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Ar 196 A-5 aircraft at rest on water in a port, circa late 1930s

Caption     Ar 196 A-5 aircraft at rest on water in a port, circa late 1930s ww2dbase
Photographer    Unknown
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Photo Size 1,005 x 545 pixels
Added By C. Peter Chen
Licensing  This anonymous work originating in the European Union is in the public domain. Its copyright expired 70 years after the work was made available to the public.

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Visitor Submitted Comments

1. Commenter identity confirmed BILL says:
18 Mar 2009 06:19:47 PM

Arado Ar 196A-3(7R+Bk) could belong to 2./SAGr. 125 (Aegean, Winter 1941-42)
2. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
2 Nov 2011 05:04:44 PM

Ar 196-A2 of 2/SAGr 125(Seeaufklarungsgruppe)
1942. Two-tone green splinter camouflage w/
light blue undersides with yellow ID bands undersides of wings and under cowling.

2/SAGr 125 flew patrols escorting merchant ships in the Mediteranean, the unit was formed in 1941, and disbanded in 1944.
The Ar.196 was also built as a land-based aircraft with conventional landing-gear and tailwheel, for land-based operations. Surviving land-based aircraft were retired or assigned to other duties.
Much of the Ar 196 production was centered around floatplane design.

3. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
29 Mar 2012 05:00:50 PM

Photo could have been taken at Souda Bay, located on the Greek Island of Crete.
Ar 196 code (7R+BK) also has white fuselage band around fuselage, the red "B" and propeller spinner were the colors for the 2 Staffel. Behind the engine cowling, is the Staffel emblem.


In 1941 tail bands were added for Luftwaffe aircraft operating in the Eastern Front and the Mediterranean.
A white band was carried aft of the fuselage
for aircraft operating in the Mediterranean
and Southern Russia.

A white band carried in the center of the fuselage, operated in Northern Russia and
Scandinavia. All aircraft carried yellow ID bands on wing tips and under engine cowling.
4. craig says:
8 Nov 2013 04:21:55 AM

Wow this quite a coincidence.
I was in crete last month and found a model shop in heraklion.
I bought a model of this exact plane.
It has the same markings as the one in the photo graph.

This is what it says on the box
Arado Ar 196 A-5
2/Sagr. 125 Crete, 1941

My guess is this picture was took in souda bay
If any of you are interested the model is 1:48 version by italeri
5. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
20 Oct 2016 09:13:30 AM


File photograph shows Arado Ar.196A-3 (7R+BK) from
Seeaufklarugsgruppe 125, (2.SaGr. 125), Suda Bay, Crete 1941


Arado Ar.196A-3 is now on display at the Bulgarian Air Force Museum Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Aircraft retired in 1955 operated by Bulgarian Navy.

Arado Ar 196A-5 assigned to the German cruiser Prinz Eugen, surrendered at wars end. Transferred to the Paul Garber facility, NASM Wash. D.C.
Later transferred to Naval Air Museum Pensacola, Florida. Aircraft shipped to Germany, for long-term loan. This aircraft was displayed outdoors from 1949 to 1995 at Willow Grove N.A.S. Pennsylvania USA. it was saved from neglect...

Arado Ar. 196 fuselage only on display at the Aircraft Historical Museum Sola, Norway. Aircraft was assigned to the German cruiser Blucher.

6. Commenter identity confirmed Bill says:
20 Oct 2016 01:06:14 PM


Photograph of Arado Ar.196 (7R+BK) assigned to 2./125 in 1943, later the unit was renamed 4./SAGr.126.
Photo location Sudo Bay, this sea detachment operated with Dornier Do24's along with the three-engine Cant 506B of Italian Seefliegerstaffel 288

Other Ar.196 assigned were
7R+CK, 7R+IK, 7R+GK, 7R+HK and 7R+MK

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