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Konstantinos Logothetopoulos file photo [27153]

Konstantinos Logothetopoulos

Given NameKonstantinos
Born1 Aug 1878
Died6 Jul 1961


ww2dbaseKonstantinos Logothetopoulos was born in Nafplion in the Nafplion region of Greece in 1878. He studied medicine in München (Munich), Germany, and remained there to teach medicine. In 1910, he moved to Athens, Greece and opened a private practice. He served in the First Balkan War and the Second Balkan War between 1912 and 1913 as a doctor. He was discharged from the military in 1916 and returned to private practice until 1922. In 1922, he was drafted for service in the Army Hospital of Athens during the Greco-Turkish War. After the end of the war, he became professor of gynaecology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He married the niece of Wilhelm List, who would be promoted to the rank of field marshal in the German Army in 1940. When Greece became occupied by the Germans during WW2, he collaborated with the occupiers by accepting the position of Vice President and Minister of Education under the first collaborationist government of General Georgios Tsolakoglou. Between Dec 1942 and Apr 1943, he served as the Prime Minister of Greece. In 1944, he fled Greece for Germany. After the European War, he was captured by US forces in Germany and was returned to Greece in 1946. He was convicted of collaborating with the enemy and was given a life sentence, but he was released in 1951. He passed away in 1961.

ww2dbaseSource: Wikipedia

Last Major Revision: Nov 2017

Konstantinos Logothetopoulos Timeline

1 Aug 1878 Konstantinos Logothetopoulos was born in Nafplion, Peloponnese, Greece.
2 Dec 1942 Konstantinos Logothetopoulos was made the Prime Minister of the Hellenic State.
7 Apr 1943 Konstantinos Logothetopoulos stepped down as the Prime Minister of the Hellenic State.
6 Jul 1961 Konstantinos Logothetopoulos passed away in Athens, Greece.

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