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US Marine Byron Anderson on a horse in China, circa 1935 | Vannevar Bush standing over a section of his differential analyzer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, circa 1935. |
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View of the stern of light cruiser Köln, with men manning her rails, 1935 | Portrait of Prince Yi U, 5 Jan 1935; Lady Kim of Kwang-san and Yi Jin-wan in insets |
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Chairman of the Nationalist Government Lin Sen with head of Executive Yuan Wang Jinwei, Italian ambassador Vincenzo Lojacono, and others, Nanjing, China, 25 Jan 1935 | Wang Jingwei, Lin Sen, and Italian Ambassador to China Vincenzo Lojacono shortly after Lojacono had delivered his credentials, Nanjing, China, 25 Jan 1935 |
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Broadside view of the cruiser HMS Cumberland, before her 1935 refit. Location unknown. | Polish troops in winter gear with Browning wz. 28 automatic rifle and Karabinek wz.29 carbines while on exercise, Feb 1935 |
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Japanese submarine depot ship Taigei, Kure, Japan, spring 1935; she was later converted to light carrier Ryuho | German officials Alfred Rosenberg, Paul von Rübenach, and Konstantin von Neurath in Berlin speaking with Japanese counterparts in Tokyo, 12 Mar 1935 |
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Japanese cruiser Mogami running trials off Sukumo Bay, Japan, 20 Mar 1935 | Japanese stamps issued on 2 Apr 1935 commemorating the visit of Emperor Puyi of puppet nation Manchukuo; note the White Pagoda of Manchukuo city Liaoyang and Japanese battleship Hiei |
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Crew of USS Augusta, Shanghai, China, 6 Apr 1935; note Chester Nimitz front row just left of the life preserver and Lewis Puller in front row, third from right | Hitler Youth members climbing window bars to observe May Day celebrations, Lustgarten, Berlin, Germany, 1 May 1935 |
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Chinese Central Military Academy cadet Sun Chengxin (Wade-Giles: Sun Chung Hsin) with a Type 24 machine gun, Nanjing, China, Jul 1935 | Cruiser Mogami, mid-1935 |
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Nose turret of XB-17 Model 299 prototype bomber, 24 Jul 1935 | USS Idaho and USS New Mexico at anchor, Seattle, Washington, United States, Jul-Aug 1935 |
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Arthur Altmeyer, John Winant, and Vincent Miles at the first meeting of the US Social Security Board, 23 Aug 1935 | Cruiser USS Northampton underway, location unknown, 23 Aug 1935. |