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16 Oct 1944
  • Martti Aho was awarded his second Mannerheim Cross medal. ww2dbase [Martti Aho | CPC]
  • ShCh-307 attacked a merchant ship; both torpedoes missed. ww2dbase [ShCh-307 | CPC]
Dutch East Indies Germany
  • US First Army surrounded Aachen, Germany. ww2dbase [Aachen, Köln-Aachen | TH]
  • Soviet units entered German territory as Goldap, East Prussia (now Gołdap, Poland) was captured. ww2dbase [Goldap, Ostpreußen | TH]
  • Heinrich Himmler visited Nürnberg, Germany to personally inspect the repairs to the bunker which housed the Imperial Regalia of the Holy Roman Empire. ww2dbase [Heinrich Himmler | Nürnberg, Franken | CPC]
  • Marcel Albert, flying a Yak-3 fighter, shot down a Fw 190 aircraft southeast of Stallupönen, Ostpreußen, Germany (now Nesterov, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia). ww2dbase [Marcel Albert | Stallupönen, Ostpreußen | CPC]
Hawaii Hong Kong
  • 28 US 14th Air Force B-24 and B-25 bombers escorted by one P-40 fighter and 29 P-51 fighters attacked the Hong Kong and Whampoa Dock in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Many bombs went far astray, hitting an elementary school (200 teachers and students killed), residential zones (100 civilians killed), and a large diesel fuel storage tank in the civilian sector of Kowloon (resulting in a fire that burned for several days); 300 civilians were injured. Concurrently, 8 B-25 bombers escorted by 8 P-40 fighters struck Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong, sinking 10 Japanese vessels. Japanese anti-aircraft gunners claimed the downing of 14 Allied aircraft over Hong Kong across the two raids. ww2dbase [CPC]
  • Kamoi departed Hong Kong harbor for buoy No. 12. At 1540 hours, she was attacked by US aircraft, but suffered no damage. At 2017 hours, she was relocated to Tung Long Island (Toryu Jima). ww2dbase [Kamoi | CPC]
Italy Japan Pacific Ocean
  • USS Whale was spotted and attacked by Japanese aircraft in the South China Sea, but suffered no damage. ww2dbase [Whale | South China Sea | CPC]
  • USAAF XX Bomber Command B-29 bombers attacked Okayama Airfield north of Takao (now Kaohsiung), Taiwan. ww2dbase [Okayama Aircraft Factory | Takao | CPC]
  • USAAF XX Bomber Command B-29 bombers attacked Heito Airfield in Heito (now Pingtung), Taiwan. Several bombers attacked the rail marshaling yard and the harbor in nearby Toshien District, Takao (now Zuoying District, Kaohsiung), Taiwan, which were secondary targets. ww2dbase [Heito Airfield | Heito, Takao | CPC]
Photo(s) dated 16 Oct 1944
Lieutenant Commander Albert O. Vorse with his lucky green scarf aboard USS Ticonderoga at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on the day he assumed command of Air Group 80, 16 Oct 1944.Smoke rising from Kowloon, Hong Kong, 16 Oct 1944; note Japanese fighter chasing the USAAF bomber from which this photo was takenB-25 bomber attacking shipping in Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong, possibly during the 16 Oct 1944 raid by US 14th Air ForceUS 14th Air Force B-24 and B-25 bombers attacking Hong Kong harbor, 16 Oct 1944, photo 1 of 2
See all photos dated 16 Oct 1944

16 Oct 1944 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"The raising of that flag on Suribachi means a Marine Corps for the next 500 years."

James Forrestal, Secretary of the Navy, 23 Feb 1945

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