14 Aug 1944

See all photos dated 14 Aug 1944
- USS Tang attacked a Japanese armed yacht with her deck gun. ww2dbase [Tang | CPC]
- USS Croaker sank a Japanese freighter with 2 of 6 torpedoes fired. ww2dbase [Croaker | CPC]
- British troops launched Operation Tractable towards Falaise, France, preceded by 800 bombers. 150 Polish soldiers were killed as the second of the three waves of RAF Lancaster bombers released their bombs too early. ww2dbase [Normandy Campaign, Phase 2 | TH]
- Soviet forces launched an assault from their Vistula bridgeheads in Poland. ww2dbase [Operation Bagration | TH]
- USS Gar began her thirteenth war patrol. ww2dbase [Gar | CPC]
- USS Ray continued to attack a small Japanese convoy off Borneo, Dutch East Indies, sinking tanker Zuisho Maru (hitting her with 3 of 3 torpedoes fired) and damaged a transport (hitting her with 1 of 3 torpedoes fired). ww2dbase [Ray | CPC]
- USS Nicholas departed Tulagi, Solomon Islands bound for the Treasury Islands, Solomon Islands. ww2dbase [Nicholas | DS]
- HMS Mauritius sank German minesweeper Sperrbrecher 157 off France. ww2dbase [Mauritius | CPC]
- The USAAF 306th Bomb Group flying from RAF Thurleigh launched a bombing raid against Stuttgart, Germany but could not bomb due to weather. Instead, they struck a target of opportunity at the airfield at Florennes, Belgium. ww2dbase [RAF Thurleigh | Bombing of Hamburg, Dresden, and Other Cities | Stuttgart | DS]
- The keel of landing ship No. 143 was laid down by Kawanami Kogyo. ww2dbase [No. 101/103-class | CPC]
- 26 Allied aircraft attempted to drop supplies for resistance fighters in Warsaw, Poland. All of them failed to drop in their primary destinations. 3 aircraft of No. 178 Squadron RAF. 1 aircraft of No. 148 (Special Duties) Squadron RAF, 3 aircraft of No. 31st Squadron RAAF, and 1 aircraft of No. 1586 (Polish Special Duties) Flight RAF were lost. The supplies, seemingly dropped in inconvenient locations, were mostly retrieved by Polish resistance fighters. ww2dbase [Warsaw Uprising | Warsaw | CPC]
- The US 127th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment became operational; at the end of the V-1 attacks the regiment had accounted for 56 of the flying bombs. A V-1 flying bomb brought down by British guns tragically fell on Twiss Road, Hythe in Kent in southern Britain. It destroyed houses and killed a family of 5 also injuring a further 17 some seriously. Flight Officer Peter Graham almost lost his life when diving down from 12,000 feet he levelled up too close to his target; the slip stream threw his Spitfire fighter over, but he managed to recover, only to see his target, a V-1 flying bomb, fly between the wires of the balloon defence. ww2dbase [Vergeltungswaffe 1 | V-Weapons Campaign | England | HM]
- Winston Churchill ordered Anthony Eden to against request assistance from Joseph Stalin for the resistance fighters in Warsaw, Poland. ww2dbase [Winston Churchill | Anthony Eden | Warsaw Uprising | London, England | CPC]
- USS Snook arrived at Midway Atoll, ending her sixth war patrol. ww2dbase [Snook | Midway Bases | Midway | CPC]

See all photos dated 14 Aug 1944
14 Aug 1944 Interactive Map
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Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
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