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World War II Database

8 Feb 1895

  • Dugar, who later would be known by his religious name Choibalsan, was born in Achit Beysiyn, Mongolia, Qing Dynasty China. ww2dbase [Choibalsan | Mongolia | CPC]
24 Jan 1929

  • Choibalsan was made the 4th Chairman of the Presidium of the State Little Hural of the separatist Mongolian state in China. ww2dbase [Choibalsan | Mongolia | CPC]
27 Apr 1930

  • Choibalsan stepped down as the 4th Chairman of the Presidium of the State Little Hural of the separatist Mongolian state in China. ww2dbase [Choibalsan | Mongolia | CPC]
11 Mar 1936

  • The village of Tauran in Mongolia Area, China was subjected to clashes between Mongolian separatist troops (accompanied by Soviet advisors) and Japanese-Manchukuoan troops. The disputed village was secured by the Japanese-Manchukuoan side by the end of the day. ww2dbase [Tauran Incident | Tauran, Mongolia | CPC]
10 Sep 1937

  • The arrest of 65 high ranking officials in the Mongolian separatist government in Mongolia Area, China signaled the start of a 18-month long great purge by the communist party in Mongolia. ww2dbase [Mongolia | CPC]
7 Mar 1939

  • Choibalsan ordered the arrest of Prime Minister Amar of the separatist Mongolian state in China. ww2dbase [Choibalsan | Mongolia | CPC]
24 Mar 1939

  • Choibalsan was made the prime minister of the separatist Mongolian state in China. ww2dbase [Choibalsan | Mongolia | CPC]
11 May 1939

13 May 1939

14 May 1939

28 May 1939

  • A combined Soviet and Mongolian force, having surrounded a two-regiment Japanese force near Nomonhan in Mongolia Area of China days earlier, wiped out the Japanese. ww2dbase [Battle of Khalkhin Gol | Nomonhan, Mongolia | CPC]
5 Jun 1939

  • Corps commander Lieutenant General Georgy Zhukov arrived in the Mongolia Area of China, bringing reinforcement of armored cars, light tanks, and aircraft. ww2dbase [Georgy Zhukov | Battle of Khalkhin Gol | Mongolia | CPC]
27 Jun 1939

2 Jul 1939

5 Jul 1939

9 Jul 1939

  • A Soviet counterattack defeated the southern prong of the Japanese offensive in the Mongolia Area of China. ww2dbase [Battle of Khalkhin Gol | Mongolia | CPC]
23 Jul 1939

  • Japanese artillery bombarded Soviet positions at the Kawatama Bridge in Mongolia Area of China while infantry units launched small scale attacks. ww2dbase [Battle of Khalkhin Gol | Mongolia | CPC]
24 Jul 1939

  • Japanese artillery bombarded Soviet positions at the Kawatama Bridge in Mongolia Area of China while infantry units launched small scale attacks. ww2dbase [Battle of Khalkhin Gol | Mongolia | CPC]
25 Jul 1939

  • Japanese 64th Infantry Regiment and 72nd Infantry Regiment launched a failed main attack on Soviet forces defending the Kawatama Bridge in Mongolia Area of China. ww2dbase [Battle of Khalkhin Gol | Mongolia | CPC]
20 Aug 1939

25 Aug 1939

26 Aug 1939

27 Aug 1939

31 Aug 1939

China Photo(s) dated 31 Aug 1939
Soviet map of Battle of Khalkhin Gol, 20-31 Aug 1939
1 Oct 1939

Photo(s) dated 1 Oct 1939
Japanese and Soviet officers at the armistice meeting, Mongolia Area, China, 1 Oct 1939; seated were Major General Tetsukuma Fujimoto and Mikhail Ivanovich Potapov
10 Aug 1945

  • The Soviet puppet state of Mongolian People's Republic declared war on Japan, and called for Inner Mongolia to defy Chinese rule and join Mongolia. ww2dbase [Mongolia | CPC]
13 Aug 1945

  • The secessionist self-proclaimed nation of Mongolia declared war on Japan. ww2dbase [Mongolia | AC]
24 Aug 1945

  • Choibalsan spoke at a victory celebration in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Area, China after Chiang Kaishek of the Republic of China announced that China would allow a referendum for Outer Mongolia to secede if that was the people's wish. Not satisfied with Outer Mongolia, Choibalsan declared that all Mongol lands, ie. both Outer and Inner Mongolia, would one day be unified. ww2dbase [Choibalsan | Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia | CPC]
28 Aug 1945

  • Mongolian propaganda chief Lkham Suren called for the inclusion of the former Manchukuo region of Hulunbuir into the nation of Mongolia. ww2dbase [Mongolia | CPC]
30 Aug 1945

  • Pressured by the Soviets during a meeting at the Soviet embassy in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Area, China, secessionist leaders Choibalsan and Bumtsend reluctantly agreed to abandon the goal of including the Inner Mongolia region of China in their movement. ww2dbase [Choibalsan | Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia | CPC]
20 Oct 1945

  • A referendum was held in Mongolia, with participation of Chinese monitors led by Deputy Interior Minister Li Fazhang. ww2dbase [Mongolia | CPC]
22 Oct 1945

  • Mongolian Central Commission for National Independence chief Bumtsend G met with Chinese Deputy Interior Minister Li Fazhang and informed Li the results of the referendum held two days earlier. The meeting was also attended by his deputy Ch. Surenjav, Deputy Foreign Minister E. Namsrai, and interpreter Rentsensonom. Li was informed that, of those eligible to vote, 97.8 percent of them voted; of those who voted, more than 99 percent supported the independence of Mongolia. Li accepted the results and congratulated the Mongolian separatist leaders on the successful voting process, and pledged that the Chinese government would enter in separation negotiations. ww2dbase [Mongolia | CPC]
4 Nov 1945

  • Leaders from the Inner Mongolia region of China traveled to Ulaanbaatar in the Outer Mongolia region to meet with Outer Mongolian separatists, showing them a petition signed by tens of thousands of Inner Mongolians expressing their wish to join the separatist state. ww2dbase [Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia | CPC]
7 Nov 1945

  • Mongolian separatist leader Choibalsan met with representatives from the Inner Mongolia region of China and discussed the future of Inner Mongolia. ww2dbase [Choibalsan | Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia | CPC]
18 Sep 1950

  • Demchugdongrub was deported from Mongolia to communist China to face imprisonment. His eldest son was executed, and the rest of his family was exiled to the countryside without any means of supporting themselves. ww2dbase [Demchugdongrub | Mongolia | CPC]

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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"All that silly talk about the advance of science and such leaves me cold. Give me peace and a retarded science."

Thomas Dodd, late 1945

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