texas, 1940. Foreground: Vultee SNV-1 Valiant; Background: Beech SNB-1 Kansan and two North American Texans, one Navy SNJ and one Army AT-6 |
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The Record Office in London, England, United Kingdom lit by a large fire, 1940 | US Navy recruiting poster by Matt Murphey, Oct 1940; note destroyer Drayton featured in the poster |
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USS Arizona, USS New Mexico, and USS West Virginia during fleet operations, Oct 1940 | View of 2-pdr gun and two sailors aboard HMS Rodney, Firth of Forth, Scotland, United Kingdom, Oct 1940 |
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View of a German airfield in France or Belgium, Sep-Oct 1940; note Do 17 bomber on the field | View of the sick bay aboard HMS Rodney, Oct 1940 |
27,654 items in this album on 1,383 pages.