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Russian soldiers firing from a rooftop in Stalingrad, Russia, 2 Feb 1943

Caption     Russian soldiers firing from a rooftop in Stalingrad, Russia, 2 Feb 1943 ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
Source    ww2dbaseGerman Federal Archives
Identification Code   Bild 183-E0406-0022-001
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PPSh-41   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 800 x 515 pixels
Photos on Same Day 2 Feb 1943
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany License (CC BY-SA 3.0 DE).

See Bild 183-E0406-0022-001 on Wikimedia Commons

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
3 Apr 2011 03:51:23 PM


Looks like the troops are armed with PPSh-41
Submachine guns, and equipped with winter

-General Chuikov-

The Germans turned Stalingrad into rubble this made it difficult for the Germans to clear the area of Russian troops, and gave the defenders cover German tanks were unable to move quickly through the bedris and chocked streets.
Stalingrad was fought for in yards and inches, room by room, throw in a grenade fire into the next room to secure the area, do this block by block room by room make the Germans pay for every house and building.
2. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
6 Apr 2011 02:02:58 PM

OOPS!...sorry I misspelled debris.
When the Germans fought at Stalingrad, they went up against something they never trained for, it was called urban combat the German army was good at what it did, but when it came to house to house combat they did the only thing they knew, they applied brute force and destroyed the city.
Stalingrad was the turning point on the Eastern front, and led to the defeat of the
German 6th Army, the day of the Blitzkrieg
was over...
3. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
6 Apr 2011 07:27:18 PM


The realities of combat, the dirt, blood, guts, mud and filth of war.
This is how men of both sides suffered, died and endured during the battle of Stalingrad, combat wasn't always fought by large armies, divisions or platoons, but at times by individual soldiers, who came upon each other by accident or design in the block by block, room by room combat maybe one was killed by surprise, or both died as a result of such combat, still others died alone with the sounds of combat all around them they died dirty, tired and hungary.
4. Mark Prange says:
29 Jan 2015 03:15:29 PM

Stalingrad South. --Atop the round0cornered edifice of the House of Specialists for the Canning Factory. This building is still standing in 2015, at the south corner of Raboche-Krestyanskaya & Ogareva. Google Maps shows pedestrian-level views of it.

The building in the background a block away is the apartment House for Hydrolytic Plant workers. It is still standing, west of Barrikadnaya & Kozlovskaya.

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