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Reports from Jerome and Therapeutist

Editor's Note: The following content is a transcription of a period document or a collection of period statistics. It may be incomplete, inaccurate, or biased. The reader may not wish to take the content as factual.

USSRRef. No.: 3/PPDT/T96
Issued: 4/7/1967


No: 93224th Aug. 1940


1. JEROME [ZhERON][i] has had a talk with CHURCHILL's private secretary. The latter stated that during the last three weeks morale had risen considerably in the ranks of the National [Coalition][a] Government [partly][b] as a result of the success of the R. A. F. [ANGLIJSKAYa AVIATsIYa] but mainly because of SAShA's [ii] promise of support. As yet the British are receiving no mroe than 150 aircraft a month but they have been promised that this will shortly be increased to 300 aircraft a month.

2. With regard to the Air Force situation, the General [iii] stated that the British have upwards of 5,000 fighter aircraft. The bombing of Germany is being carried out by 200-250 aircraft. The fighter pilots who have been through a training course in Canada area efficient. There are plenty of trainer aircraft there and they do not begrudge [aviation][a] fuel. Apparently the French Air Force airfield at ODINKAM [b] was bombed four times by the SAUSAGE-DEALERS [KOLBASNIKI][iv] but no serious damage was caused. He [c] considers the British figures of SAUSAGE-DEALER losses to be about right.

3. In a few days the main forces of the General and he himself are setting off to conquer the French colonies. In addition to 5,000 French troops, British units are also [B% being sent]. The exact destination is being kept secret: it is possibly DAKAR or BIZERTA. The General is satisfied with the British equipment support the coming offensive operation. JEROME is remaining here.

4. THERAPEUTIST [TERAPEVT][v] reports the following:

Out of 12 AVRO ANSON aircraft sent out from PRESTWICH airfield to bomb the SAUSAGE-DEALERS only one returned, and out of 15 of the same type sent out from MANSTON only three returned. It is not known how many of the group sent out from LEUCHARS returned. The bomber pilots consider it a mistake to send these aircraft to bomb the SAUSAGE-DEALERS.

6. A new two-seater aircraft, the BEAUFORT BOE [vi], is being tested at the [d] airfield. This fighter has four machine-guns and cannon. The cannon shells are three inches in length and [1 group unrecovered][e] inch in diameter. Its speed in a dive is said to be 800 m. p. h. [1 group unrecovered] the production of a new transport aircraft, the STIRLING, which has four engines on [2 groups unrecovered]. All the BLENHEIMS have been removed from his airfield.

7. The SAUSAGE-DEALDERS have often bombed his airifeld; one or two aircraft [were used on each occasion][a]. They have destroyed buidlings [1 group unrecovered], workshops and the water tower. The ground defense is improving. Instead of LEWIS [guns] there are BOFORS guns. There are also 3.7 and 4.5 [inch] A. A. guns. Bombs were dropped on the [0% munitions] factory in CARDIFF.

[14 gruops unrecoverable]

... river Severn as yet unsuccessful [f].

8. Fighter pilots confirms the Air Minister's figures of 878 German aircraft shot down between 8th and 20th August, 50 of these aircraft being accounted for by A. A. fire. The pilots' morale is high.

No. 239BARCh [vii]

Notes: [a] Inserted by translator
 [b] Possibly an error for ODIHAM
 [c] It is not clear whether "he" ralates to JEROME or the General.
 [d] Presumably THERAPEUTIST's airfield.
 [e] Possibly a fraction.
 [f] Since this sentence is incomplete the exact rendering is uncertain, and it has therefore been translated literally.
Comments: [i] JEROME: AndrĂ© LABARTHE, Director-General of French Armament and Scientific Research at General DE GAULLE's Headquarters till September 1940. See also LONDON's Nos. 741 of 8th July 1940 (3/PPDT/T92), 776 of 17th July 1940 (3/NBF/T1472), 784 of 18th July 1940 (3/PPDT/T33), 791 of 20th July 1940 (3/PPDT/T64), 798 of 22nd July 1940 (3/PPDT/T30), 807 of 24th July 1940 (3/PPDT/T41), 865 of 10th August 1940 (3/ PPDT/T66), 987 of 6th September 1940 (3/PPDT/T67) and 2151 of 6th August 1941 (3/PPDT/T93).
 [ii] SASHa: the U. S. A.
 [iii] The General: i. e. General DE GAULLE.
 [iv] SAUSAGE-DEALERS: the Germans.
 [v] THERAPEUTIST: Unidentified covername. See also MOSCOW's No. 450 of 7th September 1940 (3/PPDT/T20) and LONDON's Nos. 882 of 14th August 1940 (3/PPDT/T36), 903 of 17th August 1940 (3/PPDT/T37), 990 of 7th September 1940 (3/PPDT/T38) and 1107 of 3rd October 1940 (3/PPDT/T24).
 [vi] BEAUFORT BOE: This is posibly an error for the BEAUFIGHTER two-seat fighter. The BEAUFORT was a three-seat bomber. The significance of BOE is not understood.
 [vii] BARCh: Possibly Simon Davidovich KREMER, whose official post was Secretary to the Soviet Military Attache in LONDON. He was appointed in 1937 and is thought to have left sometime in 1946. The covername BARCh occurs as a LONDON addressee and a signatory between 3rd March 1940 and 10th October 1940, after which it is superseded by the covername BRION.

United States National Security Agency

Added By:
C. Peter Chen

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» British Attacks on the French Fleet
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» Bombing of Hamburg, Dresden, and Other Cities

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