27,655 items in this album on 1,383 pages.
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A girl holding her dog, 8 Żelazna Street, Warsaw, Poland, 5 Sep 1939 | A lone horse wondering a recent battlefield, Poland, Sep 1939 |
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City of Wielun, Poland damaged after German aerial bombing, early Sep 1939 | German motorized troops traveling on muddy road in Poland, Sep 1939 |
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Aerial view of a Polish city through the gunner's station aboard a German He 111 bomber, Sep 1939 | American photographer Julien Bryan (left, with fedora), through his interpreter (center, speaking), being questioned by Polish policeman Frank Kotlewski (right), Warsaw, Poland, 9 Sep 1939; the windshield was said to have been damaged by flying debris during a German air attack |
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German aerial bombs detonating around a road in Poland, Sep 1939 | Maximilian von Weichs inspecting troops during a victory parade, Łódź, Poland, 9 Sep 1939 |
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Public execution of Polish hostages by the newly established German occupation authority, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 8 or 9 Sep 1939 | German Heinkel He 111 aircraft bombing Warsaw, Poland, Sep 1939 |
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German troops engaging in street fighting in a Polish town, Sep 1939 | German troops forcing entry into a building, Western Poland, mid-Sep 1939 |
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Panzer I (foreground) and Panzer II (background) tanks of SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Division crossing the Bzura River in Poland, Sep 1939 | Polish family huddling before the Grand Theatre, Warsaw, Poland, Sep 1939 |
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Boy with caged canary in ruins, Warsaw, Poland, Sep 1939 | German troops of SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Division resting during a campaign toward Pabianice, Poland, Sep 1939 |
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Wilhelm Keitel in a staff car, Lodz, Poland, Sep 1939 | German Ju 87 Stuka dive bombers flying over German troops, Poland, Sep 1939 |
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Polish volunteer policemen watching German aircraft in the sky, Grand Theatre, Warsaw, Poland, Sep 1939 | A formation of German Ju 87 Stuka dive bombers over Poland, Sep 1939 |
27,655 items in this album on 1,383 pages.