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World War II Database

A message from the starving people of Holland to the US Air Force for food drops during Operation Chowhound, early May 1945. The RAF ran Operation Manna that dropped even more food to the starving Dutch. Page 1 of 2.A message from the starving people of Holland to the US Air Force for food drops during Operation Chowhound, early May 1945. The RAF ran Operation Manna that dropped even more food to the starving Dutch. Page 2 of 2.
A message from the starving people of Holland to the US Air Force for food drops during Operation Chowhound, early May 1945. The RAF ran Operation Manna that dropped even more food to the starving Dutch. Page 1 of 2.A message from the starving people of Holland to the US Air Force for food drops during Operation Chowhound, early May 1945. The RAF ran Operation Manna that dropped even more food to the starving Dutch. Page 2 of 2.

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"Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few."

Winston Churchill, on the RAF

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