7 Jun 1942

See all photos dated 7 Jun 1942
- USS Saratoga transferred aircraft to Enterprise and Hornet so that they could sail north to reinforce the Aleutian Islands. ww2dbase [Saratoga | CPC]
- All Jews over the age of six were forced to wear the Star of David in occupied France. ww2dbase [Discovery of Concentration Camps and the Holocaust | CPC]
- Tatsuta Maru arrived at Saipan, Mariana Islands. ww2dbase [Tatsuta Maru | CPC]
- The B-24 Liberator bomber flown by Clarence Tinker plunged into the Pacific Ocean; no rescue mission was launched, and Tinker and eight other aboard were presumed lost. ww2dbase [Clarence Tinker | CPC]
- German submarine U-107 sank Honduran ship Castilla 75 miles south of the western tip of Cuba at 0408 hours; 24 were killed, 35 survived. 50 miles north of the western tip of Cuba, U-158 sank Panamanian ship Hermis; 1 was killed, 46 survived. At 2224 hours, U-159 sank US ship Edith 200 miles southeast of Jamaica; 2 were killed, 29 survived. ww2dbase [Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico Campaigns | CPC]
- German submarine U-653 sank destroyer USS Gannet 240 miles north of Bermuda at 0742 hours; 14 were killed, 62 survived. US liberty ship George Clymer, damaged on the previous day by speedboat Esau launched by German armed merchant cruiser Michel, was scuttled by British armed merchant cruiser HMS Alcantara in the South Atlantic; Michel approached to attack HMS Alcantara during the rescue operation, but would arrive far too late. 700 miles southwest of Freetown, British West Africa, Italian submarine Da Vinci sank Danish ship Chile; 5 were killed, 39 survived. ww2dbase [Michel | Second Happy Time | CPC]
- British PBY Catalina flying boats sank Italian submarine Veniero off Palma, Majorca, Spain. ww2dbase [CPC]
- Lieutenant Charles Conway Hartigan Jr. was made the commanding officer of the suvivors of sunken USS Hammann. ww2dbase [Hammann | CPC]
- Japanese troops occupied Kiska, Aleutian Islands, US Territory of Alaska. ww2dbase [Battle of Midway and the Aleutian Islands | Kiska | CPC]
- Vickers Wellington Mk III bomber No. X3279 (JN-M) piloted by Flying Officer Malcolm Blunt RAAF 150 RAF-squadron had taken off from RAF Snaith near Goole, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom on a bombing raid on the port of Emden, Germany. The bomber was attacked and shot down over the Dutch coast by the German night fighter pilot Oberleutnant Ludwig Becker of 6/NJG 2 flying a Do 215 B-5 aircraft based at Leeuwarden in the Netherlands. The bomber crashed into the Waddenzee region of the North Sea killing all six of the crew. ww2dbase [North Sea | HM]
- Leonardo da Vinci sighted a freighter in the Atlantic Ocean at 1240 hours, but would quickly lose contact. At 1815 hours, she sighted another ship, Danish freighter Chile, sailing toward Liverpool, England, United Kingdom with ground nuts, pig iron, and cotton seeds aboard. The Italian submarine fired two torpedoes at the freighter at 2328 hours, but both missed. ww2dbase [Leonardo da Vinci | Second Happy Time | CPC]
- Alpino Bagnolini sighted a freighter in the Atlantic Ocean at 2119 hours. She attempted to close in, but would lose contact repeated in rain squalls. ww2dbase [Alpino Bagnolini | CPC]
- USS S-44 departed Brisbane, Australia for her second war patrol. ww2dbase [S-44 | Brisbane, Queensland | CPC]
- German Type IXC U-Boat U-505 departed Lorient, France on her third patrol to the Caribbean Sea. ww2dbase [U-505 | Loirent, Bretagne | DS]
- Aris Velouchiotis recruited villagers from Domnista in Evrytania, Greece for ELAS. ww2dbase [Aris Velouchiotis | Evrytania | CPC]
- German engineers penetrated the minefield outside of Bir Hakeim, Libya, but the attack was repulsed by Free French fighters with British air support. ww2dbase [Battle of Gazala | Bir Hakeim | CPC]
- Hans-Joachim Marseille shot down the P-40 fighter piloted by South African Lieutenant Frewen over El Adem, Libya at 1610 hours. Three minutes later, he shot down the P-40 fighter piloted by South African Lieutenant Leonard James Peter Berragé. These were his 76th and 77th kills. ww2dbase [Hans-Joachim Marseille | El Adem | CPC]
- I-168 successfully evaded the hunt by American submarines and escaped the Midway area on only two engines to conserve fuel. ww2dbase [I-68/I-168 | CPC]
- USS Yorktown, having already been abandoned for hours, slowly rolled over to her side and sank north of Midway Atoll at 0458 hours. Destroyers that remained near her wreck lowered her flags to half mast as she sank beneath the sea. ww2dbase [Yorktown (Yorktown-class) | CPC]
- Troops of German 11th Army began a 2-pronged assault on the city of Sevastopol in Russia, capturing Belbek at 1715 hours but also suffering 2,357 casualties. ww2dbase [Battle of Sevastopol | Sevastopol | TH, CPC]
- Italian submarine Torelli was damaged by radar-equiped British aircraft in the Bay of Biscay. Her captain beached her in northern Spain to prevent sinking, and the crew performed enough repairs for her to get on her way again, but only to be discovered and attacked by British aircraft again (1 was killed, 2 wounded). She was beached again (near Santander, Spain), and this time the temporary repairs would take until 14 Jun 1942. ww2dbase [Santander | CPC]
- 40 miles off Cape Flattery, Washington, Japanese submarine I-26 attacked the 3,300-ton freighter SS Coast Trader loaded with 1,250 tons of newsprint. I-26 fired one torpedo that hit the freighter on the starboard side. Coast Trader began sinking by the stern as the 56-member crew took to the life boats. Forty minutes after being torpedoed, Coast Trader sank. 1 crewman in the lifeboats died of exposure, 55 were rescued. ww2dbase [Japanese Attacks on the Continental United States | Washington | CPC]
- The American newspaper Chicago Tribune reported the Battle of Midway victory, hinting that the US Navy had knowledge of Japanese strengths prior to the engagement; this would later, in Aug 1942, trigger a Federal investigation. ww2dbase [Battle of Midway and the Aleutian Islands | Chicago, Illinois | CPC]
- USS Bailey arrived at the Boston Naval Yard, Charlestown, Massachusetts, United States. ww2dbase [Boston Navy Yard | Bailey | Boston, Massachusetts | DS]

See all photos dated 7 Jun 1942
7 Jun 1942 Interactive Map
Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis
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