27,655 items in this album on 1,383 pages.
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Aerial view of Warsaw, Poland, 25 Sep 1939; note Vistula River in the center of the photo | German Bf 109B fighters on an airfield, Poland, Sep 1939 |
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British Matilda I tanks on a train, Caen, France, 28 Sep 1939 | German General Blaskowitz accepting the surrender of Polish troops at the Skoda factory building in Warsaw, Poland, 28 Sep 1939 |
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German troops marched through Warsaw, Sep 1939 | Men of British 4th Royal Tank Regiment and Matilda I tanks aboard a train traveling between Cherbourg and Amiens, France, 28 Sep 1939, photo 1 of 2 |
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Vyacheslav Molotov and Joachim von Ribbentrop shaking hands at the meeting to amed the German-Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty, Moscow, Russia, 28 Sep 1939 | German and Soviet officers shaking hands, Poland, late Sep 1939 |
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German troops inspecting Soviet BA-10 armored cars in Lublin, Poland, Sep 1939, photo 1 of 2 | German troops inspecting Soviet BA-10 armored cars in Lublin, Poland, Sep 1939, photo 2 of 2 |
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A Polish bunker destroyed by Slovakian troops, Poland, late Sep 1939 | A horse-drawn cart and an automobile on a street in Warsaw, Poland, Sep-Oct 1939 |
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Bombay aircraft in flight over farmlands, circa 1940s | Chinese soldiers charging an enemy position in Changsha, Hunan, China, Sep-Oct 1939 |
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Chinese Type 24 machine gun crew near Changsha, Hunan Province, Sep-Oct 1939 | Damaged bulidings in Warsaw, Poland, Sep-Oct 1939, photo 1 of 8 |
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Damaged bulidings in Warsaw, Poland, Sep-Oct 1939, photo 2 of 8 | Damaged bulidings in Warsaw, Poland, Sep-Oct 1939, photo 3 of 8 |
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Damaged bulidings in Warsaw, Poland, Sep-Oct 1939, photo 4 of 8 | Damaged bulidings in Warsaw, Poland, Sep-Oct 1939, photo 5 of 8 |
27,655 items in this album on 1,383 pages.