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Jean file photo [759]


Given NameJean
Born5 Jan 1921
Died23 Apr 2019
CountryLuxembourg, United Kingdom


ww2dbaseJean Benoit Guillaume Robert Antoine Louis Marie Adolphe Marc d'Aviano was born at the Berg Castle in Colmar-Berg, Luxembourg in 1921 to Grand Duchess Charlotte and Prince Félix. He attended primary school and the beginning of secondary school in Luxembourg, and then completed secondary school at Ampleforth College in North Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom. In 1940, the Grand Ducal family escaped the advancing Germans, first seeking refuge in Paris, France, and then relocated to Brookville, New York, United States. During this time, Jean initially studied Law and Political Science at the Université Laval in Quebec City, Canada, then volunteered for the Irish Guards of the British Army in Nov 1942. Upon graduating from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, he was commissioned an officer of the British Army in 1943. In that role, he participated in the Allied invasion of Normandie, France, seeing action in British uniform in the battle for the city of Caen. He later saw action during the liberation of Brussels, Belgium before advancing into Luxembourg, flanked by his British comrades. For his WW2 service, he was awarded the British War Medal, the French Croix de Guerre, the American Silver Star, and the Luxembourg Military Medal. After the war, he joined the International Olympic Committee in 1946. He relinquished his British commission in 1947 (although he would be made the honorary colonel of the Irish Guards in 1984). In Apr 1953, he married Princess Joséphine-Charlotte, daughter of King Leopold III of Belgium and Princess Astrid of Sweden; they would have five children. In Nov 1964, upon his mother's abdication, he became the Grand Duke of Luxembourg. His reign was characterized by Luxembourg's rise as an important financial center and by his efforts toward European unity. In Oct 2000, he abdicated and was succeeded by his son Henri. In the summer of 2002, he moved to Fischbach Castle in Fischbach, Luxembourg. In 2005, Grand Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte passed away. Grand Duke Jean passed away due to complications from a pulmonary infection in Apr 2019.

ww2dbaseSource: Wikipedia

Last Major Revision: May 2019

Jean Interactive Map


Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg at Dam Square, Amsterdam, The Netherlands during a state visit, 12 Sep 1967

Jean Timeline

5 Jan 1921 Prince Jean was born at the Berg Castle in Colmar-Berg, Luxembourg.
5 Jan 1939 Prince Jean was formally styled Hereditary Grand Duke.
30 Jul 1943 Jean was promoted to the rank of lieutenant in the British Army.
11 Jun 1944 Jean arrived in Normandie, France with the British Army.
10 Sep 1944 Jean arrived in Luxembourg with the British Army.
26 Jun 1947 Hereditary Grand Duke Jean relinquished his commission in the British Army.
9 Apr 1953 Hereditary Grand Duke Jean married Princess Joséphine-Charlotte of Belgium at the Hall of Ceremonies at the Grand Ducal Palace and the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.
17 Feb 1954 Hereditary Grand Duke Jean's daughter Marie Astrid was born at Betzdorf Castle, Betzdorf, Luxembourg.
16 Apr 1955 Hereditary Grand Duke Jean's son Henri was born at Betzdorf Castle, Betzdorf, Luxembourg.
15 May 1957 Hereditary Grand Duke Jean's son Jean and daughter Margaretha were born at Betzdorf Castle, Betzdorf, Luxembourg.
28 Apr 1961 Hereditary Grand Duke Jean was named Lieutenant-Representative of Grand Duchess Charlotte.
1 May 1963 Hereditary Grand Duke Jean's son Guillaume was born at Betzdorf Castle, Betzdorf, Luxembourg.
12 Nov 1964 Jean became the Grand Duke of Luxembourg and the General of the Armed Forces.
7 Oct 2000 Grand Duke Jean abdicated as the rule of Luxembourg.
17 Dec 2002 Grand Duke Jean was awarded the Military Medal of Luxembourg.
27 Dec 2016 Grand Duke Jean was hospitalized for bronchitis in Luxembourg.
4 Jan 2017 Grand Duke Jean was discharged from a hospital in Luxembourg, having recovered from bronchitis.
13 Apr 2019 Grand Duke Jean was hospitalized for a pulmonary infection in Luxembourg.
23 Apr 2019 Grand Duke Jean passed away at a hospital due to complications from a pulmonary infection.
4 May 2019 A funeral service was held for Grand Duke Jean at the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.

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Event(s) Participated:
» Normandy Campaign, Phase 1

Jean Photo Gallery
Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg at Dam Square, Amsterdam, The Netherlands during a state visit, 12 Sep 1967

Famous WW2 Quote
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You win the war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country!"

George Patton, 31 May 1944

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