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World War II Database

12 Aug 1937

  • Battle of Chahar in China ended with Japanese victory. ww2dbase [Battle of Chahar | Chahar | CPC]
  • USS Augusta delivered 50 Marines and 57 Navy personnel to reinforce the US 4th Marine Regiment stationed at Shanghai, China. ww2dbase [Augusta | Shanghai | CPC]
  • Chinese light cruisers Hairong, Pinghai, Ninghai, Haichou, and Yixian and training cruiser Yingrui arrived at the mouth of the Yangtze River at Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, China in anticipation of a Japanese attack. On the same day, 8 older naval vessels, 20 civilian transports, and 8 civilian barges were sunk in the river to block Japanese warships from entering. ww2dbase [Second Battle of Shanghai | Jiangyin, Jiangsu | CPC]
  • Haiqi was scuttled in the Yangtze River at Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, China to block Japanese movement up the river. ww2dbase [Haiqi | Jiangyin, Jiangsu | CPC]
  • The Chinese government gave Chiang Kaishek special powers for the duration of the war. ww2dbase [Chiang Kaishek | CPC]
  • Liu Cuigang flew his first combat mission of the Second Sino-Japanese War, attacking Japanese warships at the mouth of the Yangtze River in the Shanghai area in eastern China in a Hawk III fighter. The mission was called off due to weather. ww2dbase [Liu Cuigang | Shanghai | CPC]
Germany Spain
  • Jantina began a patrol off Barcelona, Spain. ww2dbase [Jantina | CPC]

12 Aug 1937 Interactive Map

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"I have returned. By the grace of Almighty God, our forces stand again on Philippine soil."

General Douglas MacArthur at Leyte, 17 Oct 1944

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