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24 Jan 1942

Dutch East Indies
  • USS Swordfish sank Japanese gunboat Myoken Maru off Kendari, Celebes, Dutch East Indies. ww2dbase [Swordfish | Bali Sea | CPC]
4 Feb 1942

Dutch East Indies
  • USS Marblehead suffered two bomb hits and one near miss during the Battle of Makassar Strait, killing 15 men and wounding 84. She suffered a list to starboard, a few fires, and jammed rudder, but survived the battle. USS Stewart and USS Edwards escorted damaged USS Marblehead and USS Houston toward Tjilatjap, Java, Dutch East Indies. ww2dbase [Dutch East Indies Campaign, Java | Houston | Marblehead | Stewart | Bali Sea | CPC]
25 Feb 1944

Dutch East Indies
  • The American submarine USS Rasher (SS-269) (Lieutenant Commander Willard R. Laughon) intercepted a Japanese convoy of Ryusei Maru and Tango Maru escorted by minesweepers W-8 and W-11 together with an auxiliary submarine chaser TakunanMaru No. 3. The convoy was proceeding from Surabaya to Ambon in the Dutch East Indies. Ryusei Maru was carrying approximately 6,000 Japanese soldiers and Tango Maru had 3,500 Javanese workers and 3,500 Allied prisoners of war on board. At 2045 hours Rasher torpedoed and sank Tango Maru about 25 miles north of Bali Island, an hour and a half later Rasher fired four torpedoes at Ryusei Maru, three torpedoes hit, and the vessel sank quickly taking most of the men on board her down. ww2dbase [Rasher | Bali Sea | AC, HM]

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"With Germany arming at breakneck speed, England lost in a pacifist dream, France corrupt and torn by dissension, America remote and indifferent... do you not tremble for your children?"

Winston Churchill, 1935

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