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German troops in a vehicle observing a prairie fire near Stalingrad, Russia, 23 Sep 1942

Caption     German troops in a vehicle observing a prairie fire near Stalingrad, Russia, 23 Sep 1942 ww2dbase
Source    ww2dbaseGerman Federal Archives
Identification Code   Bild 169-0938
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Jeep   Main article  Photos  
Photo Size 800 x 532 pixels
Photos on Same Day 23 Sep 1942
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 Germany License (CC BY-SA 3.0 DE).

See Bild 169-0938 on Wikimedia Commons

According to the German Federal Archive (Bundesarchiv), as of 21 Jul 2010, photographs can be reproduced with if these preconditions are met:
- quote the "Federal Archives" as source,
- add the signature of the pictures and
- of name of the originator, i.e. the photographer.
You also can use fotos from the Federal Archives for free on Wikimedia Commons
According to the German Federal Archive (Bundesarchiv), as of 19 Jul 2023, "You also can use fotos from the Federal Archives on Wikimedia Common free of charge".

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Anonymous says:
23 Feb 2014 02:01:44 PM

The vehicle is an early manufactured US Jeep.
2. Anonymous says:
2 Jan 2016 05:28:21 PM

germans on a u.s jeep willys...how?..why? maybe they captured it and re use it
3. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
2 Jan 2016 07:49:51 PM

The Germans had a long practice of putting captured vehicles to their own use. Many photos from the North Africa campaign show the Germans operating British vehicles. A large percentage of Soviet vehicles came from America through lend-lease so it is not too far fetched to see Germans using a Willys Jeep.
4. Anonymous says:
19 Sep 2016 08:04:29 PM

What makes you believe they're Germans?
5. Commenter identity confirmed David Stubblebine says:
19 Sep 2016 08:46:20 PM

Anonymous above:
The photo is captioned the way it is because the original image is held by the German Archives with Bundesarchiv number Bild 169-0938 (lower left of image), it is credited to the German Army photographer Herbst who has over 1,000 images to his credit at the Bundesarchiv, and the Bundesarchiv original title reads, “Steppenbrand vor Stalingrad” (Prairie fire near Stalingrad) with a longer Archives title that reads, “Sowjetunion.- Deutsche Soldaten in einem erbeuteten sowjetischen Jeep aus amerikanischer Produktion bei Beobachtung eines Steppenbrands” (Soviet Union. German soldiers in a captured Soviet American-produced Jeep observing a prairie fire.)

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