14 Apr 1944

See all photos dated 14 Apr 1944
- Red Army captured Tarnopol, Ukraine. ww2dbase [TH]
- The first transports of Greek Jews to Auschwitz Concentration Camp departed from Athens, Greece. On the same date, a transport of 500 prisoners was sent from Stutthof Concentration Camp to Neuengamme Concentration Camp. In France, mass arrests of Jews were ordered; to provide incentive for civilians to aid this effort, payments were offered to those who led authorities to Jews in hiding. ww2dbase [Discovery of Concentration Camps and the Holocaust | CPC]
- SS Brigadier General Veesenmayer reported that Hungarian Prime Minister Sztojay promised that by the end of Apr 1944 at least 50,000 Hungarian Jews fit for work would be made available to the Germans, beginning with 5,000 Jews effective immediately and 5,000 more every three to four days until the number of 50,000 has been reached. An additional 50,000 Jews were to be made available in May, and the number of Jewish labor draftees inside Hungary is to be raised to 100,000 to 150,000. ww2dbase [Döme Sztójay | CPC]
- A major Chinese offensive was launched across the Burmese border against the Japanese. ww2dbase [CPC]
- Destroyer USS Mansfield (DD-728) was commissioned with Commander Robert E. Brady, Jr. in command. ww2dbase [AC]
- 673rd Bomb Squadron (flying A-20 aircraft) of USAAF 417th Bomb Group was transferred from Dobodura Airfield to Saidor Airfield, Australian Papua. ww2dbase [Saidor Airfield | Saidor | CPC]
- USS Corregidor arrived at Purvis Bay, Florida Island (now Nggela Sule), Solomon Islands. ww2dbase [Corregidor | Purvis Bay, Nggela Islands | CPC]
- The British cargo ship, Fort Stikine, carrying 1,400 tons of explosives and 124 gold bars worth £1 million, caught fire in Bombay harbour, India and exploded, showering the docks with blazing debris. The blast and tidal wave which followed sank four ships and damage a further eleven, one of which, a troopship, was hurled out of the water and onto the roof of a warehouse. Half an hour later, the wreck of the Fort Stikine was devastated by a second massive explosion which threw debris 3,000 feet into the air and over a square mile of the docks and city. The two explosions killed 231 and injured a further 476. The bodies of more than 500 dock workers and civilians were also recovered, another 1,000 people simply disappeared and 2,000 were hospitalised. Eleven ships were lost. In 1960 a dredger working in the harbour recovered a single gold bar. ww2dbase [Bombay | AC]
- British freighter Samuta rescued 38 survivors of American Liberty Ship Richard Hovey, which was sunk by Japanese submarine I-26 in the Arabian Sea on 29 Mar 1944. ww2dbase [Arabian Sea | HM]
- Allied convoy RA-58 arrived at Loch Ewe, Scotland, United Kingdom. ww2dbase [Arctic Convoys | Loch Ewe, Scotland | CPC]
- Mosquito aircraft of No. 627 Squadron of No. 8 (PFF) Group RAF arrived at RAF Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom. ww2dbase [RAF Woodhall Spa | Woodhall Spa, England | AC]
- Escort carrier USS Card arrived at Staten Island Army Base, New York. ww2dbase [Card | Staten Island, New York | DS]

See all photos dated 14 Apr 1944
14 Apr 1944 Interactive Map
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