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Osawa file photo [914]

Jisaburo Ozawa

Given NameJisaburo
Born2 Oct 1886
Died9 Nov 1966


ww2dbaseJisaburo Ozawa graduated from the Imperial Naval Academy in 1909. He was a professor at the academy in the mid-1930s, but it was not before long when he was activated for sea-going duties as war. Between 1935 and 1937, he served as the commanding officer of light cruiser Maya and then battleship Haruna. He was promoted to the rank of rear admiral in 1936. Between 1937 and 1938, served as the chief of staff of the Combined Fleet. Between 1938 and 1941, he served as commanding officer of various naval units before being recalled to the Navy General Headquarters in 1941 as a staff officer. He was promoted to the rank of vice admiral in 1940. Nicknamed "the Gargoyle", he was considered among the ugliest flag officers in the Japanese Navy, but people who served under him found him to be a compassionate officer and a fine tactician. Starting in Nov 1942, his responsibilities grew tremendously, serving as commander in chief of Third Fleet until Mar 1944, vice chief of the Navy General Headquarters for eight months, then finally the commander in chief of the Combined Fleet until near the end of the war. Due to problems that had already taken place before his tenure as the head of the Combined Fleet, his service was haunted by an uninterrupted series of losses to the American naval forces. In Jun 1944, he commanded the fleet that faced the US 5th Fleet in the Battle of the Philippine Sea, in which Japan suffered a complete defeat, losing nearly 400 aircraft; withdrawing to Okinawa, he submitted his resignation letter, but it was rejected. During the Leyte campaign, his carrier fleet served little more than a bait force, flight decks empty for lack of available aircraft. Nevertheless, Ozawa played his role intelligently and professionally until the end.

ww2dbaseAfter the war, Ozawa was interrogated by Rear Admiral R. A. Ofstie of the United States Navy and Lieutenant Commander J. A. Field, Jr. of the United States Naval Reserves in Tokyo on 30 Oct 1945. They commented Ozawa as "an officer of impressive personality, dignified presence, and thoughtful habit of mind. While his memory for fine detail was not always precise his opinions were considered of the highest value." At the end of the interrogation, he offered his opinion that "[i]t is my opinion that this war should never have taken place." However, if war was to be considered unavoidable, he attributed Japan's defeat to the inability to manufacture adequate supply of aircraft and the failure to improve electronic devices.

ww2dbaseSources: Interrogations of Japanese Officials, Nihon Kaigun, Wikipedia.

Last Major Revision: Mar 2007

Jisaburo Ozawa Interactive Map


Japanese Navy Vice Admiral Jisaburo Ozawa, Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Expeditionary Fleet, Saigon, French Indochina, 16 Nov 1941Portrait of Jisaburo Ozawa, 1940s

Jisaburo Ozawa Timeline

2 Oct 1886 Jisaburo Ozawa was born.
18 Feb 1937 Jisaburo Ozawa was named the chief of staff of the Japanese Navy Combined Fleet.
1 Apr 1942 Vice Admiral Jisaburo Ozawa's Malaya Force, Second Expeditionary Fleet, departs Mergui, Burma and steams into the Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean Raids to attack merchant shipping. The force includes light carrier Ryujo and cruisers Chokai, Suzuya, Kumano, Mikuma, Mogami, and Yura.
5 Apr 1942 Following Admiral Jisaburo Ozawa’s force’s attack on the British naval base at Colombo, Ceylon, the force is split creating a Northern Group commanded by Rear Admiral Takeo Kurita consisting of cruisers Kumano and Suzuya; the Center Group consisting of the carrier Ryujo and cruisers Chokai and Yura under Ozawa; and the Southern Group comprised of cruisers Mogami, and Mikuma under Captain Shakao Sakiyama for the purposes of smaller raids against merchant shipping.
11 Apr 1942 Ozawa's Force arrived at Singapore to conclude a successful sortie into the Indian Ocean.
29 May 1945 Jisaburo Ozawa was named the commander-in-chief of the Japanese Navy Combined Fleet.
25 Jun 1945 Vice Admiral Jisaburo Ozawa ordered a special attack on the American anchorage at Ulithi, Caroline Islands. Operation Hikari was planned to use submarines I-13 and I-14 to bring Saiun aircraft over Ulithi for reconnaissance. Operation Arashi would then have submarines I-400 and I-401 bring Seiran aircraft to perform special attacks on American ships if the conditions were favorable. Kaiten special attack submarines were to attack at the same time as well.
9 Nov 1966 Jisaburo Ozawa passed away.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. CalAnon says:
27 Aug 2013 09:20:39 PM

Was J. Ozawa related to Tadaharu and Takeo Ozawa? They were Japanese army generals.
2. Anonymous 1 says:
5 Apr 2021 06:15:53 PM

how did he die?

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More on Jisaburo Ozawa
Event(s) Participated:
» Dutch East Indies Campaign, Java
» Dutch East Indies Campaign, Sumatra
» Raids into the Indian Ocean
» Mariana Islands Campaign and the Great Turkey Shoot
» Philippines Campaign, Phase 1, the Leyte Campaign

Ship(s) Served:
» Haruna
» Kashii
» Maya
» Oyodo
» Ryuho
» Taiho

» Interrogation Nav 55, Vice Admiral Jisaburo Ozawa

Jisaburo Ozawa Photo Gallery
Japanese Navy Vice Admiral Jisaburo Ozawa, Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Expeditionary Fleet, Saigon, French Indochina, 16 Nov 1941Portrait of Jisaburo Ozawa, 1940s

Famous WW2 Quote
"All that silly talk about the advance of science and such leaves me cold. Give me peace and a retarded science."

Thomas Dodd, late 1945

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